Case SLA Report



In this report, is used to find each action level report on case, this allows us to report on each agent assignment, Queue Removal, Brand response. The following actions are recorded in this report, and the duration of each action can be calculated from Case Creation or Fan Activity or Agent assignment.

  • Brand Response

  • User Assignment

  • User Un-Assignment

  • Queue Snapshot

  • Queue Removal

Users can assess critical metrics such as the percentage of Case Responses Replied Within SLA, Case Action SLA, Case Brand Response SLA, Case User Response SLA, among others. These metrics can be benchmarked against predefined objectives, taking into account business hours if relevant, to evaluate brand and employee performance effectively.

Key Details

Data Aggregation and Filtering Options        

Users can aggregate and filter the report based on various criteria such as the date of action, case creation date, agent, and specific case or user custom properties.    

Behavior of Case Custom Fields (CFs)      

The report captures the values of case custom fields at the time of SLA action, representing a snapshot value. For real-time or current value tracking of case custom fields, the "Current value" version of the case custom fields should be exposed and utilized in the report. This ensures accurate representation of the latest case custom field values.    

Behavior of User Custom Fields (CFs)  

User custom fields in the report always display the latest value of the field. For instance, if a user was part of Team A at the time of sharing a response, but currently belongs to Team B, the report will reflect the current association, showing that the user from Team B responded.    

Supported Channels      

The metrics and dimensions in the report are relevant for all channels, including both voice and non-voice interactions involving macro applications. However, it's important to note that certain metrics may not be compatible with voice metrics within the report.    

Date filter:

Date Filters are present at the widget level and help you sort the data according to the metric/dimension added in the date filter. It means that cases will populate according to that date filter. In Case SLA report, 'Case Creation Time' works as the default date filter. You can change it to "Actiontime (Group by)" to get data basis Case Action

Group by & Filters:

The metrics in Case SLA report can be grouped by / filtered the following standard dimensions.

Dimension Name



The name of the social network Account. If you do not like how this name displays in Reporting, you can edit this in the Administration> Accounts area. When using this dimension in association with case, this will display the name of the Brand account through which the first message associated to the case is grabbed. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated to the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

Account Group

The name of the Sprinklr Account Group. An Account Group is a collection of Accounts within a Client that can contain multiple social networks. You can create and edit these groups under Administration> Settings.

Actioned Messages

Fan Messages after and including latest unactioned messages of case till accompanying action


Agent for which data is generated

Agent Email Id

Email Id for the user, for whom the report is being generated

Agent Group

User Groups for which the User is part of, if they are part of multiple groups it will create multiple rows

Agent Id

The sprinklr user ID for whom the report is being generated

Auto Response

This shows true if the reply is auto generated from platform. This happens via Rule Engine.

Availability Status

Assign timestamp of the particular user Status, filter for Avaialbity Status = Break, Available etc can be used to find assign time of particular status

Bot Application Id

Id of Triggered Conversational AI Application

Brand Response Account

Account from which brand response is sent


This is the Case. It will include the Case subject, case ID and description. This dimension should be used to compose tables like the Outbound Post or Inbound Message dimension.

Case Action Type

Actions that can be taken on a case. These actions include: queue removal, user assignment, user un-assignment, brand response.

Case Archived

Indicates that the case was archived, at the time of case Action

Case Associated Customer

The sender profile name associated with the first message in the case. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated to the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

Case Brand Responded

Indicates whether a Brand post is also an associated message to a case. Values returned will be True or False. If there is at least one Brand message associated in the case, this value will be True.

Case Creation Time

The time at which the case was created. Note that this metric will not aggregate data of cases based on time interval. Use Case Creation for the same

Case Id

The ID number associated to the case.

Case Modification Time

The last time the case was modified.

Case Number

Case ID of the Case

Case Owner

The name of the owner of the case.

Case Queue

The queue associated to a case.

