Consolidated Glossary



% of Case Responses Replied Within SLA (SLA Report) (M)

Gives the percentage of case responses where reply was made within SLA. This includes auto responses as well. Applicable SLA preset to be applied

Report: Case SLA
% of Cases First Replied By User Within SLA (SLA Report) (M)

Gives the percentage of cases where first reply by user (excluding auto response) was made within SLA.

Report: Case SLA
% of Cases First Replied Within SLA (Case Report) (M)

The percentage of cases where first reply was made within SLA. This includes auto responses as well. This metric should be used with filter of Case Brand Responded as true to exclude unreplied cases.

Report: Inbound Case
% of Cases First Replied Within SLA (SLA Report) (M)

Gives the percentage of cases where first reply was made within SLA. This includes auto responses as well.

Report: Case SLA
% of Cases Next Replied Within SLA (SLA Report) (M)

Gives the percentage of responses(Excluding 1st response) where next reply by user was made within SLA.

Report: Case SLA
% of Unique Cases Assigned To a User Automatically (M)

% Unique cases assigned automatically (assignment method = Direct Assignment via Rule, Fair Assignment, Preferred Assignment, Assignment via Holding Queue, Reason Voice Call) / Total Cases Assigned

Report: Case SLA
% of Unique Cases Assigned To a User Automatically From Work Queue (M)

% Unique cases assigned automatically (assignment method = Direct Assignment via Rule, Fair Assignment, Preferred Assignment, Assignment via Holding Queue, Reason Voice Call) / Total Cases Assigned

Report: Case SLA
% of User Responses Within SLA (SLA Report) (M)

Gives the percentage of user responses where reply by user was made within SLA.

Report: Case SLA
Account (D)

The name of the social network Account. If you do not like how this name displays in Reporting, you can edit this in the Administration> Accounts area. When using this dimension in association with case, this will display the name of the Brand account through which the first message associated to the case is grabbed. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated to the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, Inbound Case, Voice Agent Performance, Voice
Account Group (D)

The name of the Sprinklr Account Group. An Account Group is a collection of Accounts within a Client that can contain multiple social networks. You can create and edit these groups under Administration> Settings.

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, Inbound Case, Voice Agent Performance, Voice
Action Time (M)

Timestamp of Action on Case, Action Includes Brand Response, User Assignment, User Unassignment, Queue Removal. In Case of multiple Action it will show multiple value. Can we used to find particular timestamps on Case with Case Action Type Filter

Report: Case SLA
Actioned Messages (D)

Fan Messages after and including latest unactioned messages of case till accompanying action

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA
Actual Rating (M)

This defines the actual rating of case given by users without being normalized

Report: Inbound Case
Actual Rating Dimension (D)

This gives the actual Rating of the case without normalising it.

Report: Inbound Case
ACW Auto wrap After (M)

ACW Autowrap time configured

Report: Voice Agent Performance
ACW Record Creation Time (M)

Time of creation of acw record in reporting

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Acw Time during Call (Agent) (M)

Total time spent on acw during call

Report: Voice Agent Performance
After Call Wrap-up Time (M)

Total time spent in after call work/wrap-up

Report: Voice
After Call Wrap-up Time (Agent) (M)

Total time spent waiting in filling ACW

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Agent (D)

Name of the user.

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, Inbound Case, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
Agent (Anonymous) (D)

Shows backed ID for the agent to be used to show data to the team, maintaing anonymity

Report: Case Macro Usage
Agent Connected At Timestamp (D)

The time at which the agent got connected on the call (for multiple agents connected on the same call, we will see multiple rows in reporting)

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Agent Disconnected At Timestamp (D)

The time at which the agent got disconnected from the call (for multiple agents connected on the same call, we will see multiple rows in reporting)

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Agent Email Id (D)

Email Id for the user, for whom the report is being generated

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, User Availability SLA, Survey, Voice Agent Performance
Agent Federation Id (D)

Federation ID of the user for whom report is been generated

Report: Case Macro Usage, Inbound Case, User Availability SLA
Agent Group (D)

User Groups for which the User is part of, if they are part of multiple groups it will create multiple rows

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, Inbound Case, User Availability SLA, Survey, Voice Agent Performance
Agent Id (D)

The sprinklr user ID for whom the report is being generated

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, Inbound Case, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
All Engaged Users (D)

Comma separated values/list of all the user/agents who were associated with the case on which a particular survey was sent or received a survey response based on which metric is used

Report: Survey
All Participated Agents (D)

All agents who participated on the call

Report: Voice
All Participated Agents Email Ids (D)

Emails of all agents who participated on the call

Report: Voice
All Participated Agents Federation Ids (D)

Federation Ids of all agents who participated on the call

Report: Voice
All Participated Agents Ids (D)

Sprinklr Ids of all agents who participated on the call

Report: Voice
Assigned By User (D)

The name of the user(s) that assigned the message(s) or case(s).

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case
Assigned By User (Before Macro Application) (D)

If the assignee is changed during macro applicaiton then the assignee before the Macro application

Report: Case Macro Usage
Assigned To User (D)

The user who received the assignment.

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, Case SLA, Inbound Case
Assigned To User Group (D)

User Group to whom the message was assigned to.

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case
Associated Brand Message Count (M)

The total number of brand messages on a case. This includes auto responses as well.

Report: Inbound Case
Associated Fan Message Count (M)

The total number of fan messages on a case. (This includes the transcripts from voice cases.

Report: Inbound Case
Associated Fan Message Count (Excluding Transcripts) (M)

The total number of fan messages on a case. (Excluding the transcripts from voice cases.

Report: Inbound Case
Associated Message Count (M)

Count of messages that are associated with the case (fan and brand messages both)

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case, Inbound Case
Associated Rating Template (D)

Rating Template. Applicable when case is of type feedback, it specifes which feedback template is used CSAT or NPS

Report: Inbound Case
Associated User Brand Message Count (M)

Number of brand messages excluding auto responses

Report: Inbound Case
Associated User Brand Message Count (Excluding Transcripts) (M)

Number of brand messages excluding auto responses and transcripts

Report: Inbound Case
Auto Response (D)

This shows true if the reply is auto generated from platform. This happens via Rule Engine.

Report: Case SLA
Availability Status (D)

Assign timestamp of the particular user Status, filter for Avaialbity Status = Break, Available etc can be used to find assign time of particular status

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, User Availability SLA
Average Handle Time (M)

Avg. of (Talk time + Hold time+ Wrap Time)

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Average Hold Time (M)

Average time on hold.

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Average Mute Time (M)

Average time on mute.

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Average Ring Time (M)

Time for which call was ringing on agent Console.

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Average Ring Time w.r.t Calls Offered (M)

Time for which call was ringing on agent Console w.r.t calls offered.

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Average Talk Time (M)

The average amount of time that the agent was engaged with customers.

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Average Wrap Time (M)

The average amount of time that the agent spent on customer interactions while in ACW (Wrap) state.

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Bot Application Id (D)

Id of Triggered Conversational AI Application

Report: Case SLA
Brand Response (D)

Stores uMId when failed to fetch uM while generating record

Report: Case SLA
Brand Response Account (D)

Account from which brand response is sent

Report: Case SLA
Brand Response Time (M)

Timestamp at which the brand response has been made against first unresponsded fan message. If there is back to back brand response without agent response it will show time stamp of only the first one.

