Process Execution Analytics Report


Extensive data points and customer journeys in the IVR can be tracked via the Process Execution data source in reporting. You can report on the customer journey within the IVR, including the sequence of customer interactions at each conversation level.



Case Number (D)

The ID associated with the case number.

Node Execution Start Time (D)

The timestamp when the node activity occurred.

Asset ID (D)

Unique conversation ID associated with all the node activity in the IVR.

Node Activity ID (D)

Unique Node ID of the IVR.

Node Activity Type (D)

Type of the node passed in the conversation.

Process Definition (D)

Name of the IVR (as per provided in config).

Node Activity Name (D)

Name of the node passed in the conversation (as per provided in the IVR).

Node Activity Sequence (D)

Provides the sequence of the IVR traversal through the nodes.

Total Process Executions (M)

Count of times a particular call traverses through any node.

Note: This reporting will reflect once the Toggle Node Execution Tracking node is enabled in the IVR.