Inbound Case



This report provides metrics and dimensions which govern information about the case-level data from the time the case was opened/created in the system till the time the status of the case is closed. 'Case Number / Case ID' is Unique identifier of this report.

Data Aggregation and Filtering Options        

Users can aggregate and filter the report based on various criteria such as the date of case creation, case closure, work queues, and case custom properties. This report shall not be aggregated at a user level, however all the participated agents of a case are recorded in a dimension and can be populated against the Case ID.

Behavior of Case Custom Fields (CFs)      

The ‘Case’ custom field (Dimension with (Case) as a suffix), will consider only the latest value of the case.

Behavior of User Custom Fields (CFs)  

User custom fields cannot be used in this report. Any user level field such as ‘Agent / Agent ID / Agent group / Department, etc’ will not be relevant for this report. 

Supported Channels      

The metrics and dimensions in the report are relevant for all non voice channels.

Behavior of User Groups  

User groups are available based on:

Last Engaged User

All Engaged User

Date filter:

Date Filters are present at the widget level and help you sort the data according to the metric/dimension added in the date filter. It means that cases will populate according to that date filter. In Inbound Case report, 'Case creation time' works as the default date filter.

Group by:

The metrics in Inbound case report can be grouped / filtered / aggregated by the following standard dimensions.


Field Description

Associated Message Count

Count of messages that are associated with the case (fan and brand messages both

Time of day (30 minutes interval)

The specific half-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone. 

Latest Comment Added Time

Time stamp when the latest comment was added in the case.

First User Brand Response Message Created Time (Excludes Auto Imports)

Time stamp when the First User Brand Response Message was created excluding Auto response and Auto imports

Channel Case Number

This represents the case number of the external channel. Eg. for CRM cases it will be CRM case number, for Salesforce cases it will be salesforce case no.

User Manager (External)

Manager of the user to whom case is currently being assigned

Day Of Week

The name of the day of the week on which the activity occurred.

Case Queue

The queue associated to a case.

User Current Working Queue

Current working queue of the user to whom the case is assigned

Assigned To User

The user who received the assignment.

Case Brand Responded

Indicates whether a Brand post is also an associated message to a case. Values returned will be True or False. If there is at least one Brand message associated in the case, this value will be True.

Case Comments

This gives all the internal comments done on a case.

Deflected Conversation Created

Boolean field stating if a case has been deflected to another channel

Case Subscribers

The Sprinklr user(s) subscribed to the case.

Assigned By User

The name of the user(s) that assigned the message(s) or case(s).

Month Of Year

The name of the Calendar Month on which the activity occurred.

Case Associated Customer

The sender profile name associated with the first message in the case. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated to the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

First User Brand Response Message Created Time

First User Brand Response Message Created Time Excluding Auto response

Assigned To User Group

User Group to whom the message was assigned to.


Indicates whether a case has been deleted.

Deleted By User

Identify the user who deleted the case via the delete button in the UI.

From User Social Network

This tells the social network of the first message from which case was created

Max Rating

Case Minimum Rating. Applicable for Twitter Feedback cases. For CSAT type max is 5 and for NPS max is 10

Universal Case Custom Property

The name of a Custom Property key (a.k.a. drop down list) on an outbound message, inbound message or a case. If selected on a post-level table, the text of the Property Key name (not the value from the menu) will appear next to the post. In general this dimension should be added in order after the dimension Outbound Post, Inbound Message, or Case.

Latest Associated Message Created Time

Message creation time of the latest associated message to the case

Current Work Queue

Current work queue of the case

Rating Created Time

Case Rating Associated Time. Time at which rating was associated with case

Case Rating Type

Case Rating Type. Applicable for Case created for Twitter Feedback. Rating Type will be corresponding to twitter feedback type which is CSAT or NPS

Associated Rating Template

Rating Template. Applicable when case is of type feedback, it specifes which feedback template is used CSAT or NPS

Agent Federation Id

Federation ID of the user for whom report is been generated

Case Rating Note

Comment added along with case rating


The name of the social network Account. If you do not like how this name displays in Reporting, you can edit this in the Administration> Accounts area. When using this dimension in association with case, this will display the name of the Brand account through which the first message associated to the case is grabbed. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated to the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

Source Type

The source of the message. (available values are a Direct Message to the Account, through Persistant Search or Listening)

Actual Rating Dimension

This gives the actual Rating of the case without normalising it.

