Assignment Engine Report


The Assignment Engine report shows the number of calls answered and abandoned in the selected time range at the queue level. This report also displays the service level for various queues. Since this report shows how long it takes for calls to be answered or abandoned, you can determine the customer wait time thus improving the ASA. You can also get this report at different date aggregations, i.e. 30 mins, hourly or daily to check the peak call volume and thus ensure better agent staffing. This report creates the record of every call that reaches the queue from IVR.

Metric (M) / Dimension (D)


Assigned Work Queue (D)

Work is assigned to which queue

New Work Assignee Id (D)

Gives the id of the assignee, the call is assigned to in ACD (inbox, outbox, user, work queue)

New Work Assignee Type (D)

Gives the name of the assignee, the call is assigned to in ACD (inbox, outbox, user, work queue)
[Work assignee to new work assignee]

User (D)

Indicates the name of the user to which the call is assigned in the respective queue

Combined Case Number (D)

Gives the Sprinklr unique case number associated to the call

Assignment ID (D)

Internal id of assignment. this id doesn't signify anything for end customers

Assigned through backup queue (D)

Gives the name of the backup queue to which the call is assigned from the primary queue

Work Assignment Time (D)

This gives the time at which the given call is assigned to either of work queue, inbox, user or outbox

Work Assignment Interval (D)

Histogram type date dimension which works on assignment time

Last Work Queue Assignment Time (D)

Time at which the call as assigned to the last work queue

Voice Call Abandon Time (D)

Time at which the call was abandoned from inbox or work Queue

Work Un-Assignment Time (D)

This gives the time at which the given call is un-assigned to either of the work queue, inbox, user or outbox

Work Un-Assignment Interval (D)

Histogram type date dimension which works on un-assignment time

Work Assignment Reason (D)

String representing the reason for work assignment

Work Social Network (D)

Denoting the Social Network the work is associated with. Ex: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Work Channel (D)

Channel associated with the Work, Ex: Voice, Video Chat, Chat, Social, etc.

First Agent Assignment (D)

Boolean flag denoting if the call was assigned to the first agent chosen

Flew Out (Per Assignment) (D)

Boolean value stating if the call flew out for a particular assignment

Voice Case Number (D)

Unique long value denoting the voice case

Conversation Creation Time (D)

Time at which conversation was created

Agent Connected (D)

Boolean value stating if the agent was connected during the call assignment

Flew In(Per Assignment) (D)

Boolean value stating if the call flew in for a particular assignment

Conversation Creation Date (D)

Date on which conversation was created

Call Invite Type (D)

Denotes the type of call, Ex: Transfer call or call invite through conference

Conversation Id (D)

Unique identifier/IDs for the voice interactions

Direction (D)

Provides segregation between inbound/outbound calls

Abandoned (D)

Boolean value stating if a call has abandoned or not

Work Queue Id (D)

Name of the Work Queue

Abandoned while waiting in queue (D)

Boolean value stating if a call was abandoned while waiting in queue

Originated From Work Queue (D)

Boolean value stating if a call was originated in the queue or not

Customer Phone Number (D)

Customer's phone number

Voice Case Id (D)

Unique number/id associated with a case

Voice Account (D)

Gives the name of the voice application call has landed on

Voice Account Group (D)

Same as voice account

Abandoned while ringing (D)

Boolean value stating if a call has abandoned while ringing or not

Work Queue Assignment SLA (M)

Time duration for which the call was in Work Queue

Estimated Wait Time (M)

Defines approx. wait time for the call waiting in work Queue

Total Wait Time (M)

Total time call was waiting before it is assigned to an agent

User Assignment SLA (M)

Total Time duration for which call was assigned to agent

Inbox Assignment SLA (M)

Total Time duration for which call was in Inbox (ringing) of an agent

Work Queue Assignment Count (M)

Total calls assigned to Work Queue

User Assignment Count (M)

Total calls assigned to an agent

Originated In the Queue (M)

Boolean value denoting if the call was first assigned to a queue or not

Time Since Work Queue Assignment (AE) (M)

Time duration passed since the work was assigned to a Work Queue

Total Calls (Per Assignment) (M)

Total number of times a call has come in a respective queue, i.e., either directly from IVR or transferred from other queue

Call Abandoned SLA (Per Assignment) (M)

Gives the time duration in which a call is abandoned in a queue without getting picked by agent

Unique Case Count (AE) (M)

Count type measurement in ACD report

Hold Time (UR) (M)

Time for which agent put the call on hold

Abandoned While Ringing Count (Per Assignment) (M)

Gives the count of calls abandoned in a queue in the ringing stage

After Call Wrap-up Time (UR) (M)