For eg- if messages are in order - F1, F2, B1, B2, it will show time B1 timestamp.

Report: Case SLA
Browser (D)

This indicates what Browser was being used while logging in.

Report: Survey
Call External Participants (D)

All external participants in the call.

Report: Voice
Call Offered Availability Status (D)

Availability status when call was offered

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Call States (D)

Multiple states during lifecycle of a call

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Campaign (D)

Name of the Campaign.

Report: Inbound Case, Voice Agent Performance, Voice
Case (D)

This is the Case. It will include the Case subject, case ID and description. This dimension should be used to compose tables like the Outbound Post or Inbound Message dimension.

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, Inbound Case
Case Action SLA (M)

Time between, Case Creation to Case Action, this metric to be used with Case Action Type Filter.

Note - Please include Ignore Multiple Queue records = True, along with this metric

Report: Case SLA
Case Action Type (D)

Actions that can be taken on a case. These actions include: queue removal, user assignment, user un-assignment, brand response.

Report: Case SLA
Case Archived (D)

Indicates that the case was archived.

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case
Case Associated Customer (D)

The sender profile name associated with the first message in the case. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated to the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case
Case Associated Customer Id (D)

This shows the channel id of the customer.

Report: Inbound Case
Case Associated Customer Social Id (D)

This shows the channel id of the customer along with the channel name.

Report: Inbound Case
Case Brand Responded (D)

Indicates whether a Brand post is also an associated message to a case. Values returned will be True or False. If there is at least one Brand message associated in the case, this value will be True.

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case
Case Brand Response SLA (M)

Case Brand Response SLA measures the time difference between the brand response to the last un-replied fan message irrespective of the case being added to multiple queues simultaneously at one point in time. Brand messages include both automated and agent responses. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated with the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

For example,

Fan: Hi there! (sent at 16:00) - F1

Fan: I need help. (sent at 16:05) - F2

Brand: How can I help you? (sent at 16:10) - B1

Fan: I am not able to open your website. (sent at 16:20) - F3

Brand: Let me check that quickly for you. (sent at 16:40) - B2

Brand: Can you please provide me your browser details (sent at 16:45)- B3

Here, Case Brand Response SLA will be - (B1 - F1) + (B2- F3)

Avg. Case Brand Response SLA will be - ((B1 - F1) + (B2- F3))/2

Note - Ignore Multiple Queue Records = True filter to be used

Report: Case SLA
Case Comment Count (M)

The number of workflow comments on a case.

Report: Inbound Case
Case Comments (D)

This gives all the internal comments done on a case.

Report: Inbound Case
Case Count (M)

The number of cases.

Report: Inbound Case
Case Count (Post Aggregation Filter) (M)

(case count - not at record levl, based on the field against with metric is aggregated - same as filter)

Report: Inbound Case
Case Count Within SLA (Queue) (M)

Count of cases within the SL objective of Queue Time, if case goes into that queue multiple times it will count as multiple. For eg - if case goes into assigned queue twice it will show 2

Note: SLA preset to be used along with Queue Filter for which Case count is being looked for.

Report: Case SLA
Case Created Time (M)

Time of Case Creation, for Aggregation purpose we should Case Creation Interval as dimension

Report: Case SLA
Case Creation Interval (D)

The time the case was created. This is a histogram dimension and can be used when we want to see cases at daily/weekly etc level

Report: Inbound Case
Case Creation Time (D)

The time at which the case was created. Note that this metric will not aggregate data of cases based on time interval. Use Case Creation for the same

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, Inbound Case
Case Distinct Customer (M)

Distinct number of customers related to the case

Report: Inbound Case
Case First Action SLA (M)

Measures the time difference between when a case was created and when first action (Brand response, User Assignment, User Unassignment, Queue Removal) was taken on the case. To see the first action, plot Case Action Type along with the metric.

Report: Case SLA
Case First Brand Response SLA (M)

Case First Brand Response SLA measures the time difference between the first fan message & the first brand message. Brand messages include both automated and agent responses.

For example,

Fan: Hi there! (sent at 16:00) - F1

Fan: I need help. (sent at 16:05) - F2

Brand: How can I help you? (sent at 16:10) - B1

Fan: I am not able to open your website. (sent at 16:20) - F3

Brand: Let me check that quickly for you. (sent at 16:40) - B2

Brand: Can you please provide me your browser details (sent at 16:45)- B3

Here, Case First Brand Response SLA will be - (B1 - F1)

Note - Ignore Multiple Queue Records = True be to be used with the metric

Report: Case SLA
Case First Response Count Outside SLA (Case Report) (M)

The number of cases in which first brand response was made outside SLA. This includes auto responses as well. This metric should be used with filter of Case Brand Responded as true to exclude unreplied cases.

Report: Inbound Case
Case First Response Count Outside SLA (SLA Report) (M)

Gives the count of case in which first brand response(Including system response) was outside SLA.

SLA to be selected in SLA Preset

Report: Case SLA
Case First Response Count Within SLA (Case Report) (M)

The number of cases in which first brand response was made within SLA. This includes auto responses as well. This metric should be used with filter of Case Brand Responded as true to exclude unreplied cases.

Report: Inbound Case
Case First Response Count Within SLA (SLA Report) (M)

Gives the count of case in which first brand response was within SLA. This includes auto responses.

Report: Case SLA
Case First Response SLA (M)

Case First Response SLA measures the time difference between the first fan message & the first brand message. Brand messages include both automated and agent responses.

For example,

Fan: Hi there! (sent at 16:00) - F1

Fan: I need help. (sent at 16:05) - F2

Brand: How can I help you? (sent at 16:10) - B1

Fan: I am not able to open your website. (sent at 16:20) - F3

Brand: Let me check that quickly for you. (sent at 16:40) - B2

Brand: Can you please provide me your browser details (sent at 16:45)- B3

Here, Case First Response SLA will be - (B1 - F1)

Note - Ignore multiple Queue Record Filter to be used with this metric

Report: Case SLA
Case First Response Time (M)

Measures the time difference between first fan message and first brand response. If SLA preset is applied, this metric will give time based on working hours

Report: Inbound Case
Case First User Response Count from Assignment Outside SLA (SLA Report) (M)

Gives the count of case in which first brand response from assignment was outside SLA.

Report: Case SLA
Case First User Response Count from Assignment Within SLA (SLA Report) (M)

Gives the count of case in which first Agent response (excluding system response) from assignment was within SLA.

Report: Case SLA
Case First User Response Count Outside SLA (Case Report) (M)

Gives the count of cases in which first user brand response was outside SLA. This only considers message replied by agent from Sprinklr. (Recommended to use "Case User Brand Responded" = True filter to exclude unreplied cases)

Report: Inbound Case
Case First User Response Count Outside SLA (SLA Report) (M)

"Gives the count of case in which first brand response (excluding system response) was outside SLA.

SL to be selected in SLA Preset"

Report: Case SLA
Case First User Response Count Within SLA (Case Report) (M)

Gives the count of cases in which first user brand response was within SLA. This only considers message replied by agent from Sprinklr. (Recommended to use "Case User Brand Responded" = True filter to exclude unreplied cases)

Report: Inbound Case
Case First User Response Count Within SLA (SLA Report) (M)

Gives the count of case in which first brand response by user was within SLA. This dose't include Auto response

Report: Case SLA
Case First User Response SLA (M)

Case First User Response SLA measures the time difference between the first fan message and the first agent response. Brand messages include only agent responses.

