User groups


User groups are a collection of users. You can use user groups to segment users and make bulk actions on them, like giving permission to a user group at once, putting a user group in an assignment queue, etc.

A user can belong to multiple user groups

There are two types of user groups in Sprinklr

  1. Static user group

  2. Dynamic user group

Static user group

Static user groups are groups where you need to explicitly add or remove users. You need to open a user group and select or remove users from that group. These are good for small user groups which is not expected to change often.

Dynamic user group

When users in user groups change frequently, then dynamic user groups can be used. Users can be added or removed from a Dynamic user group by just changing a user property. Dynamic user groups are defined as a group that contains all users which satisfy a specific condition.

Example, you can define a dynamic user group called "English speaking users" which contains all users who speak English which is identified by a custom field on user called "Language". You can do so by definiting filter in the dynamic user group as "Language = English". Now whenver you add a new user and you set the Language as English, they will automatically be added to the user group