Survey Report



The Survey report contains all the related time stamps and KPIs related to survey, customer profile info and a holistic data of all instances from when the survey was sent to customer to when customer responded and submitted the survey.

Key Details

Data Aggregation and Filtering Options 



Users can aggregate and filter the report based on various criteria such as the Survey sent date and Case properties. However, the report does not support aggregation based on Case Queue, Work Queue, Assignment duration, and Response duration. 

Behavior of Case Custom Fields (CFs) 


The report captures the values of case custom fields at the time of survey being sent, representing a snapshot value. For real-time or current value tracking of case custom fields, the "Current value" version of the case custom fields should be exposed and utilized in the report. This ensures accurate representation of the latest case custom field values. 

Behavior of User Custom Fields (CFs) 

User custom fields cannot be used in this report. Any user level field such as ‘Agent / Agent ID / Agent group / Department, etc’ will not be relevant for this report. 

Supported Channels 


The metrics and dimensions in the report are relevant for all channels, including both voice and non-voice interactions if a sprinklr survey is sent. However, it's important to note that these metrics will not be relevant for Survey through IVR / voiebot.


Date filter:

Date Filters are present at the widget level and help you sort the data according to the metric/dimension added in the date filter. It means that cases will populate according to that date filter. In Survey report, 'Survey Sent time' works as the default date filter.

Group by:

The metrics in Survey report can be grouped / filtered / aggregated by the following standard dimensions.


Field Description


The Sprinklr user who sent the survey form on the associated case

Agent Email Id

The email ID associated with the respective user who sent the survey on the case

Agent Federation Id

The federation ID / custom user id that is assigned to a user or is associated with the respective user

Agent Group

The name of the agent group of which a particular user is a part of. In case an agent is a part of multiple groups, 2 rows will appear in the data corresponding to each of the agent groups that the agent is a part of

Agent Id

The sprinklr user ID for whom the report is being generated

All Engaged Users

Comma separated values/list of all the user/agents who were associated with the case on which a particular survey was sent or received a survey response based on which metric is used

Associated Case

If survey is sent from post publishing case associated to in reply to message, otherwise actual case survey was triggered on

Associated Case Id

This is the Case ID associated to the survey response received. It will include  only the case ID


This indicates what Browser was being used while logging in.


This is the Case associated to the survey response received. It will include the Case subject, case ID and description.

Case Id

This is the Case ID associated to the survey response received. It will include  only the case ID


The name of a city. This dimension will only apply to metrics that provide city-specific insights.

Country Name

The name of a country. This dimension will only apply to metrics that provide Country-specific insights.


Indicates whether the case has been deleted where the survey response had been received

Did you use our Live Chat?

The question associated to a particular survey, when this is plotted with survey and survey response count showcases the value/response which was entered by the customer associated to the case


Email ID of the Sprinklr user who sent the survey form on the associated case

Engaged Users

The total number of users who have shared content.

Federation Id

The federation ID / custom user id that is assigned to a user or is associated with the respective user

IP Address

IP address from which the survey was sent.

Is there any additional feedback that you would like to provide?

The question associated to a particular survey, when this is plotted with survey and survey response count showcases the value/response which was entered by the customer associated to the case

KB article is marked Helpful

Its a boolean field indicating true or false based on if the KB article was marked helpful by the sprinklr user while sending the survey form to the customer/ case

KB Article is marked UnHelpful

Its a boolean field indicating true or false based on if the KB article was marked unhelpful by the sprinklr user while sending the survey form to the customer/ case

KB Article Link was copied

Its a boolean field indicating true or false based on if the KB article  link was copied by the sprinklr user while sending the survey form to the customer/ case

KB Article was Read

Its a boolean field indicating true or false based on if the KB article was read by the sprinklr user while sending the survey form to the customer/ case

My experience using social media to address my issue was easy and convenient.

The question associated to a particular survey, when this is plotted with survey and survey response count showcases the value/response which was entered by the customer associated to the case

Oldest Unactioned Message

The message details ( first message in case of multiple messages) received on the case where no activity was done by the sprinklr user ( was left unactioned) associated to the case to which the survey was sent

Oldest Unactioned Message Date

The date of the oldest ( first message in case of multiple messages) messages received on the case where no activity was done by the sprinklr user ( was left unactioned) associated to the case to which the survey was sent

Oldest Unactioned Message Time

The timestamp of the oldest ( first message in case of multiple messages) messages received on the case where no activity was done by the sprinklr user ( was left unactioned) associated to the case to which the survey was sent

Operating System

Indicates what Operating System was being used when viewing the video or while logging in

Outbound Message Custom Property

The name of a Custom Property key (a.k.a. drop down list) on an outbound message, inbound message or a case. If selected on a post-level table, the text of the Property Key name (not the value from the menu) will appear next to the post. In general this dimension should be added in order after the dimension Outbound Post, Inbound Message, or Case.