For example,

Fan: Hi there! (sent at 16:00) - F1

Fan: I need help. (sent at 16:05) - F2

Brand (Automated): This is system generated, your query has been received. - B1

Brand (Agent): How can I help you? (sent at 16:10) - B2

Fan: I am not able to open your website. (sent at 16:20) - F3

Brand (Agent): Let me check that quickly for you. (sent at 16:40) - B3

Brand (Agent): Can you please provide me your browser details (sent at 16:45)- B4

Case First User Response SLA: B2-F1

Report: Case SLA
Case First User Response SLA from Assignment (M)

Time taken to make first response from Assignment.

This is applicable to only first Agent assignment.

Note - If used against agent it will give time from assignment only for cases where given agent was first assignee.

Report: Case SLA
Case First User Response Time (M)

Measures the time difference between first fan message and first brand response. This excludes auto repsonses and survey but considers responses made natively. If SLA preset is applied, this metric will give time based on working hours

Report: Inbound Case
Case First User Response Time (Excludes auto import) From First Fan Message (M)

Time taken to make the 1st response by the first assigned user from the time first fan message came to the system. (If the first user assigned to the case, does not respond and 1st response is made by the 2nd assigned user, metric value will be 0ms. Autoresponses are excluded from calculation.)

Report: Inbound Case
Case First User Response Time From First Fan Message (M)

Time taken to make the 1st response by the first assigned user from the time first fan message came to the system. (If the first user assigned to the case, does not respond and 1st response is made by the 2nd assigned user, metric value will be 0ms. Autoresponses are also taken for calculation.)

Report: Inbound Case
Case Id (D)

The ID number associated to the case.

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA
Case Macro Apply Time (D)

Timestamp when a macro was applied on the case.

Report: Case Macro Usage
Case Macro Apply Time (Metric) (M)

Timestamp when a macro was applied on the case. A 'date time' format metric is specifically utilized to determine the absolute 'Minimum' or 'Maximum' values within a specified time range, or in custom metrics to calculate time differences accurately. It's important to note that if this metric is aggregated as a 'Sum', it will yield incorrect results.

Report: Case Macro Usage
Case Macro Apply Time from Assignment (M)

Time difference between user/agent assignment to the case and macro application on the case. Time difference between user/agent assignment to the case and macro application on the case.

Note: If a user applies a macro to a case that is not assigned to them, the metric value will be recorded as 0 milliseconds.

Report: Case Macro Usage
Case Macro SLA (M)

Time difference between case creation of the case and macro application on the case.

Report: Case Macro Usage
Case Macro Usage Count (M)

Number of times a macro was used.

Report: Case Macro Usage
Case Message Id (D)

This gives the social network message id of the associated universal message.

Report: Inbound Case
Case Modification Time (D)

The last time the case was modified.

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case
Case Net Sentiment Score (M)

This shows the overall sentiment of cases. The formula for calculating this is (_pos_sentiment + (_neu_sentiment/2) - _neg_sentiment)/ (_pos_sentiment + _neg_sentiment + _neu_sentiment)), where pos = positive, neu = neutral and neg = negative. So pos sentiment refers to cases with positive sentiment.

Report: Inbound Case
Case Next Response Count Outside SLA (SLA Report) (M)

Gives the count of case in which first brand response was outsude SLA. This includes auto responses.

Report: Case SLA
Case Next User Response Count Within SLA (SLA Report) (M)

Gives the count of case in which first brand response was within SLA. This includes auto responses.

Report: Case SLA
Case Next User Response SLA (M)

Case Next User Response SLA measures all the time differences between the agent responses to the last un-replied fan messages except the time difference between the first agent response to the first fan message.

For example,

Fan: Hi there! (sent at 16:00) - F1

Fan: I need help. (sent at 16:05) - F2

Brand (Automated): This is system generated, your query has been received. - B1

Brand (Agent): How can I help you? (sent at 16:10) - B2

Fan: I am not able to open your website. (sent at 16:20) - F3

Brand (Agent): Let me check that quickly for you. (sent at 16:40) - B3

Brand (Agent): Can you please provide me your browser details (sent at 16:45)- B4

Case Next User Response SLA: B3-F3

Note - Ignore Multiple Queue Records = True to be used with this metric

Report: Case SLA
Case Number (D)

The ID number associated to the case.

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case, Voice Agent Performance, Voice Agent Performance, Voice, Voice
Case Owner (D)

The name of the owner of the case.

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case
Case Queue (D)

The queue associated to a case.

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case
Case Queue SLA (M)

Measures the time difference between when a case was assigned to a queue and when a user took action on the case. Use this metric in conjunction with Case Action Type filter which can be Brand Response, Queue Removal etc.

Report: Case SLA
Case Queue SLA Frequency (D)

"It is used to create case count buckets of Case Queue SLA

Buckets can be defined in SLA Preset.

Metric to be used with Unique Case Count"

Report: Case SLA
Case Rating (M)

Rating of the case as given by users. It is normalized out of 5.

Report: Inbound Case
Case Rating Dimension (D)

This gives the normalised rating of the case out of 5.

Report: Inbound Case
Case Rating Note (D)

Comment added along with case rating

Report: Inbound Case
Case Rating Type (D)

Case Rating Type. Applicable for Case created for Twitter Feedback. Rating Type will be corresponding to twitter feedback type which is CSAT or NPS

Report: Inbound Case
Case Response SLA (M)

Measures the time difference between the first un-responded message of a fan added to a case and when the Brand responded. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated to the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created. Use this metric in conjunction with Case Action Type filter which can be Brand Response, Queue Removal etc.

Report: Case SLA
Case Responses Count Within SLA (SLA Report) (M)

Gives the count of responses within SLA. This includes auto responses.

Report: Case SLA
Case Subscribers (D)

The Sprinklr user(s) subscribed to the case.

Report: Inbound Case
Case Summary (D)

This shows the summary of the case entered while case creation.

Report: Inbound Case
Case User Response SLA (M)

Case User Response SLA measures the time difference between the agent response to the last un-replied fan message. Brand messages include only agent responses.

For example,

Fan: Hi there! (sent at 16:00) - F1

Fan: I need help. (sent at 16:05) - F2

Brand (Automated): This is system generated, your query has been received. - B1

Brand (Agent): How can I help you? (sent at 16:10) - B2

Fan: I am not able to open your website. (sent at 16:20) - F3

Brand (Agent): Let me check that quickly for you. (sent at 16:40) - B3

Brand (Agent): Can you please provide me your browser details (sent at 16:45)- B4

Avg. Case User Response SLA: ((B2-F1) + (B3-F3))/2

Report: Case SLA
Case User Response SLA Count (M)

Total count of Agent response

Report: Case SLA
Case User Response SLA Frequency (D)

It is used to create case count buckets of Case User Ressponse Time. 

Case User Response Time calculate time from Unresponded Fan Message to Agent Response.

Buckets can be defined in SLA Preset.

Metric to be used with Unique Case Count

Report: Case SLA
Case User Response SLA from Assignment (M)

Time taken for each Agent response from Assignment.