Case Queue SLA Frequency

"It is used to create case count buckets of Case Queue SLA
Buckets can be defined in SLA Preset.
Metric to be used with Unique Case Count"

Case User Response SLA Frequency

It is used to create case count buckets of Case User Ressponse Time. 
Case User Response Time calculate time from Unresponded Fan Message to Agent Response.
Buckets can be defined in SLA Preset.

Metric to be used with Unique Case Count

Channel Name

Indicates whether the case is being managed by the Sprinklr case module or a third party CRM (when an integration is enabled).


The calendar Date on which the activity occurred.


Date on which particular Status was assigned, in MM-DD-YYYY format

Day Of Week

The name of the day of the week on which the activity occurred.


Indicates whether a case has been deleted.

Due Date In Days

This lists the number of days until the case due date unless the item is overdue. If the case is overdue, the value will say "Overdue."

Fan Latest Activity Time

Latest activity time on the associated messages of case.

First Action

Indicates that the user took one of the following actions: queue removal, user assignment, user un-assignment, brand response. If one of these actions was taken the value will be True. If not, the value will be False.

First Associated Message Created Time

This is the creation time of the first message associated to the case. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated to the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

First Brand Response Message Created Time

This is the creation time of the first Brand message associated to the case. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated to the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

Latest Associated Message Created Time

Message creation time of the latest associated message to the case

Month Of Year

The name of the Calendar Month on which the activity occurred.

SLA Index

It is counter against every brand response (inluding system response) made on case.

If SLA Index is 1 that is first brand response, if SLA Index 2 it is second Response, irrespective of if its the same agent or not.

This is used as filter to find the first response time etc.

SLA Objective

The target SLA time defined within the SLA preset configuration.

Social Network

The name of the social network. This dimension can be used to segment a common metric across multiple social network (e.g.: Total Engagements) or can be used as a filter to limit a widget to display only one type of social network. For Case Reporting, this will list the social network of the first message associated to the case.

Time Of Day

The hour of the day on which the activity occurred. This is generally displayed according to the 24 hour clock and should display based upon the timezone of the Sprinklr user.

Time Of Day (15 Minute Interval)

The specific quarter-hour period within a day when an activity took place, represented in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm). The displayed value corresponds to the user's timezone.

Time of day (30 minutes interval)

The specific half-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone.


The Sprinklr user for whom the report is being viewed for.

User Assignment SLA Index

This is a counter against each response by Agent it is set with every Agent Response, if there is an unassignment counter reset.

This is used as filter on response sla metrics to find time of first response by each Agent in case of multiple Agent Assignment.

User Manager

User Manager Assigned to the user, for whom the report is being generated, this field is taken from the standard manager field in user setting.

User Skills(CSV)

User Skills assigned to the agent, if multiple skills are assigned, it will come comma seperated

User SLA Index

It is counter against every Agent response (exluding system response) made on case.

If User SLA Index is 1 that is first Agent response, if User SLA Index 2 it is second Response, irrespective of its the same agent or not.

This is used as filter to find the first response time etc. 




% of Case Responses Replied Within SLA (SLA Report)

Gives the percentage of case responses where reply was made within SLA. This includes auto responses as well.

Applicable SLA preset to be applied 

% of Cases First Replied By User Within SLA (SLA Report)

Gives the percentage of cases where first reply by user (excluding auto response) was made within SLA.

% of Cases First Replied Within SLA (SLA Report)

Gives the percentage of cases where first reply was made within SLA. This includes auto responses as well.

% of Cases Next Replied Within SLA (SLA Report)

Gives the percentage of responses(Excluding 1st response) where next reply by user was made within SLA. 

% of Unique Cases Assigned To a User Automatically

% Unique cases assigned automatically (assignment method = Direct Assignment via Rule, Fair Assignment, Preferred Assignment, Assignment via Holding Queue, Reason Voice Call) / Total Cases Assigned 

% of Unique Cases Assigned To a User Automatically From Work Queue

% Unique cases assigned automatically (assignment method = Direct Assignment via Rule, Fair Assignment, Preferred Assignment, Assignment via Holding Queue, Reason Voice Call) / Total Cases Assigned 

% of User Responses Within SLA (SLA Report)

Gives the percentage of user responses where reply by user was made within SLA.

