Benchmarking Glossary: Summary for top channels


Which datapoints do you get in Sprinklr Benchmarking?

Post Type





Brand Posts







Only counts 





Only counts 



Likes & Reactions 










Views Count 





What is the latency of grabbing each data type to sync in Sprinklr?

Post Type





Brand Posts

Every 2 hours 

Every 2 hours 

Every hour 



Grabbed every 2 hours with each each new post ingested via API. 
See refresh frequencies section for details on update frequencies.  

Counts grabbed every 2 hours with each each new post ingested via API. 
See refresh frequencies section for details on update frequencies.  

Counts grabbed every 2 hours with each each new post ingested via API. 
See refresh frequencies section for details on update frequencies.  



Grabbed every 2 hours with each each new post ingested via API. 
See refresh frequencies section for details on update frequencies.  

Counts grabbed every 2 hours with each each new post ingested via API. 
See refresh frequencies section for details on update frequencies.  

Counts grabbed every 2 hours with each each new post ingested via API. 
See refresh frequencies section for details on update frequencies.  


Likes & Reactions

Grabbed every 2 hours with each each new post ingested via API. 
See refresh frequencies section for details on update frequencies.  

Grabbed every 2 hours with each each new post ingested via API. 
See refresh frequencies section for details on update frequencies.  

Counts grabbed every 2 hours with each each new post ingested via API. 
See refresh frequencies section for details on update frequencies.  



Grabbed every 2 hours with each each new post ingested via API. 
See refresh frequencies section for details on update frequencies.  

Grabbed every 2 hours with each each new post ingested via API. 
See refresh frequencies section for details on update frequencies.  

Not supported 


Views Count



Counts grabbed every 2 hours with each each new post ingested via API. 
See refresh frequencies section for details on update frequencies.  


How far can the data be backfilled in Benchmarking?

Data Type 





Post-level Data (Posts, Comments, Engagement Stats)

Reels & Stories – Not Supported

For other posts, 2 years auto-backfill 

Backfill for 3 years is possible on request

Reels – May 2022 (Reels launched at this date)

Stories – Not supported

For other posts, 2 years auto-backfill 

Backfill for 3 years is possible on request 

No limit

Twitter Post Replies, Twitter Post Retweets, Twitter Post Likes – No limit 

Account-level Data (Account Followers) 

From the date the account was added in Sprinklr's global database.

From the date the account was added in Sprinklr's global database.

From the date the account was added in Sprinklr's global database.

No limit

What is the frequency of data refresh for each metric in Benchmarking? 

Data Type 





Brand Posts & Comments 

Missing posts are checked once every night for last 3 days.   
Also checked once a week for last 37 days. 

Missing posts are checked once every night for last 3 days. 
Also checked once a week for last 37 days. 

Every hour 


Engagement Stats 

Every 2 hours, till 7 days from date of posting. 
Once everyday, post 7 days till 60 days from date of posting. 

Every 2 hours, till 7 days from date of posting. 

Once everyday, post 7 days till 60 days from date of posting. 

Hourly, for 30 days from date of posting. 
Once a week, post 30 days upto 4 years from date of posting. 

Real-time updates for 1-2 weeks from date of posting. 

Definitions for Benchmarking metrics

Metric Name 





Post Total Impressions 

The total number of social accounts that could potentially see a post either directly or through messages such as re-posts and re-tweets. 

Calculated by Sprinklr, not received through the API. 

The total number of social accounts that could potentially see a post either directly or through messages such as re-posts and re-tweets. 
Calculated by Sprinklr, not received through the API. 

The total number of social accounts that could potentially see a post either directly or through messages such as re-posts and re-tweets. 
Calculated by Sprinklr, not received through the API. 

The total number of social accounts that could potentially see a post either directly or through messages such as re-posts and re-tweets. 

Calculated by Sprinklr, not received through the API. 

Estimated Post Reach 

This is a Sprinklr common metric that is the estimated number of users that have seen a post over the lifetime of the post. 

Calculated by Sprinklr, not received through the API.

This is a Sprinklr common metric that is the estimated number of users that have seen a post over the lifetime of the post. 

Calculated by Sprinklr, not received through the API. 

This is a Sprinklr common metric that is the estimated number of users that have seen a post over the lifetime of the post. 

Calculated by Sprinklr, not received through the API. 