For eg. if messages are in orged

F1, F2, Agent Assginment, B1, F3, B2.

Then, B1- Agent Assignment time and B2- Agent Assginement Time will be included in the metric

Report: Case SLA
Case User Response SLA from Oldest Unactioned (M)

This metric is similar to Case user Response SLA, this is used if we are excluding some fan messages from Case User Response from calculation.

For eg. - F1, B1, F2 (Fan sends emoji), Agent puts No response Needed, F3, Agent Assignment, B2.

Now here instead of B2- F2, we would want B2 - F3 to be included in response time along with B1- F2, then this metric is used.

Note - For this metric to work as expected we need to have Action pause SLA selected in No response needed macros at the time of workflow setup

Report: Case SLA
Case User Response SLA from Previous Auto Response (M)

Time taken by user to respond from last system message.

Note: Use this metric to find the response time after bot handover by using, User SLA Index filter = 1

Report: Case SLA
Case User SLA (M)

Measures the time difference between when a user was assigned a case and the user action time (Brand Resoponse, User Unassignment) on the case. Use this metric in conjunction with Case Action Type filter as User Assignment to exclude cases that are yet unassigned.

Note: Ignore Multiple Queue record = Ture filter to be used with the metric

Report: Case SLA
Cases Assigned to Reportee Work Queues (M)

case count/ those assigned to the work queues associated to the logged-in user

Report: Inbound Case
Channel Name (D)

Indicates whether the case is being managed by the Sprinklr case module or a third party CRM (when an integration is enabled).

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case
Client (D)

The name of the Sprinklr Client containing an Account, Account Group, User, Custom Property, etc.

Report: User Availability SLA
Client Group (D)

The name of the Sprinklr Client Group, which represents a collection of multiple Clients. You can create and edit these groups under Administration> Settings.

Report: User Availability SLA
Consult Received Accepted (Unique) (M)

The total number of times that this agent received and accepted collaborations or simple consultations that were associated with customer interactions.

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Consult Received Hold (Unique) (M)

The total number of times that this agent was on hold during simple consultations that the agent received where the consultations were associated with customer interactions.

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Consult Received Wrap (Unique) (M)

The total number of times that this agent was in ACW (Wrap) state after requests for simple consultation that the agent accepted where the consultations were associated with customer interactions

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Conversation Completion Status (D)

This specify about the status of the call after it ends. For example - AGENT_NO_ANSWER, CUSTOMER_REJECTED, COMPLETED etc.

Report: Voice Agent Performance, Voice
Count (M)

Metric is used to find number of times user changed there Status, we need to use this metric with Login Status filter or Availablity Status filter.

For eg. - If we want to find count of breaks taken a particular agent we can use this metric with filter of Availablity Status = Break

Report: User Availability SLA
Count(Case SLA) (M)

This is count of total Actions on Case (User Assignment, User -Unassignment, Queue Removal, Brand Response)

This can be used to get total brand response, total Agent Assignment etc if used with Case Action Type filter

Note - Ignore Multiple Queue record = True filter to be used everytime if Action Count apart from Queue Removal Count is being plotted.

Report: Case SLA
Country Name (D)

The name of a country. This dimension will only apply to metrics that provide Country-specific insights.

Report: Survey
Current Work Queue (D)

Current work queue of the case

Report: Inbound Case
Date (D)

The calendar Date on which the activity occurred.

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance, Voice
Date (MM-DD-YYYY) (D)

Date when the macro was applied (in specific format: mm-dd-yyyy)

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, Inbound Case, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
Day of Time Range (D)

This dimension specifies the respective day number in the selected time range. Note that the start date will be referred to as Day 1 and so on.

Report: User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance, Voice
Day Of Week (D)

The name of the day of the week on which the activity occurred.

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, Inbound Case, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance, Voice
Default ACW Timeout Time (M)

ACW Timeout time without any extension taken

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Deflected Conversation Created (D)

Boolean field stating if a case has been deflected to another channel

Report: Inbound Case
Deflection Link Clicked (D)

Ref 32

Report: Inbound Case
Deflection Link Sent (D)

Ref 32

Report: Inbound Case
Deleted (D)

Indicates whether a case has been deleted.

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, Inbound Case
Device Name (D)

Device Name form which user has logged in

Report: User Availability SLA
Device Type (D)

Indicates what Device Type was being used when viewing the video or while logging in

Report: User Availability SLA
Did Assignee Trigger Macro (D)

Boolean field indicating if the macro applied is trigged by the agent who is assigned to the case or someone else.

Report: Case Macro Usage
Did you use our Live Chat? (D)

The question associated to a particular survey, when this is plotted with survey and survey response count showcases the value/response which was entered by the customer associated to the case

Report: Survey
Difference between Current and Initial Predicted CSAT Ratings (M)

(that of CSAT predicted before 1st brand response)

Report: Inbound Case
Difference between Current and Previous Predicted CSAT Ratings (M)

(that of immediate prev prediction)

Report: Inbound Case


Distinct Users (M)

Distinct profiles count from which mentions coming in

Report: Inbound Case
Due Date In Days (D)

This lists the number of days until the case due date unless the item is overdue. If the case is overdue, the value will say "Overdue."

Report: Case SLA
Email (D)

Email Id for the user, for whom the report is being generated

Report: User Availability SLA
Engagement Score (Case) (M)

Engagement Score

Report: Inbound Case
Escalated Tickets (M)

Self serve

Report: Inbound Case
Extended Case Id (D)

Backend Mongo ID of the case

Report: Case Macro Usage
Fan Latest Activity Time (D)

Latest activity time on the associated messages of case.

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case
Fan's Unresponded First Message Time (M)

"Oldest unresponded Fan Message Time before a brand Response.

For eg. If messages are in order F1, F2, B1, F3, F4, B2, B3.

where F denotes Fan Message, and B denotes brand response then F1, and F3 timestams corresponds to given field"

Report: Case SLA
Federation Id (D)

Federation ID of the user for whom report is been generated

Report: Case Macro Usage, Inbound Case, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
First Action (D)

Indicates that the user took one of the following actions: queue removal, user assignment, user un-assignment, brand response. If one of these actions was taken the value will be True. If not, the value will be False.

Report: Case SLA
First Associated Message Created Time (D)

This is the creation time of the first message associated to the case. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated to the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case
First Brand Response Message Created Time (D)

This is the creation time of the first Brand message associated to the case. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated to the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case
First Contact Closure (M)

Self serve

Report: Inbound Case
First Login Time (D)

First Login Time by User in the given time range, to be used with Date and User Dimension

Report: User Availability SLA
First Participated Agent Availability Status (D)

Availability status of first participated agent when call was offered

Report: Voice
First User Brand Response Message Created Time (D)

First User Brand Response Message Created Time Excluding Auto response

Report: Inbound Case
First User Brand Response Message Created Time (Excludes Auto Imports) (D)

Time stamp when the First User Brand Response Message was created excluding Auto response and Auto imports

Report: Inbound Case
Force Logout By Supervisor (D)

Used to indentify if the particular logout entry is due to forced log out

Report: User Availability SLA
From User Social Network (D)

This tells the social network of the first message from which case was created

Report: Inbound Case
Has Rating (D)

Case has rating associated with it

Report: Inbound Case
Hold Count (M)

Number of times customer was put on hold

Report: Voice
Hold Count(Agent) (M)

Number of times customer was put on hold for the call by an agent

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Hold Time (M)

Total time for which customer was put on hold

Report: Voice
Hold Time (Agent) (M)

Total time (in seconds) spent waiting for agent/customer

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Inbound Message (D)

The text of the inbound message.