Case Action SLA

Time between, Case Creation to Case Action, this metric to be used with Case Action Type Filter.
Note - Please include Ignore Multiple Queue records = True, along with this metric

Case Brand Response SLA

Case Brand Response SLA measures the time difference between the brand response to the last un-replied fan message irrespective of the case being added to multiple queues simultaneously at one point in time. Brand messages include both automated and agent responses. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated with the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

For example,
Fan: Hi there! (sent at 16:00) - F1
Fan: I need help. (sent at 16:05) - F2
Brand: How can I help you? (sent at 16:10) - B1
Fan: I am not able to open your website. (sent at 16:20) - F3
Brand: Let me check that quickly for you. (sent at 16:40) - B2
Brand: Can you please provide me your browser details (sent at 16:45)- B3

Here, Case Brand Response SLA will be - (B1 - F1) + (B2- F3)
Avg. Case Brand Response SLA will be - ((B1 - F1) + (B2- F3))/2

Note - Ignore Multiple Queue Records = True filter to be used

Case Count Within SLA (Queue)

Count of cases within the SL objective of Queue Time, if case goes into that queue multiple times it will count as multiple. For eg - if case goes into assigned queue twice it will show 2

Note: SLA preset to be used along with Queue Filter for which Case count is being looked for.

Case Created Time

Time of Case Creation, for Aggregation purpose we should Case Creation Interval as dimension

Case First Action SLA

Measures the time difference between when a case was created and when first action (Brand response, User Assignment, User Unassignment, Queue Removal) was taken on the case. To see the first action, plot Case Action Type along with the metric.

Case First Brand Response SLA

Case First Brand Response SLA measures the time difference between the first fan message & the first brand message. Brand messages include both automated and agent responses.

For example,
Fan: Hi there! (sent at 16:00) - F1
Fan: I need help. (sent at 16:05) - F2
Brand: How can I help you? (sent at 16:10) - B1
Fan: I am not able to open your website. (sent at 16:20) - F3
Brand: Let me check that quickly for you. (sent at 16:40) - B2
Brand: Can you please provide me your browser details (sent at 16:45)- B3
Here, Case First Brand Response SLA will be - (B1 - F1)

Note - Ignore Multiple Queue Records = True be to be used with the metric

Case First Response Count Outside SLA (SLA Report)

Gives the count of case in which first brand response(Including system response) was outside SLA.

SLA to be selected in SLA Preset

Case First Response Count Within SLA (SLA Report)

Gives the count of case in which first brand response was within SLA. This includes auto responses.

Case First Response SLA

Case First Response SLA measures the time difference between the first fan message & the first brand message. Brand messages include both automated and agent responses.

For example,
Fan: Hi there! (sent at 16:00) - F1
Fan: I need help. (sent at 16:05) - F2
Brand: How can I help you? (sent at 16:10) - B1
Fan: I am not able to open your website. (sent at 16:20) - F3
Brand: Let me check that quickly for you. (sent at 16:40) - B2
Brand: Can you please provide me your browser details (sent at 16:45)- B3

Here, Case First Response SLA will be - (B1 - F1)

Note - Ignore multiple Queue Record Filter to be used with this metric

Case First User Response Count from Assignment Outside SLA (SLA Report)

Gives the count of case in which first brand response from assignment was outside SLA.

Case First User Response Count from Assignment Within SLA (SLA Report)

Gives the count of case in which first Agent response (excluding system response) from assignment was within SLA.

Case First User Response Count Outside SLA (SLA Report)

"Gives the count of case in which first brand response (excluding system response) was outside SLA.