This is a Sprinklr common metric that is the estimated number of users that have seen a post over the lifetime of the post. 
Calculated by Sprinklr, not received through the API. 

Post Likes 

The total number of likes & reactions on a post. It does not include likes & reactions on shares of post. 
Total – Available 
Organic, Paid – Not supported via API

The number of likes your Instagram post has received. 
Organic – Available 
Paid, Total – Not Available 
Not available for Stories via API

The total number of likes on your video. 
Total – Available 
Paid, Organic – Not available

The total number of likes on your tweet. 
Total – Available 
Organic, Paid – Not supported via API

Post Comments 

The total number of comments (excluding replies) on post. Does not include comments on shares of post. 

Also, to include replies to a post, use the Facebook Post Comments + Replies metric

Total – Available


Organic, Paid – Not supported via API 

The number of comments and replies to your Instagram post has received.

Organic – Available 

Paid, Total – Not Available

Not available for Stories via API

The total number of comments and replies on your video.

Total – Available

Paid, Organic – Not available

  • The total number of replies on your tweet. 

  • Total – Available 

  • Organic, Paid – Not supported via API

Post Shares 

The total number of shares of your post. Does not include shares of shares of post. 

Total – Available

Organic, Paid – Not supported via API 

Not available through API 

The total number of shares on your video. 

Total – Available 

Paid, Organic – Not available 

The total number of retweets of your tweet. 

Total – Available 

Organic, Paid – Not supported via API 

Total Engagements

The total number of likes, comments and shares on your post and is based on the above 3 metrics.

Total – Available 

Organic, Paid – Not supported via API 

The total number of likes comments and replies on your post and is based on the above 3 metrics. 

Organic – Available 

Total, Paid – Not Supported via API 

The total number of likes, comments, and shares on your post based and is based on above 3 metrics.

Total – Available

Organic, Paid – Not supported via API

The total number of likes, comments, and retweets on your post based and is based on above 3 metrics.

Total – Available

Organic, Paid – Not supported via API

Channel-level limitations to be aware of –

Historical account followers are not backfilled via API, they are available since the first time an account was added in Sprinklr (across customers, over lifetime).

For example, if an account "LG – Hong Kong" was added in Sprinklr in July 2020 (across partners, not just Samsung) & had 50K followers, we will have 50K populated from Jan 2020 – July 2020. From August 2020, we will have the accurate numbers (since we started tracking the followers count).

  • For Facebook, once we detect a post as boosted, we can split engagements into organic and paid. For example, if a post gets 100 engagements before getting boosted, and gets 2000 engagements after getting boosted, Organic Engagements = 100 and Paid Engagements = 1900

  • As Reach & Impression metrics are calculated based on post engagements & followers count, some Facebook posts may have them calculated as 0. These are posts from "child pages" in Facebook for which we do not get followers count data through the FB API. In these posts, if there are zero engagements – the reach & impressions will also be zero.

  • We do not get account followers for FB "child pages" after Feb 6th, 2018, as these are no longer supported in the Facebook API – their counts will be 0. 
    For some brands, certain FB child pages would have account followers. These are accounts which were added before Feb 6th, 2018, and the count is the last available followers count before support was removed within the Facebook API.

  • Few Facebook Posts with 0 likes are orphaned posts (posts which were added by the brand and then deleted, usually reposting the same message or posts which were shared by another page).

  • Posts with engagement counts greater than native are due to dislikes which are not reflected on Sprinklr due to guardrails added on Sprinklr's end.

  • Facebook posts deleted or made restricted stop getting collected through the API and will be shown having zero engagements. These are also not available on native. 

  • Reels on Instagram are available only after July 2022 as the API support on Meta's end was added from that month onwards. 

  • We only get organic engagements for Instagram. In case, a post was boosted, the paid engagements will not be get captured. 

  • Video posts on YouTube that have been made "unlisted" stop getting collected from the API. These will show having zero engagements.  

  • YouTube data is backfilled but cannot be seen on the custom dashboards due to compliance reasons. YouTube prevents us to populate this data with other social accounts in the same dashboard. To check & take export of YouTube data, we would have to use the dedicated standard dashboard available.

Posts with engagement counts greater than native are due to dislikes which are not reflected on Sprinklr due to guardrails added on Sprinklr’s end.