Source Agnostic Channel


A source-agnostic API refers to an application programming interface (API) that is designed to be independent of the data source or backend system it interacts with. It allows developers to access and manipulate data from different sources through a unified interface, regardless of whether the data is stored in a database, a file system, a cloud service, or any other type of storage. By leveraging this API, 3rd party applications can add their messaging app as a new bespoke channel in Sprinklr. This channel allows brands to integrate 3rd party applications using this API and trigger workflows within Sprinklr

The main advantage of a source-agnostic API is that it abstracts away the underlying complexities of data storage and retrieval, providing a consistent and simplified interface for developers. This enables them to focus on their applications' logic and functionality without worrying about the specific details of each data source.

Here are some use cases for source-agnostic channel:

1. Data Integration: Organizations often have data stored in various systems and formats. A source-agnostic API can facilitate the integration of these disparate data sources, allowing developers to access and combine data from multiple systems without dealing with the intricacies of each individual source.

2. Cross-Platform Development: In a multi-platform environment, such as mobile apps or web applications, a source-agnostic API can provide a common interface for accessing data across different platforms. Developers can build applications that work seamlessly on various devices, without the need to write separate code for each platform-specific data source.

3. Backend Independence: When developing applications, the choice of backend systems may change over time. By using a source-agnostic API, developers can decouple their applications from specific backend technologies. This flexibility allows them to switch backend systems or migrate data between different sources without requiring extensive changes to the application code.

4. Data Migration and Synchronization: When migrating data from one system to another or synchronizing data between multiple systems, a source-agnostic API can simplify the process. It allows developers to extract data from the source system, transform it as needed, and load it into the target system, regardless of the specific technologies involved.

In summary, a source-agnostic API provides a standardized and simplified interface for accessing data from different sources. It enables developers to build applications that are independent of the underlying data storage systems, promoting flexibility, integration, and interoperability. For more information, see Source Agnostic Blueprint.

You can send the following message types using this channel:

  • Text Message

  • Image Attachment

  • Video Attachment

  • Document Attachment

  • Audio Attachment

  • Simple Base64

  • Multimedia Attachment