Outbound Post

Displays the text and media of an Outbound Message sent from an Account.

Proficiency (Akelah Carter)

The proficiency score with respect to the particular skill mentioned for a user


Refers to where people came from when they visited your channel.


The name of the Region indicated from the IP address of the origin of the click. This can only be determined from clicks that come on Sprinklr-managed shortened URLs. This dimension can only be used with the metric Click Count.


Name of the survey that was sent to the customer associated on a particular case

Survey Channel

Social channel on which the case was associated on where the customer responded to the survey

Survey Customer

Name of the customer who filled the survey (if name is not present - then the contact no will be shown in this dimension).

Survey Customer Handle

The social network or channel where the customer responded to the survey

Survey Customer Profile

Profile of the customer - preferably the account from which survey was filled

Survey Filled by Customer Id

Profile ID of the customer who filled the associated survey associated to the particular case

Survey Filled by Customer Name

Name of the customer who filled the associated survey associated to the particular case

Survey First Brand Interaction Date

date of the first interaction/ message made by the sprinkrl user associated to the case where a particular survey was sent or received.

Survey First Brand Interaction Time

Timestamp of the first interaction/ message made by the sprinkrl user associated to the case where a particular survey was sent or received.

Survey First Fan Interaction Date

Date of the first interaction made by the customer associated to the case where a particular survey was sent or received.

Survey First Fan Interaction Time

Timestamp of the first interaction made by the customer associated to the case where a particular survey was sent or received.

Survey Language

The language in which the survey was created

Survey Last Brand Associated Message

Showcases the last message that is sent by the sprinklr user/ brand on the case where the survey response has been received

Survey Last Brand Interaction Date

Timestamp of the last interaction/ message made by the sprinkrl user associated to the case where a particular survey was sent or received.

Survey Last Brand Interaction Time

Timestamp of the last interaction/ message made by the sprinkrl user associated to the case where a particular survey was sent or received.

Survey Last Fan Associated Message

Indicates the last message that is sent by the customer on the case where the survey response has been received

Survey Last Fan Interaction Date

date of the last interaction/ message made by the customer/ fan associated to the case where a particular survey was sent or received.

Survey Last Fan Interaction Time

Timestamp of the last interaction/ message made by the customer associated to the case where a particular survey was sent or received.

Survey Response Date

This shows the date at which Survey was responded by the customer on the case

Survey Response Date

This shows the date at which Survey was responded  by the customer associated on a particular case

Survey Response Id

Alphanumeric unique ID of the Response received by the customer

Survey Response Time

The date timestamp at which the survey response was received associated to a particular case and survey.

Survey Sent Time

This shows the date at which Survey was sent by the sprinklr user associated on a particular case

Text is copied from KB Article

Its a boolean field indicating true or false based on if the text sent on the case was copied from KB article by the sprinklr user while sending the survey form to the customer/ case

Universal Case Custom Property

The name of a Custom Property key (a.k.a. drop down list) on an outbound message, inbound message or a case. If selected on a post-level table, the text of the Property Key name (not the value from the menu) will appear next to the post. In general this dimension should be added in order after the dimension Outbound Post, Inbound Message, or Case.


The Sprinklr user who sent the survey form on the associated case

User Agent

The browser from which the click originated. This dimension can only be used in conjunction with Click Count metric.

User Current Status

This dimension will indicate the current status of the user who sent the survey  to the customer (eg, available, break, training etc based on implementation)

User Manager

The name of the manager that is associated with a particular user. This always shows the current assigned manager of the user. For Eg: In case a manager A is assigned to User A on 1st April, and is changed to manager B on 1st May; all the historical data till 30th Apr will also show the manager B associated with user A

User Skill (Lookup)

This shows the list of skills that is assigned to the particular user. If the user has been assigned 4 different skills, this dimension when plotted in report will create 4 rows for each of the respective skill assigned.

User Skill and Proficiency(CSV)

Comma separated values of all skills and their respective proficiencies assigned to a particular user in the below mentioned format:

Skill1: Proficiency1, Skill2: Proficiency2 and so on

User Skills(CSV)

Comma separated values of all skills assigned to a particular user in the below mentioned format:

Skill1, Skill2, Skill 3 and so on



Field Description

Survey Case Total Message Count

Count of total (customer + sprinklr user) message associated with the case on which survey is sent.

Survey Response Count

Total number of surveys responded by the customer

Survey Case Fan Message Count

Count of customer messages associated with the case on which survey is sent.

Predicted CSAT Score

Predicted value of CSAT score associated to the case where the survey response was received

Survey Case Brand Message Count

Count of sprinklr user messages associated with the case on which survey is sent.