Report: Inbound Case
Influencer Index (D)

This is a sprinklr calculated metric. The formula used is A = (A - (.3 * B) ). A>20000 value is 100 else (A*100)/20000. In case of negative results value is 0. here A = followers and B = following.

Report: Inbound Case
Initial CSAT Score (Case) (M)

Initial CSAT Score

Report: Inbound Case
IP Address (D)

IP Address of the device from which the logged in made

Report: User Availability SLA
Is there any additional feedback that you would like to provide? (D)

The question associated to a particular survey, when this is plotted with survey and survey response count showcases the value/response which was entered by the customer associated to the case

Report: Survey
IVR Time (M)

Total time spent in IVR flow

Report: Voice
KB Article is marked UnHelpful (D)

Its a boolean field indicating true or false based on if the KB article was marked unhelpful by the sprinklr user while sending the survey form to the customer/ case

Report: Survey
KB Article Link Copied Count (M)

Case SLA (Lookup)

Report: Case SLA
KB Article Link was copied (D)

Its a boolean field indicating true or false based on if the KB article  link was copied by the sprinklr user while sending the survey form to the customer/ case

Report: Survey
KB Article Not Helpful Count (M)

Case SLA (Lookup)

Report: Case SLA
KB Article Published Count (M)

Case SLA (Lookup)

Report: Case SLA
KB Article Read Count (M)

Case SLA (Lookup)

Report: Case SLA
KB Article Recommended Count (M)

Case SLA (Lookup)

Report: Case SLA
KB Article Text Copied Count (M)

Case SLA (Lookup)

Report: Case SLA
KB Article was Read (D)

Its a boolean field indicating true or false based on if the KB article was read by the sprinklr user while sending the survey form to the customer/ case

Report: Survey
Last Connected Work Queue (D)

Represents the latest work queue where the agent is connected with the customer

Report: Voice
Last Logout Time (D)

Last Logout time by the User in the selected time range, to be used Date and User Dimension

Report: User Availability SLA
Last SLA Action Time (M)

Brand Response/Like time for the latest unactioned fan message

Report: Case SLA
Latest Associated Message Created Time (D)

Message creation time of the latest associated message to the case

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case
Latest Change in AssociationTime (D)

Latest activity on association time

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case
Latest Comment Added Time (D)

Time stamp when the latest comment was added in the case.

Report: Inbound Case
Level 0 (D)

This is used to create a hierachal view for report data and is available in all major report.

For eg. For a particular metric call count, we want to see a pivot view first at Contanct Center head level (Total Count)> Supervisor Level (Total Count)> Agent level (Total Count), then in pivot table we need to use Leve 0, Level 1, Level 2 and so on as dimension and any metric that we want to see the data for

Report: Case SLA, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
Level 1 (D)

This is used to create a hierachal view for report data and is available in all major report.

For eg. For a particular metric call count, we want to see a pivot view first at Contanct Center head level (Total Count)> Supervisor Level (Total Count)> Agent level (Total Count), then in pivot table we need to use Leve 0, Level 1, Level 2 and so on as dimension and any metric that we want to see the data for

Report: Case SLA, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
Level 2 (D)

This is used to create a hierachal view for report data and is available in all major report.

For eg. For a particular metric call count, we want to see a pivot view first at Contanct Center head level (Total Count)> Supervisor Level (Total Count)> Agent level (Total Count), then in pivot table we need to use Leve 0, Level 1, Level 2 and so on as dimension and any metric that we want to see the data for

Report: Case SLA, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
Level 3 (D)

This is used to create a hierachal view for report data and is available in all major report.

For eg. For a particular metric call count, we want to see a pivot view first at Contanct Center head level (Total Count)> Supervisor Level (Total Count)> Agent level (Total Count), then in pivot table we need to use Leve 0, Level 1, Level 2 and so on as dimension and any metric that we want to see the data for

Report: Case SLA, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
Level 4 (D)

This is used to create a hierachal view for report data and is available in all major report.

For eg. For a particular metric call count, we want to see a pivot view first at Contanct Center head level (Total Count)> Supervisor Level (Total Count)> Agent level (Total Count), then in pivot table we need to use Leve 0, Level 1, Level 2 and so on as dimension and any metric that we want to see the data for

Report: Case SLA, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
Level 5 (D)

This is used to create a hierachal view for report data and is available in all major report.

For eg. For a particular metric call count, we want to see a pivot view first at Contanct Center head level (Total Count)> Supervisor Level (Total Count)> Agent level (Total Count), then in pivot table we need to use Leve 0, Level 1, Level 2 and so on as dimension and any metric that we want to see the data for

Report: Case SLA, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
Level 6 (D)

This is used to create a hierachal view for report data and is available in all major report.

For eg. For a particular metric call count, we want to see a pivot view first at Contanct Center head level (Total Count)> Supervisor Level (Total Count)> Agent level (Total Count), then in pivot table we need to use Leve 0, Level 1, Level 2 and so on as dimension and any metric that we want to see the data for

Report: Case SLA, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
Level 7 (D)

This is used to create a hierachal view for report data and is available in all major report.

For eg. For a particular metric call count, we want to see a pivot view first at Contanct Center head level (Total Count)> Supervisor Level (Total Count)> Agent level (Total Count), then in pivot table we need to use Leve 0, Level 1, Level 2 and so on as dimension and any metric that we want to see the data for

Report: Case SLA, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
Level 8 (D)

This is used to create a hierachal view for report data and is available in all major report.

For eg. For a particular metric call count, we want to see a pivot view first at Contanct Center head level (Total Count)> Supervisor Level (Total Count)> Agent level (Total Count), then in pivot table we need to use Leve 0, Level 1, Level 2 and so on as dimension and any metric that we want to see the data for

Report: Case SLA, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
Level 9 (D)

This is used to create a hierachal view for report data and is available in all major report.

For eg. For a particular metric call count, we want to see a pivot view first at Contanct Center head level (Total Count)> Supervisor Level (Total Count)> Agent level (Total Count), then in pivot table we need to use Leve 0, Level 1, Level 2 and so on as dimension and any metric that we want to see the data for

Report: Case SLA, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
Login Current Status (D)

This dimension if used with User Count, will given the count of agents who are currently logged in or logged out.

Report: Case Macro Usage, User Availability SLA
Login Status (D)

Login Status = Logged/Logged Out, dimension is used with other metrics such as Time in Login Status, User Count etc as filter or in the widget

Report: User Availability SLA
Login Status Assign Time (D)

Timestamp of the time Login Status was Assigned, to be used with filter of Login Status = Logged In or Logged Out, if metric filter Login Status = Logged In is used it will show Login Time

Report: User Availability SLA
Login Status Remove Time (M)

Timestamp of the time Login Status was removed, to be used with filter of Login Status = Logged In or Logged Out

Report: User Availability SLA, User Availability SLA
Macro (D)

Name of the macro used.

