Universal Case


A collection or grouping of messages is called a case in Sprinklr. This is very similar to a "ticket" found in other platforms. Sprinklr treats case as an omnichannel object and is truly channel agnostic. That means a case can have multipel conversations from different channels stitched in one case, giving the agent a complete context of the customer query across channels.

Benefits of Universal Messages

There are several benefits of converting everything into a Universal Message

  1. Each conversation from the customer on different channels need not create a separate case

  2. Unified reporting on cases across channels

  3. Any integration done for case works across channels and is easy to scale

  4. It's very easy for brands to expand their operations to new channels.

Even though a case contains messages from different channels, channel-specific nuances are preserved in the form of metadata

Case metadata

Universal messages have two types of metadata

  1. Standard fields

  2. Custom fields

Standard fields are information about the message which the system captures like "case creation date", "channel of origin" etc. Whereas Case Custom fields are custom meta data that you can create on Case and populate that manually or using automation