Use Sprinklr AI+ to generate keyword suggestions for Keyword Lists


In this article, you will learn how to generate keyword suggestions for your Listening Keyword Lists using Sprinklr AI+ and enhance your keyword generation with smart suggestion options.

Sprinklr AI+ integrated with Sprinklr Insights, allows you to generate keyword suggestions for your Listening Keyword Lists. With the help of Sprinklr AI+, you can revamp your keyword workflow by generating hundreds of up-to-date keyword suggestions. You just need to enter a word or phrase around which you want to generate the keywords, and Sprinklr AI+ functionality will generate the keywords for you. You can choose the best keywords from the suggestions and use them in your Keyword List.

Enablement note: The feature is in Beta and uses Generative AI capabilities. To learn more about getting this capability enabled, reach out to Sprinklr support at

In order to enable Sprinklr AI+ in your environment, there are two mandatory steps that need to be followed -

  1. Reach out to the AE (account executive) team who will provide you the addendum form. Fill out the form and send it back to the AE team.

  2. Next, reach out to the support team by creating a support ticket for enabling Sprinklr AI+ in your environment. Please note that addendum form needs to be filled prior to reaching out to support team.

To create a Keyword list using Sprinklr AI+

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Sprinklr Insights, click Keyword Lists within Listen.

  2. On the Keyword Lists window, click Add Keyword List in the top right corner.

  3. On the Keyword List popup window, click the Generate Keywords button to enable Sprinklr AI+ functionality.

  4. Enter the desired keyword/phrase and click the Submit button.

  5. The Sprinklr AI+ will generate keyword suggestions in the dropdown overlay.

    Note: You can select individual keywords or add all of them by simply clicking the Add All button. And, click Try Again to regenerate keywords suggestions.

Smart Suggestions

The Smart Suggestions option is also available for keyword generation. You can single-click the keyword you have added, and this will make the smart suggestions section appear in the dropdown.

There are four options –

Keyword Suggestions

Clicking this option will make the dropdown overlay appear where you can see all the Sprinklr AI+ keyword suggestions. You can select individual keywords or add all of them by simply clicking the Add All button.

Hashtag Suggestions

Clicking this option will make the dropdown overlay appear where you can see all the Sprinklr AI+ hashtag suggestions. You can select individual hashtags or add all of them by simply clicking the Add All button.

Phrase Suggestions

Clicking this option will make the dropdown overlay appear where you can see all the Sprinklr AI+ phrase suggestions. You can select individual phrases or add all of them by simply clicking the Add All button.


Clicking this option will allow you to translate the entered keywords/phrases into other languages like English, Mandarin, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Italian, and Arabic.