Case Macro Usage Report



The Case Macro Usage Report serves as a comprehensive record of all macros applied to cases within the system. It captures unique data points for each macro application, including the count of macro usage, timestamps of application, applying agents' details, and case-specific information. 

Key Details

Data Aggregation and Filtering Options 

Users can aggregate and filter the report based on various criteria such as the date of macro application, case creation date, applying agent, and specific case or user custom properties. However, the report does not support aggregation based on Case Queue, Work Queue, Assignment duration, and Response duration. 

Behavior of Case Custom Fields (CFs) 

The report captures the values of case custom fields at the time of macro application, representing a snapshot value. For real-time or current value tracking of case custom fields, the "Current value" version of the case custom fields should be exposed and utilized in the report. This ensures accurate representation of the latest case custom field values. 

Behavior of User Custom Fields (CFs) 

User custom fields in the report always display the latest value of the field. For instance, if a user was part of Team A at the time of macro application but currently belongs to Team B, the report will reflect the current association, showing that the user from Team B applied the macro. 

Supported Channels 

The metrics and dimensions in the report are relevant for all channels, including both voice and non-voice interactions involving macro applications. However, it's important to note that certain metrics may not be compatible with voice metrics within the report. 

Uniuqe data row

Combination of Case Number, Agent,Case Macro Apply Time & Macro makes unique row in this report, note that if a Case CF have multi value then it is going to duplicate the data for that accordingly

Date filter: 

Date Filters are present at the widget level and help you sort the data according to the metric/dimension added in the date filter. It means that cases will populate according to that date filter. In Case Macro Usage report, ' Case Macro Apply time' works as the default date filter.

Group by / Filters:

The metrics in case macro usage report can be grouped / filtered / aggregated by the following standard dimensions.



Time of day (30 minutes interval)

The specific half-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone. 

Time Of Day

The specific 1 hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone. 

Time Of Day (15 Minute Interval)

The specific quarter-hour period within a day when an activity took place, represented in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm)and adjusted to the user's timezone.

Month Of Year

The name of the Calendar Month on which the activity occurred.

Day Of Week

The name of the day of the week on which the activity occurred.


Date when the macro was applied (in specific format: mm-dd-yyyy)


Date when the macro was applied.


The sprinklr user for whom the report is being generated

Channel Case Number

This represents the case number of the external channel. Eg. for CRM cases it will be CRM case number, for Salesforce cases it will be salesforce case no.

User Manager (External)

Assigned to User

Assigned user at the time of Case Action 

Actioned Messages

All fan messages before the Macro Application

Extended Case Id

Backend Mongo ID of the case

User Current Working Queue

Current Working Queue User is part of

Oldest UnActioned Message Time (Group By)

Time stamp Indicating the moment when latest message that is left unactioned in the case is received.

User Current Status

Current User Availalbity Status selected by the User

User Skill (Lookup)

List of skills mapped to the user. 

User Current Working Asset Id

Current Message/Case ID being viewed by the user in Care/Agent Console

Agent Email Id

Email ID of the user.

Case Associated Customer

The sender profile name associated with the first message in the case. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated to the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.


Name of the macro used.

User Manager

User Manager Assigned to the user, 

Agent Group

User Groups for which the User is part of.

Case Macro Apply Time

Timestamp when a macro was applied on the case.


This field indicates whether a case has been deleted. (Macro report works as a snapshot and hence the macro application record of a deleted case will show up in the report.)

Case Channel Name

Indicates whether the case is being managed by the Sprinklr case module or a third party CRM (when an integration is enabled).


Name of the user.

Case Owner

Indicates the user (sprinklr user) who created the case.

User Skills(CSV)

User Skills assigned to the agent, if multiple skills are assigned, it will come comma seperated

Did Assignee Trigger Macro

Boolean field indicating if the macro applied is trigged by the agent who is assigned to the case or someone else.

Agent Id

The sprinklr user ID for whom the report is being generated

Account Group

Account group ID of the case.

Assigned By User (Before Macro Application)

If the assignee is changed during macro applicaiton then the assignee before the Macro application

User Assign Time (Group By) (Before Macro Application)

Time stamp indicating the moment when an user was assigned to the case before macro application.


This is the Case. It will include the Case subject, case ID and description. This dimension should be used to compose tables like the Outbound Post or Inbound Message dimension.

User Current Working Asset Class

TBD - Lovkesh

Login Current Status

Current Login Status of the user

Case Id

The ID number associated to the case.

Availability Status

User Status at the time of Macro application. 

User Current State

Current User State of the User

Agent Federation Id

Federation ID of the user for whom report is been generated


The name of the social network Account. If you do not like how this name displays in Reporting, you can edit this in the Administration> Accounts area. When using this dimension in association with case, this will display the name of the Brand account through which the first message associated to the case is grabbed. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated to the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

User Group

The name of the Sprinklr user group. You can create and edit User Groups under Administration>Settings.

Federation Id

Federation ID of the user for whom report is been generated

Agent (Anonymous)

Shows backed ID for the agent to be used to show data to the team, maintaing anonymity

Matched Intent

Current Intents associated to the case. 

Case Creation Time

Date and time when the case was created.




Messages Handled By Case Macro

Count fan Messages after and including latest unactioned messages of case by this macro

Case Macro Apply Time from Assignment

​Time difference of Macro Apply time and User assignment time, if an unassigned agent applys the macro it will be zero.

Case Macro SLA

Time difference between case creation of the case and macro application on the case.

Unique User Count (Case)

Unique Users who have applied the given macro in the selected time range

Unique Case Macro Usage Count

Unique Case Macro Usage Count refers to the distinct number of cases on which a macro has been applied. Note: that this uniqueness is determined through aggregation within the widget. For example, if three different macros were applied to a single case (such as "Assign to X," "Escalated," and "Closed" at different times), the Unique Case Macro Usage Count, when aggregated by the "Macro name," would display three entries. However, the total count will show as one, reflecting the unique cases where macros were applied.

Case Macro Usage Count

Number of times a macro was used.