Universal Case Custom Property Name

Case Custom Property Name.

First Associated Message Created Time

This is the creation time of the first message associated to the case. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated to the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

Has Rating

Case has rating associated with it


Name of the Campaign.

Rating Range

Case Rating Range. If case has rating like in twitter feedback then rating range can depend on type of feedback 1-5 or 0-10.

Time Of Day

The hour of the day on which the activity occurred. This is generally displayed according to the 24 hour clock and should display based upon the timezone of the Sprinklr user.

Message Type

The specific type of message based on the social network. Available values for Outbound Posts include: Update (the default for all Brand post, not including replies and comments), X Sent DM, X Sent Reply, X Sent Repost, X Sent Mention, Facebook Comment, Facebook Private Message Sent, Facebook Replies, Youtube Video Comment, Youtube Comment Reply, GooglePlus Comment, Instragram Comment, LinkedIn Group Comment, LinkedIn Company Comment, Weibo Comment, Weibo Reply, Weibo Repost. Available values for Inbound Messages include: Tumblr Post, Tumblr Comment, Weibo Reply, Weibo Comment, Weibo Status, Weibo Persistent, Weibo Other, Weibo Repost, Weibo Mention, GooglePlus Post, GooglePlus Comment, Survey Monkey Response, YouTube Comment Reply, YouTube Playlist, YouTube Video Comment, YouTube Video, Gowalla Activity, Gowalla My Checkin, X Timeline, X Sent DM, X Received Mention, X Received DM, X Reply, X Repost, X Auto DM, X Direct Message Deleted, X Post Deleted, X Sent Reply, X Sent Repost, X Sent Mention, Facebook Group Comments, Facebook Group Replies, Facebook Group Posts, Facebook Private Message Received, Facebook Private Message Sent, Facebook Comment, Facebook Replies, Facebook Post, Foursquare Check-In, Foursquare Tip, FourSquare My Checkin, Foursquare Update, FourSquare Recent Checkin, Foursquare Photo, Foursquare Special, VK Group Topic, VK Group Post Comment, VK Profile Wall Post, VK Group Topic Comment, VK Profile Comment, VK Group Post, Forums, News, Blog Post, Blog Comment, Reddit Post, LinkedIn Company Status Change, LinkedIn Post, LinkedIn Company Comment, LinkedIn Company Job Posting, LinkedIn Profile Comment, LinkedIn Company Position Change, LinkedIn Company Profile Change, LinkedIn Company New Product, LinkedIn Group Comment, LinkedIn Group Post, Crimson Hexagon Custom, Crimson Hexagon Facebook, Crimson Hexagon X, Crimson Hexagon Review, Crimson Hexagon Forum, Crimson Hexagon Blog, Crimson Hexagon Comment, Crimson Hexagon News, Crimson Hexagon YouTube, Crimson Hexagon Flickr, Instagram Post, Instagram Comment, Clarabridge document, Zendesk Comment, Zendesk Ticket, RenRen Photo, RenRen Link, RenRen Comment, RenRen Music, RenRen Blog, RenRen Album, RenRen Video, RenRen Status, WordPress Post, WordPress Reply, WordPress Comment, RSS Feed, Livechat post, Flickr Photo, Flickr Comment, SlideShare Post, Bazaar Voice Answer, Bazaar Voice Story Comment, Bazaar Voice Review Comment, Bazaar Voice Question, Bazaar Voice Story, Bazaar Voice Review, Tencent Weibo Private Message Receive, Tencent Weibo Empty Reply, Tencent Weibo Original, Tencent Weibo Private Message Send, Tencent Weibo Mention, Tencent Weibo Comment, Tencent Weibo Repost, Tencent Weibo Reply, Social Feedback Comment, Social Feedback SubType, Social Feedback Post, Social Feedback Question, Social Feedback In Conversation, Social Feedback Archived, Social Feedback New, Social Feedback Reply. (*certain message types may depend on purchase of premium modules e.g.: Listening Insights)