Report: Case Macro Usage
Manual Call Pre-Call Prep Time (M)

Total time spent before manual call

Report: Voice
Manual Call Pre-Call Prep Time (Agent) (M)

Total time spent before manual call

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Matched Intent (D)

Current Intents associated to the case.

Report: Case Macro Usage
Max Rating (D)

Case Minimum Rating. Applicable for Twitter Feedback cases. For CSAT type max is 5 and for NPS max is 10

Report: Inbound Case
Message Time Interval (D)

The creation time of the message associated to the case.

Report: Inbound Case
Message Type (D)

The specific type of message based on the social network. Available values for Outbound Posts include: Update (the default for all Brand post, not including replies and comments), X Sent DM, X Sent Reply, X Sent Repost, X Sent Mention, Facebook Comment, Facebook Private Message Sent, Facebook Replies, Youtube Video Comment, Youtube Comment Reply, GooglePlus Comment, Instragram Comment, LinkedIn Group Comment, LinkedIn Company Comment, Weibo Comment, Weibo Reply, Weibo Repost. Available values for Inbound Messages include: Tumblr Post, Tumblr Comment, Weibo Reply, Weibo Comment, Weibo Status, Weibo Persistent, Weibo Other, Weibo Repost, Weibo Mention, GooglePlus Post, GooglePlus Comment, Survey Monkey Response, YouTube Comment Reply, YouTube Playlist, YouTube Video Comment, YouTube Video, Gowalla Activity, Gowalla My Checkin, X Timeline, X Sent DM, X Received Mention, X Received DM, X Reply, X Repost, X Auto DM, X Direct Message Deleted, X Post Deleted, X Sent Reply, X Sent Repost, X Sent Mention, Facebook Group Comments, Facebook Group Replies, Facebook Group Posts, Facebook Private Message Received, Facebook Private Message Sent, Facebook Comment, Facebook Replies, Facebook Post, Foursquare Check-In, Foursquare Tip, FourSquare My Checkin, Foursquare Update, FourSquare Recent Checkin, Foursquare Photo, Foursquare Special, VK Group Topic, VK Group Post Comment, VK Profile Wall Post, VK Group Topic Comment, VK Profile Comment, VK Group Post, Forums, News, Blog Post, Blog Comment, Reddit Post, LinkedIn Company Status Change, LinkedIn Post, LinkedIn Company Comment, LinkedIn Company Job Posting, LinkedIn Profile Comment, LinkedIn Company Position Change, LinkedIn Company Profile Change, LinkedIn Company New Product, LinkedIn Group Comment, LinkedIn Group Post, Crimson Hexagon Custom, Crimson Hexagon Facebook, Crimson Hexagon X, Crimson Hexagon Review, Crimson Hexagon Forum, Crimson Hexagon Blog, Crimson Hexagon Comment, Crimson Hexagon News, Crimson Hexagon YouTube, Crimson Hexagon Flickr, Instagram Post, Instagram Comment, Clarabridge document, Zendesk Comment, Zendesk Ticket, RenRen Photo, RenRen Link, RenRen Comment, RenRen Music, RenRen Blog, RenRen Album, RenRen Video, RenRen Status, WordPress Post, WordPress Reply, WordPress Comment, RSS Feed, Livechat post, Flickr Photo, Flickr Comment, SlideShare Post, Bazaar Voice Answer, Bazaar Voice Story Comment, Bazaar Voice Review Comment, Bazaar Voice Question, Bazaar Voice Story, Bazaar Voice Review, Tencent Weibo Private Message Receive, Tencent Weibo Empty Reply, Tencent Weibo Original, Tencent Weibo Private Message Send, Tencent Weibo Mention, Tencent Weibo Comment, Tencent Weibo Repost, Tencent Weibo Reply, Social Feedback Comment, Social Feedback SubType, Social Feedback Post, Social Feedback Question, Social Feedback In Conversation, Social Feedback Archived, Social Feedback New, Social Feedback Reply. (*certain message types may depend on purchase of premium modules e.g.: Listening Insights)

Report: Inbound Case
Messages Handled By Case Action (M)

Count fan Messages after and including latest unactioned messages of case by this action.

For eg. - If the messages are in following order F1, F2, B1, F3, B2 then corresponding to B1 it will show 2 and corresponding to B2 it will show 1.

Report: Case SLA
Missed Offer Due To Page Refresh Or Page Close Agents (D)

All agents who missed offer due to page refresh or page close

Report: Voice
Missed Offer Due To Page Refresh Or Page Close Assignment Ids (D)

All assignment Ids where missed offer due to page refresh or page close

Report: Voice
Month Of Year (D)

The name of the Calendar Month on which the activity occurred.

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, Inbound Case, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance, Voice
Mute Time (Agent) (M)

Total time (in seconds) spent in mute by agent

Report: Voice Agent Performance
My experience using social media to address my issue was easy and convenient. (D)

The question associated to a particular survey, when this is plotted with survey and survey response count showcases the value/response which was entered by the customer associated to the case

Report: Survey
Number of Calls not Accepted (Unique) (M)

The unique number of customer interactions that were redirected to another resource upon no answer by the agent or were otherwise not accepted by the agent.

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Number of Calls Rejected (Unique) (M)

The unique number of customer interactions that alerted at the agent and were not accepted.

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Number of Calls Taken (Unique) (M)

The unique number of customer interactions or warm consultations that were accepted, answered, pulled, or initiated by the agent.

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Number of calls with No Answer (M)

The total number of times attributed to the interval that the call result of contact attempts from this campaign was No Answer

Report: Voice
Number of Invites Accepted (M)

The unique number of customer interactions that were accepted, answered, pulled, or initiated by the agent.

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Number of outbound calls (Unique) (M)

Total number of Outbound Calls.

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Number of Overdial calls (M)

The total number of CPD dials that were abandoned, or were answered by the called party but not established with an agent or IVR within two seconds of the dialing event.

Report: Voice
Oldest UnActioned Message Creation Time (M)

Latest unresponded Fan Message time (Time message was pulled in sprinklr) before a brand Response.

For eg. If messages are in order F1, F2, B1, F3, F4, B2, B3.

where F denotes Fan Message, and B denotes brand response then F2, and F4 timestams corresponds to given field

Report: Case SLA
Oldest Unactioned Message Time (D)

The timestamp of the oldest ( first message in case of multiple messages) messages received on the case where no activity was done by the sprinklr user ( was left unactioned) associated to the case to which the survey was sent

Report: Case SLA, Survey
Open Tickets (M)

Self serve

Report: Inbound Case
Outbound Post (D)

Displays the text and media of an Outbound Message sent from an Account.

Report: Survey
Predicted CSAT Score (Case) (M)

Predicted CSAT Score

Report: Inbound Case
Previous Brand Auto Response Time (M)

Last Auto Response time before the brand Response.

Report: Case SLA
Primary Agent (D)

Primary agent of the call

Report: Voice
Property SLA (M)

This is the time from when a Property was assigned to a message and when that Property was removed. The Property Name and Queue Name dimension can be used to determine an SLA for a given Property on a Queue, or can be averaged across Queues.

Report: Case SLA
Queue Assign Time (M)

Timestamp at which cases entered in Case Queue, in case of multiple entry this field will show multiple value, against a Case Number

Report: Case SLA
Rating Created Time (D)

Case Rating Associated Time. Time at which rating was associated with case

Report: Inbound Case
Rating Range (D)

Case Rating Range. If case has rating like in twitter feedback then rating range can depend on type of feedback 1-5 or 0-10.

