Sina Weibo as a Listening Source


By adding Sina Weibo as a Listening Source, you can listen to and learn from Sina Weibo data in real-time.

Sina Weibo is a Chinese microblogging website and one of the biggest social media platforms in China with over 580 million monthly active users. With its broad reach, extensive user base, and diversity of conversation, Weibo offers a unique opportunity for brands to listen to the voice of Netizens.

Sprinklr has access to the Sina Weibo Official APIs as a part of the Sprinklr-Weibo annual contract.

Sina Weibo source capabilities

  • Source: Sina Weibo

  • Source of data: Official Sina Weibo APIs

  • Coverage: Sina Weibo is a premium listening source, and a limited number of mentions are procured from Sina Weibo as a part of the Sprinklr-Weibo annual contract. The broad search listening functionality for Sina Weibo is available upon request using a support ticket request.

  • Latency: Within 15-20 minutes

  • Historical data: Not available

  • Backfill support: No

  • Engagement Stats Refresh Rate: Engagement stats not supported

  • Author/ Profile metadata details: Yes

    • Follower Count, Following Count, Author Screen Name, Author Name, Author Url, Profile Image Url, Profile Created Time, Gender, Bio, Verified, Status Count, Favorite Count.

    • Location is not available.

  • AI-enriched data: Gender, Interests General, Interests Niche, Age Category, Profession, Marital Status, Parental Status, Profile Country, Profile Language, Age Category, Work Organization

  • Message type: Weibo Status, Weibo Repost, Weibo Reply, Weibo Comment

  • Media type: Status and Photo

Sina Weibo data entities in Social Listening

Data Entities





A measure of the size of the potential audience of a message.

Earned Engagement


Sina Weibo: Comments Count + Shares Count

Comments Count


The total count of comments on a mention.

Shares Count


The total count of shares on a mention.

Distinct Users


Distinct users count from which mentions are coming in.

Note: It is required to have an Author URL in the message metadata for it to be considered as a distinct user.

User Followers Count


Total number of followers of the author of the mention.

Photo Mentions


Mention count containing photos in it

Influencer Score


Influence Score is a profile-level metric. It is a score ranging from 0 to 100 measuring the social media user's level of influence. Influencer score is a linear regression of (# of followers, # of followings, # of posts/tweets from the user). 

Reach Count


Reach Count shows a bucketed view of the potential audience of a message i.e. the Reach of the message. It is measured as the follower count of the author at the time of posting. It also includes the follower count of the users retweeting the original post at the time of retweet.

To fetch data from Sina Weibo

  • In order to fetch data from Sina Weibo, you need to create a topic with Query Type as Sina Weibo Based Listening.

  • While making a query for the Sina Weibo Topic, you can group keywords to form phrases. You can group one or more than more keywords by clicking on + icon in the query field.

    Add Location form

  • You can also select Source: Sina Weibo from the dashboard/widget filter.

To learn in detail about how to create a topic, read Create a Topic in Topic Creation UI.


  • Maximum of 20 keywords are allowed per topic.

  • Phrase needs to be longer than 2 characters.

  • NEAR and Proximity operators are not allowed.

  • Only OR & AND conditions are allowed (which can be entered in ANY section of the basic query builder).

  • Advanced versions of the query builder will not be available.

  • Usage of keyword lists within the query is not allowed.

  • Maximum SinaWeibo keywords configured per environment, across all topics, is limited to 200.

  • Each keyword cannot have more than 24 characters.

  • Numeric keywords are not allowed.

  • Profile based listening is not supported for Sina Weibo.

Frequently asked questions


The post stays in environment till intimation is given by Sina Weibo API.

We can fetch mentions but the author details will not be available.

No, backfill is not allowed.

For Listening, the engagement stats is not supported. Reach out to your Success manager for more information.