User Skill (Lookup)

Skill Assigned to the User, will create multiple rows if more than one skill is assigned to the user

Smart Clustering Top Words

AI identified top words appearing in messages by grouping/ clustering from messages.

Influencer Index

This is a sprinklr calculated metric. The formula used is A = (A - (.3 * B) ). A>20000 value is 100 else (A*100)/20000. In case of negative results value is 0. here A = followers and B = following.

Smart Clustering - Is Brand Post

Boolean field to state is a msg is abrand post (used specifically within smart clusters)

Case Archived

Indicates that the case was archived.

Agent Group

User Groups for which the User is part of, if they are part of multiple groups it will create multiple rows

Channel Name

Indicates whether the case is being managed by the Sprinklr case module or a third party CRM (when an integration is enabled).


Name of Agent for which report is generated


Date on which particular Status was assigned, in MM-DD-YYYY format

Case Summary

This shows the summary of the case entered while case creation.

Case Associated Customer Social Id

This shows the channel id of the customer along with the channel name.

Case Owner

The name of the owner of the case.

User Skills(CSV)

User Skills assigned to the agent, if multiple skills are assigned, it will come comma seperated

Agent Id

The sprinklr user ID for whom the report is being generated

Case Message Id

This gives the social network message id of the associated universal message.

Account Group

The name of the Sprinklr Account Group. An Account Group is a collection of Accounts within a Client that can contain multiple social networks. You can create and edit these groups under Administration> Settings.

Case Creation Interval

The time the case was created. This is a histogram dimension and can be used when we want to see cases at daily/weekly etc level


Sentiment of the message.

Rating Response Time

Time stamp when response is received to survey (sent through respective channel)

First Brand Response Message Created Time

This is the creation time of the first Brand message associated to the case. Messages are ordered in a case based on the time they were associated to the case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.


This is the Case. It will include the Case subject, case ID and description. This dimension should be used to compose tables like the Outbound Post or Inbound Message dimension.

Fan Latest Activity Time

Latest activity time on the associated messages of case.

Case Number

The ID number associated to the case.

Case Modification Time

The last time the case was modified.


The number of messages marked as Spam.

Time of Day (15 Minute Interval)

The specific quarter-hour period within a day when an activity took place, represented in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm). The displayed value corresponds to the user's timezone.

Message Time Interval

The creation time of the message associated to the case.

User Group

The name of the Sprinklr user group. You can create and edit User Groups under Administration>Settings.

Federation Id

Federation ID of the user who report is been generated

Case Associated Customer Id

This shows the channel id of the customer.

Case Rating Dimension

This gives the normalised rating of the case out of 5.

Social Network

The name of the social network. This dimension can be used to segment a common metric across multiple social network (e.g.: Total Engagements) or can be used as a filter to limit a widget to display only one type of social network. For Case Reporting, this will list the social network of the first message associated to the case.

Case Creation Time

The time at which the case was created. Note that this metric will not aggregate data of cases based on time interval. Use Case Creation for the same

Smart Clustering Phrase

AI identified themes at phrase level within underlying messages based on clustering similar phrases.

Inbound Message

The text of the inbound message.

Latest Change in AssociationTime

Latest activity on association time

Initial Message Type

When customers reach out through various channels like direct messages or public posts, and the case association is based on their profile, a single case is created. To identify the very first message type through which the customer initiated contact, you can use the "Initial Message Type" dimension.