SL to be selected in SLA Preset"

Case First User Response Count Within SLA (SLA Report)

Gives the count of case in which first brand response by user was within SLA. This dose't include Auto response

Case First User Response SLA

Case First User Response SLA measures the time difference between the first fan message and the first agent response. Brand messages include only agent responses.

For example,
Fan: Hi there! (sent at 16:00) - F1
Fan: I need help. (sent at 16:05) - F2
Brand (Automated): This is system generated, your query has been received. - B1
Brand (Agent): How can I help you? (sent at 16:10) - B2
Fan: I am not able to open your website. (sent at 16:20) - F3
Brand (Agent): Let me check that quickly for you. (sent at 16:40) - B3
Brand (Agent): Can you please provide me your browser details (sent at 16:45)- B4

Case First User Response SLA: B2-F1

Case First User Response SLA from Assignment

Time taken to make first response from Assignment.
This is applicable to only first Agent assignment.
Note - If used against agent it will give time from assignment only for cases where given agent was first assignee. 

Case Next Response Count Outside SLA (SLA Report)

Gives the count of case in which first brand response was outsude SLA. This includes auto responses.

Case Next User Response Count Within SLA (SLA Report)

Gives the count of case in which first brand response was within SLA. This includes auto responses.

Case Next User Response SLA

Case Next User Response SLA measures all the time differences between the agent responses to the last un-replied fan messages except the time difference between the first agent response to the first fan message.

For example,
Fan: Hi there! (sent at 16:00) - F1
Fan: I need help. (sent at 16:05) - F2
Brand (Automated): This is system generated, your query has been received. - B1
Brand (Agent): How can I help you? (sent at 16:10) - B2
Fan: I am not able to open your website. (sent at 16:20) - F3
Brand (Agent): Let me check that quickly for you. (sent at 16:40) - B3
Brand (Agent): Can you please provide me your browser details (sent at 16:45)- B4

Case Next User Response SLA: B3-F3

Note - Ignore Multiple Queue Records = True to be used with this metric

Case Queue SLA

Measures the time difference between when a case was assigned to a queue and when a user took action on the case. Use this metric in conjunction with Case Action Type filter which can be Brand Response, Queue Removal etc.

Case Response SLA

Measures the time difference between the first un-responded message of a fan added to a case and when the Brand responded. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated to the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created. Use this metric in conjunction with Case Action Type filter which can be Brand Response, Queue Removal etc.

Case Responses Count Within SLA (SLA Report)

Gives the count of responses within SLA. This includes auto responses.

Case User Response SLA

Case User Response SLA measures the time difference between the agent response to the last un-replied fan message. Brand messages include only agent responses.

For example,
Fan: Hi there! (sent at 16:00) - F1
Fan: I need help. (sent at 16:05) - F2
Brand (Automated): This is system generated, your query has been received. - B1
Brand (Agent): How can I help you? (sent at 16:10) - B2
Fan: I am not able to open your website. (sent at 16:20) - F3
Brand (Agent): Let me check that quickly for you. (sent at 16:40) - B3
Brand (Agent): Can you please provide me your browser details (sent at 16:45)- B4

Avg. Case User Response SLA: ((B2-F1) + (B3-F3))/2

Case User Response SLA Count

Total count of Agent response

Case User Response SLA from Assignment

Time taken for each Agent response from Assignment.
For eg. if messages are in orged
F1, F2, Agent Assginment, B1, F3, B2.
Then, B1- Agent Assignment time and B2- Agent Assginement Time will be included in the metric

Case User Response SLA from Oldest Unactioned

This metric is similar to Case user Response SLA, this is used if we are excluding some fan messages from Case User Response from calculation.