Report: Inbound Case
Rating Response Time (D)

Time stamp when response is received to survey (sent through respective channel)

Report: Inbound Case
Removed Property Name (D)

The name of a Custom Property key (a.k.a. drop down list) that was removed from a case. If selected on a table, the text of the Property Key name (not the value from the menu) will appear next to the case. In general this dimension should be added in order after the dimension Case. This dimension is only available for Case Reporting at this time.

Report: Case SLA
Ring Time (Agent) (M)

Total time (in seconds) spent waiting for agent/customer

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Sentiment (D)

Sentiment of the message.

Report: Inbound Case
Session Id (D)

This gives the login session Id for the user.

Report: User Availability SLA
Similar Case Helpful Count (M)

Inbound Case

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case
Similar Case Intuition Recommendation Count (M)

Inbound Case

Report: Inbound Case
Similar Case Opened Count (M)

Case SLA (Lookup)

Report: Case SLA
Similar Case Recommendation Count (M)

Case SLA (Lookup)

Report: Case SLA
SimilarCase NotHelpful Count (M)

Case SLA (Lookup)

Report: Case SLA
SLA Index (M)

It is counter against every brand response (inluding system response) made on case.

If SLA Index is 1 that is first brand response, if SLA Index 2 it is second Response, irrespective of if its the same agent or not.

This is used as filter to find the first response time etc.

Report: Case SLA, Case SLA
SLA Objective (D)

The target SLA time defined within the SLA preset configuration.

Report: Case SLA
Smart Clustering - Is Brand Post (D)

Boolean field to state is a msg is abrand post (used specifically within smart clusters)

Report: Inbound Case
Smart Clustering Phrase (D)

AI identified themes at phrase level within underlying messages based on clustering similar phrases.

Report: Inbound Case
Smart Clustering Top Words (D)

AI identified top words appearing in messages by grouping/ clustering from messages.

Report: Inbound Case
Social Network (D)

The name of the social network. This dimension can be used to segment a common metric across multiple social network (e.g.: Total Engagements) or can be used as a filter to limit a widget to display only one type of social network. For Case Reporting, this will list the social network of the first message associated to the case.

Report: Case SLA, Inbound Case
Source Type (D)

The source of the message. (available values are a Direct Message to the Account, through Persistant Search or Listening)

Report: Inbound Case
Spam (D)

The number of messages marked as Spam.

Report: Inbound Case
State of participant (D)

State of participant in Conversation

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Status Assign Time (M)

Assign timestamp of the particular user Status, filter for Avaialbity Status = Break, Available etc can be used to find assign time of particular status

Report: User Availability SLA, User Availability SLA
Status Remove Time (M)

Status removal timestamp of the particular user Status, filter for Avaialbity Status = Break, Available etc can be used to find removal time of particular status

Report: User Availability SLA, User Availability SLA
Survey (D)

Name of the survey that was sent to the customer associated on a particular case

Report: Survey
Survey Customer Handle (D)

The social network or channel where the customer responded to the survey

Report: Survey
Survey Filled by Customer Id (D)

Profile ID of the customer who filled the associated survey associated to the particular case

Report: Survey
Survey Filled by Customer Name (D)

Name of the customer who filled the associated survey associated to the particular case

Report: Survey
Survey First Brand Interaction Time (D)

Timestamp of the first interaction/ message made by the sprinkrl user associated to the case where a particular survey was sent or received.

Report: Survey
Survey First Fan Interaction Date (D)

Date of the first interaction made by the customer associated to the case where a particular survey was sent or received.

Report: Survey
Survey First Fan Interaction Time (D)

Timestamp of the first interaction made by the customer associated to the case where a particular survey was sent or received.

Report: Survey
Survey Last Fan Interaction Time (D)

Timestamp of the last interaction/ message made by the customer associated to the case where a particular survey was sent or received.

Report: Survey
Survey Response Date (D)

This shows the date at which Survey was responded by the customer on the case

Report: Survey
Survey Response Time (D)

The date timestamp at which the survey response was received associated to a particular case and survey.

Report: Survey
Talk Time (M)

Total time spent in talking

Report: Voice Agent Performance, Voice
Task Priority (D)

The priority level.

Report: Voice Agent Performance, Voice
Time in Login Status (M)

Time Spent by user in particular Login Status, to be used with filter for Login

Report: User Availability SLA
Time in Status (M)

Time Spent by user in particular Availablity Status, to be used with filter for Availablity Status = Break, Available, Follow up etc

Report: User Availability SLA, User Availability SLA
Time Of Day (D)

The hour of the day on which the activity occurred. This is generally displayed according to the 24 hour clock and should display based upon the timezone of the Sprinklr user.

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, Inbound Case, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance, Voice
Time Of Day (15 Minute Interval) (D)

The specific quarter-hour period within a day when an activity took place, represented in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm). The displayed value corresponds to the user's timezone.

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, Inbound Case, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance, Voice
Time of day (30 minutes interval) (D)

The specific half-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone.

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, Inbound Case, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance, Voice
Time Spent on pending ACW (Agent) (M)

Total time spent on pending acw

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Time stamp of conversation state (D)

Signifies the time when conversation state occurs

Report: Voice
Time Stamp of participant State (D)

Signifies the time when a specific participant state occurs

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Time Taken To Compose Brand Message (M)

Time taken by user to compose a brand message.

Report: Case SLA
Total ACW Extension Time Taken (M)

Total ACW Extension Time Taken

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Total ACW Extensions Taken (M)

Total Number of ACW Extensions Taken

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Total ACW Interrupted time (M)

Total time acw was in interrupted state

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Total ACW Interrupts (Agent) (M)

Total acw interrupts

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Total Acw TimeOut Time (M)

Total Acw time for time out

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Total Blind Transfers Initiated (M)

The total number of Blind Transfers Initiated

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Total Blind Transfers Received (M)

The total number of Blind Transfers Received

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Total Call Invite Time (M)

The total amount of time that customer interactions alerted at this agent, plus the total duration of the dialing that the agents performed.

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Total Calls Offered (M)

The total number of customer interactions or warm consultations that were offered, answered, pulled, or initiated by the agent.

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Total Calls Rejected (M)

The total number of customer interactions that alerted at the agent and were not accepted.

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Total Case First Responses (SLA Report) (M)

Count of case with atleast one brand response

Report: Case SLA
Total Case First User Responses (SLA Report) (M)

Total case count with Agent Response

Report: Case SLA
Total Case Next User Responses (SLA Report) (M)

Total count of response on a case excluding the first response

Report: Case SLA
Total Case Responses (SLA Report) (M)

Total brand response count on a case

Report: Case SLA
Total Preview Time for Agent (M)

This time is just calculated for Preview Dialers in outbound call

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Total Time Spent on Filling ACW (Agent) (M)

Total time spent on filling acw by agent

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Total Time User Logged In (M)

Total time user was logged in into the system, if login of the user extends more than a day, it will show cumulative value, even if

Report: User Availability SLA
Total Transaction Time (M)

Total time spent in all completed transactions

Report: Voice
Total Transfers Initiated (M)

The total number of Transfers Initiated

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Total Transfers Received (M)

The total Number of Transfers Received

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Total User Capacity (Current) (D)

Agent Groups for which the Agent is part of, if they are part of multiple groups it will create multiple rows

Report: User Availability SLA
Total Warm Transfers Initiated (M)

The total number of warm Transfers Initiated

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Total Warm Transfers Received (M)

The total number of Warm Transfers Received

Report: Voice Agent Performance
Unique Case Count (M)

The total number of Unique cases on which following actions (User Assignment, User Unassignment, Queue Removal, Brand Response) was taken once or more than once on the Case.

