

Queues in Sprinklr are a collection of entities. The most frequently used queues are Message queues and Case queues. Messages and Cases can be added in their respective queues either automatically using macros or rules; or manually by agents.

Typical use cases of a queue

Whenever you need to group and visualize messages (or cases) together, a queue can be helpful. Typical queues that are part of standard deployment are

  1. Backlog queue - A queue of all cases that are waiting to be assigned

  2. Escalation queue - A queue of all cases that have escalated cases

  3. Closed queue - A queue containing all closed cases

But in addition to the above, you can create any number of custom queues also like - a queue containing all cases related to the recent product launch, a queue containing all cases where feedback is received, etc.

Benefits of queue

There are several reasons why you would want to add a case (or a message) to queue

  1. You can create Engagement Dashboards to see the cases in respective queues

  2. You can track queue SLA - time the case spent in the queue to track metrics like how long the case stayed in the "escalation queue" etc.

  3. You can add cases in a queue so that you can process those cases via APIs or queue rules one by one - this is one of the most important use of a queue where it helps you create step by step automation sequence using queue rules. Example - A rule can pick cases from a queue and process them and add to the next queue, from where another rule can pick these and strat processing, and so on.