Field Description

% of Cases First Replied Within SLA (Case Report)

The percentage of cases where first reply was made within SLA. This includes auto responses as well. This metric should be used with filter of Case Brand Responded as true to exclude unreplied cases.

Actual Rating

This defines the actual rating of case given by users without being normalized

Associated Brand Message Count

The total number of brand messages on a case. This includes auto responses as well.

Associated Fan Message Count

The total number of fan messages on a case. (This includes the transcripts from voice cases.

Associated Fan Message Count (Excluding Transcripts)

The total number of fan messages on a case. (Excluding the transcripts from voice cases.

Associated Message Count

Count of messages that are associated with the case (fan and brand messages both)

Associated User Brand Message Count

Number of brand messages excluding auto responses

Associated User Brand Message Count (Excluding Transcripts)

Number of brand messages excluding auto responses and transcripts

Case Comment Count

The number of workflow comments on a case.

Case Count

The number of cases.

Case Count (Post Aggregation Filter)

(case count - not at record levl, based on the field against with metric is aggregated - same as filter)

Case Distinct Customer

Distinct number of customers related to the case

Case First Response Count Outside SLA (Case Report)

The number of cases in which first brand response was made outside SLA. This includes auto responses as well. This metric should be used with filter of Case Brand Responded as true to exclude unreplied cases.

Case First Response Count Within SLA (Case Report)

The number of cases in which first brand response was made within SLA. This includes auto responses as well. This metric should be used with filter of Case Brand Responded as true to exclude unreplied cases.

Case First Response Time

Measures the time difference between first fan message and first brand response. If SLA preset is applied, this metric will give time based on working hours

Case First User Response Count Outside SLA (Case Report)

Gives the count of cases in which first user brand response was outside SLA. This only considers message replied by agent from Sprinklr. (Recommended to use "Case User Brand Responded" = True filter to exclude unreplied cases)

Case First User Response Count Within SLA (Case Report)

Gives the count of cases in which first user brand response was within SLA. This only considers message replied by agent from Sprinklr. (Recommended to use "Case User Brand Responded" = True filter to exclude unreplied cases)

Case First User Response Time

Measures the time difference between first fan message and first brand response. This excludes auto repsonses and survey but considers responses made natively. If SLA preset is applied, this metric will give time based on working hours

Case First User Response Time (Excludes auto import) From First Fan Message

Time taken to make the 1st response by the first assigned user from the time first fan message came to the system. (If the first user assigned to the case, does not respond and 1st response is made by the 2nd assigned user, metric value will be 0ms. Autoresponses are excluded from calculation.)

Case First User Response Time From First Fan Message

Time taken to make the 1st response by the first assigned user from the time first fan message came to the system. (If the first user assigned to the case, does not respond and 1st response is made by the 2nd assigned user, metric value will be 0ms. Autoresponses are also taken for calculation.)

Case Net Sentiment Score

This shows the overall sentiment of cases. The formula for calculating this is (_pos_sentiment + (_neu_sentiment/2) - _neg_sentiment)/ (_pos_sentiment + _neg_sentiment + _neu_sentiment)), where pos = positive, neu = neutral and neg = negative. So pos sentiment refers to cases with positive sentiment.

Case Rating

Rating of the case as given by users. It is normalized out of 5.

Cases Assigned to Reportee Work Queues

case count/ those assigned to the work queues associated to the logged-in user

Difference between Current and Initial Predicted CSAT Ratings

(that of CSAT predicted before 1st brand response)

Difference between Current and Previous Predicted CSAT Ratings

(that of immediate prev prediction)

Distinct Users

Distinct profiles count from which mentions coming in

Engagement Score (Case)

Engagement Score

Initial CSAT Score (Case)

Initial CSAT Score

Predicted CSAT Score (Case)

Predicted CSAT Score

Similar Case Helpful Count

Inbound Case

Similar Case Intuition Recommendation Count

Inbound Case