For eg. - F1, B1, F2 (Fan sends emoji), Agent puts No response Needed, F3, Agent Assignment, B2.
Now here instead of B2- F2, we would want B2 - F3 to be included in response time along with B1- F2, then this metric is used.
Note - For this metric to work as expected we need to have Action pause SLA selected in No response needed macros at the time of workflow setup

Case User Response SLA from Previous Auto Response

Time taken by user to respond from last system message.
Note: Use this metric to find the response time after bot handover by using, User SLA Index filter = 1

Case User SLA

Measures the time difference between when a user was assigned a case and the user action time (Brand Resoponse, User Unassignment) on the case. Use this metric in conjunction with Case Action Type filter as User Assignment to exclude cases that are yet unassigned.

Note: Ignore Multiple Queue record = Ture filter to be used with the metric

Count(Case SLA)

This is count of total Actions on Case (User Assignment, User -Unassignment, Queue Removal, Brand Response)
This can be used to get total brand response, total Agent Assignment etc if used with Case Action Type filter

Note - Ignore Multiple Queue record = True filter to be used everytime if Action Count apart from Queue Removal Count is being plotted. 

Fan's Unresponded First Message Time

"Oldest unresponded Fan Message Time before a brand Response.
For eg. If messages are in order F1, F2, B1, F3, F4, B2, B3.
where F denotes Fan Message, and B denotes brand response then F1, and F3 timestams corresponds to given field"

Last SLA Action Time

Brand Response/Like time for the latest unactioned fan message

Messages Handled By Case Action

Count fan Messages after and including latest unactioned messages of case by this action.
For eg. - If the messages are in following order F1, F2, B1, F3, B2 then corresponding to B1 it will show 2 and corresponding to B2 it will show 1.

Property SLA

This is the time from when a Property was assigned to a message and when that Property was removed. The Property Name and Queue Name dimension can be used to determine an SLA for a given Property on a Queue, or can be averaged across Queues.

Queue Assign Time

Timestamp at which cases entered in Case Queue, in case of multiple entry this field will show multiple value, against a Case Number

SLA Index

It is counter against every brand response (inluding system response) made on case.
If SLA Index is 1 that is first brand response, if SLA Index 2 it is second Response, irrespective of if its the same agent or not.
This is used as filter to find the first response time etc. 

Time Taken To Compose Brand Message

Time taken by user to compose a brand message. 

Total Case First Responses (SLA Report)

Count of case with atleast one brand response

Total Case First User Responses (SLA Report)

Total case count with Agent Response

Total Case Next User Responses (SLA Report)

Total count of response on a case excluding the first response

Total Case Responses (SLA Report)

Total brand response count on a case

Unique Case Count

The total number of Unique cases on which following actions (User Assignment, User Unassignment, Queue Removal, Brand Response) was taken once or more than once on the Case.
We can use this with Case Action Type filter to indentify Unique Cases with particular
By defualt it shows data basis Case Creation time, it can be changed to Action time by selecting ActionTime Group by in date filter in widget builder 

Unique Case Count with User Response

Total Unique Cases on which agent response was made.

By defualt it works on Case Creation time, which can be changed to Response time by selecting Action Time Group by in Date filter  inside the widget builder

Unique Cases Assigned To a User

The total number of unique Cases that a particular user was assigned. By deault it shows count basis case creation, which can be changed basis assignment by selecting ActionTime (Group By) in Widget date filter

Note that this should not be plotted along with Case or Case Number dimension.

Unique Users Assigned To Case

The total number of cases that got assigned to user for the selected time range. Note that this should not be used along with Assigned to User dimension.

User Assignment SLA Index

This is a counter against each response by Agent it is set with every Agent Response, if there is an unassignment counter reset.

This is used as filter on response sla metrics to find time of first response by each Agent in case of multiple Agent Assignment, 

User Responses Count Outside SLA (SLA Report)

Gives the count of case responses in which brand response by user was outside SLA.

User Responses Count Within SLA (SLA Report)

Gives the count of case responses in which brand response by user was within SLA.

User SLA Index

It is counter against every Agent response (exluding system response) made on case.
If User SLA Index is 1 that is first Agent response, if User SLA Index 2 it is second Response, irrespective of its the same agent or not.
This is used as filter to find the first response time etc.