We can use this with Case Action Type filter to indentify Unique Cases with particular

By defualt it shows data basis Case Creation time, it can be changed to Action time by selecting ActionTime Group by in date filter in widget builder

Report: Case SLA
Unique Case Count with User Response (M)

Total Unique Cases on which agent response was made.

By defualt it works on Case Creation time, which can be changed to Response time by selecting Action Time Group by in Date filter  inside the widget builder

Report: Case SLA
Unique Case Macro Usage Count (M)

Unique Case Macro Usage Count refers to the distinct number of cases on which a macro has been applied. Note: that this uniqueness is determined through aggregation within the widget. For example, if three different macros were applied to a single case (such as "Assign to X," "Escalated," and "Closed" at different times), the Unique Case Macro Usage Count, when aggregated by the "Macro name," would display three entries. However, the total count will show as one, reflecting the unique cases where macros were applied.

Report: Case Macro Usage
Unique Cases Assigned To a User (M)

The total number of unique Cases that a particular user was assigned. By deault it shows count basis case creation, which can be changed basis assignment by selecting ActionTime (Group By) in Widget date filter

Note that this should not be plotted along with Case or Case Number dimension.

Report: Case SLA
Unique Days (Availability SLA) (M)

This metric provide Unique Days agent has been in particular Status (Availalbity Status/Login Status) in particular time range, we should use this User Dimension.

For eg. - We want to find Unique Days on which agent was Available in Last 30 days, i can use this metric, with filter for Availablity Status = Available and date range as last 30 days.

Report: User Availability SLA
Unique User Count (Case) (M)

Unique Users who have applied the given macro in the selected time range

Report: Case Macro Usage
Unique Users Assigned To Case (M)

The total number of cases that got assigned to user for the selected time range. Note that this should not be used along with Assigned to User dimension.

Report: Case SLA
Universal Case Custom Property (D)

The name of a Custom Property key (a.k.a. drop down list) on an outbound message, inbound message or a case. If selected on a post-level table, the text of the Property Key name (not the value from the menu) will appear next to the post. In general this dimension should be added in order after the dimension Outbound Post, Inbound Message, or Case.

Report: Inbound Case, Voice Agent Performance, Voice
Universal Case Custom Property Name (D)

Case Custom Property Name.

Report: Inbound Case
Used Smart Response Confidence (D)

For every Case Action = Brand Response, what is the smart response confidence

Report: Case SLA
User (D)

The Sprinklr user.

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, User Availability SLA, Survey, Voice Agent Performance
User Agent (D)

The browser from which the click originated. This dimension can only be used in conjunction with Click Count metric.

Report: Survey
User Assign Time (M)

Timestamp of User Assginment on the Case, can we used with Assigned to User and Case Dimension

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA
User Assign Time (Before Macro Application) (M)

Time stamp indicating the moment when an user was assigned to the case before macro application. A 'date time' format metric is specifically utilized to determine the absolute 'Minimum' or 'Maximum' values within a specified time range, or in custom metrics to calculate time differences accurately. It's important to note that if this metric is aggregated as a 'Sum', it will yield incorrect results.

Report: Case Macro Usage
User Assign Time (Group By) (Before Macro Application) (D)

Time stamp indicating the moment when an user was assigned to the case before macro application.

Report: Case Macro Usage
User Assignment SLA Index (M)

This is a counter against each response by Agent it is set with every Agent Response, if there is an unassignment counter reset.

This is used as filter on response sla metrics to find time of first response by each Agent in case of multiple Agent Assignment,

Report: Case SLA, Case SLA
User Count (M)

User Count gives count of unique users, who came into particular Availaity Status or Login Status in the given time range.

For eg. - If we want to find count of users logged in today, I can use, User Count with filter for Login Status = Logged In

Note: This metric should't be used to get hourly trend, of available or Logged in Agent, as it works on status Assign Time (Default), which means if user dose't change status from 10am - 2PM, then in hourly trend we will only get one against 10 am interval, since status was assigned in that interval

Another Use Case is to find the count of Agents who has a particular User Custom Field set, to be used with Date range filter of Lifetime, if we user has not logged in even once then there data won't appear.

Report: User Availability SLA
User Current State (D)

This dimension if used with User Count, will given the count of agents and there user current state (On call, working on Case etc)

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, User Availability SLA
User Current Status (D)

This dimension will indicate the current status of the user who sent the survey  to the customer (eg, available, break, training etc based on implementation)

Report: Case Macro Usage, User Availability SLA, Survey
User Current Working Asset Class (D)


Report: Case Macro Usage
User Current Working Asset Id (D)

Current Message/Case ID being viewed by the user in Care/Agent Console

Report: Case Macro Usage
User Current Working Queue (D)

Current working queue of the user to whom the case is assigned

Report: Case Macro Usage, Inbound Case
User Email (D)

Email Id for the user, for whom the report is been generated

Report: User Availability SLA
User Group (D)

The name of the Sprinklr user group. You can create and edit User Groups under Administration>Settings.

Report: Inbound Case, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
User Id (D)

Id of the User

Report: User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
User Manager (D)

User Manager Assigned to the user, for whom the report is being generated, this field is taken from the standard manager field in user setting.

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, User Availability SLA, Survey, Voice Agent Performance
User Manager (External) (D)

Manager of the user to whom case is currently being assigned

Report: Inbound Case
User Responses Count Outside SLA (SLA Report) (M)

Gives the count of case responses in which brand response by user was outside SLA.

Report: Case SLA
User Responses Count Within SLA (SLA Report) (M)

Gives the count of case responses in which brand response by user was within SLA.

Report: Case SLA
User Skill (Lookup) (D)

This shows the list of skills that is assigned to the particular user. If the user has been assigned 4 different skills, this dimension when plotted in report will create 4 rows for each of the respective skill assigned.

Report: Case Macro Usage, Inbound Case, User Availability SLA, Survey
User Skill and Proficiency(CSV) (D)

Gives User Skill and There proficency, seperated out by Comma

Report: User Availability SLA
User Skills(CSV) (D)

User Skills assigned to the agent, if multiple skills are assigned, it will come comma seperated

Report: Case Macro Usage, Case SLA, Inbound Case, User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance
User SLA Index (M)

It is counter against every Agent response (exluding system response) made on case.

If User SLA Index is 1 that is first Agent response, if User SLA Index 2 it is second Response, irrespective of its the same agent or not.

This is used as filter to find the first response time etc.

Report: Case SLA, Case SLA
Wait Time (M)

Total time (in seconds) spent waiting for agent/customer

Report: Voice
Week of Time Range (D)

This dimension shows the respective week number in the selected time range. Note that the starting week will be referred to as Week 1 and so on.

Report: User Availability SLA, Voice Agent Performance, Voice