Time taken by the agent to fill the ACW/time spent in after wrap-up call

Average Abandon Time Ringing (Per Conversation) (M)

Gives the average of ring time post which calls are getting abandoned in a queue in the ringing stage

Average wait time (Per Assignment) (M)

Gives the complete average wait time of all the calls in the queue (queue wait time + ring time)

Cleared Calls (M)

Count of calls which were assigned to an agent Inbox or Holding Queue from Work Queue

Mute Time (UR) (M)

Time for which agent put the call on mute

% of Calls Answered Within SLA (Per Assignment) (M)

Number of calls answered within SLA / Total Calls - Calls abandoned within SLA

Total Abandoned Calls (Per Assignment) (M)

Total/overall number of calls which were abandoned

Flew In Count (Per Assignment) (M)

Number of calls that flew into the queue

Average abandon time (Per Assignment) (M)

Average time a call taken to abandon in a queue

Average work queue wait time (Per Assignment) (M)

Average time a call waits in the work queue per assignment

Average Abandon Time Ringing (Per Assignment) (M)

Average ring time for the calls abandoned in ringing state

Number of Calls Abandoned While Ringing Within SLA (Per Assignment) (M)

Number of calls abandoned within threshold in ringing state

Number of Calls Abandoned Within SLA (Per Assignment) (M)

Total count of call which are abandoned during the SLA time period

% Abandoned Calls (Per Assignment) (M)

% of abandoned calls per assignment = (abandoned calls)/(total calls)

Answered (Per Assignment) (M)

Gives the speed of answer of the answered calls in a queue per conversation level

Average Handle Time (Voice) (Per Assignment) (M)

The average time duration that the agent is taking to handle the voice case. AHT = ( Total Talk Time + Total Hold Time + Total Wrap Time)/(Total Calls)

Agent Call Conference Time (UR) (M)

Time spent by the agent in a conference (multiple agents together on the call)

Number of Calls Answered Within SLA (Per Assignment) (M)

Total number of calls answered (both agent and customer connected) within SLA time

Average Abandon Time Work Queue (Per Assignment) (M)

The average time duration of an abandoned call waiting in Work or Holding Queue. = (Work Queue Time)/(Total Abandoned Calls)

Flew Out Count (Per Assignment) (M)

Number of calls that flew out of the queue

Ring Time (UR) (M)

Time for which call was ringing in the agent console (before agent connected on the call)

Number of Calls Abandoned In Queue Within SLA (Per Assignment) (M)

Number of calls abandoned within threshold while waiting in the queue

Talk Time (UR) (M)

Time spent by the agent while talking to the customer (customer, agent both connected scenario)

Total Calls Taken (Per Assignment) (M)

Total number of calls that are connected to agent

Connected Agent Count (Unique) (M)

Total/ Count of calls in which agent and customer were connected

Handle Time (UR) (M)

This will give Talk time (call) + Hold time (call) + ACW time (during call)

Total Calls (Per Conversation) (M)

Total number of unique calls/ conversations that entered a particular work queue (Eg: 1 call is assigned to a Work Queue A twice, this will count it as 1 unique conversation)

Total Calls Taken (Per Conversation) (M)

Total number of unique calls/ conversations that entered a particular work queue and were answered by the agent even once in case of multiple assignments

Total Abandoned Calls (Per Conversation) (M)

Total number of unique calls/ conversations that entered a particular work queue and were never answered by the agent even once, thus abandoned in the end

Number of Calls Answered within SLA (Per Conversation) (M)

Total number of unique calls/ conversations that entered a particular work queue and were answered by the agent even once in case of multiple assignments within the desired SLA

Number of Calls Abandoned within SLA (Per Conversation) (M)

Total number of unique calls/ conversations that entered a particular work queue and were never answered by the agent even once, thus abandoned in the end within the desired SLA

Flew In Count (Per Conversation) (M)

Total number of unique calls/ conversations that entered into a particular work queue ( In case of multiple assignments to same queue, this will count as 1 unique flew in count)

Flew Out Count (Per Conversation) (M)

Total number of unique calls/ conversations that exited from a particular work queue ( In case of multiple transfers to same queue, this will count as 1 unique flew out count)

% of Calls Answered within SLA (Per Conversation) (M)

SLA % of unique calls which were answered in the work queue ( The formula is: Number of calls answered within SLA (per conversation) / {Total Calls (per conversation) - Number of calls abandoned within SLA (per conversation)}

Manual Call (D)

This dimension indicates whether a call was manually initiated by an agent, as opposed to being automatically routed by the system.

Is Scheduled Call Back (D)

This dimension identifies whether the call was part of a scheduled callback.