User Occupancy



The User Occupancy Report allows users to analyze and monitor agent availability and status within a given time range. The record generation is based on occupancy clock trigger that runs every hour and the time spent in each status during that one hour is recorded.

Data Aggregation and Filtering Options        

Users can aggregate and filter the report based on date and user custom properties. This report shall not be aggregated at a case level.

Behavior of Case Custom Fields (CFs)      

Case custom fields cannot be used in this report. Any case level field such as ‘Channel type, Social network, Case duration, etc’ will not be relevant for this report. 

Behavior of User Custom Fields (CFs)  

User custom fields cannot be used in this report. Any user level field such as ‘Agent / Agent ID / Agent group / Department, etc’ will not be relevant for this report. 

Supported Channels      

The metrics and dimensions in the report are not channel specific.

Date filter:

Date Filters are present at the widget level and help you sort the data according to the metric/dimension added in the date filter. It means that cases will populate according to that date filter. In user occupancy report, 'Status Assign time' works as the default date filter.

Group by:

The metrics in User Occupancy report can be grouped / filtered / aggregated by the following standard dimensions.


Field Description


The name of the sprinklr agent

Agent Email Id

The email ID associated with the respective user

Agent Federation Id

The federation ID / custom user id that is assigned to a user or is associated with the respective user

Agent Group

The name of the agent group of which a particular user is a part of. In case an agent is a part of multiple groups, 2 rows will appear in the data corresponding to each of the agent groups that the agent is a part of

Agent Id

The sprinklr unique ID of the agent

Availability Status

This dimension shows the name of the particular status that a user moved/ selected in a day. For Eg: If a user moved to 3 different status in a day, it will show 3 different rows for each of these statuses when plotted with the user. When used with "time spent in status". this dimension will show the particular status and their time spent in this activity


The calendar Date on which the activity occurred.


The calendar Date on which the activity occurred in the format of dd-mm-yyyy

Day of Time Range

This dimension specifies the respective day number in the selected time range. Note that the start date will be referred to as Day 1 and so on.

Day Of Week

The name of the day of the week on which the activity occurred

Federation Id

The federation ID of the agent associated

Login Current Status

This dimension will indicate the current login status of the user whether its logged in or logged out.

For Eg: If this dimension is used with User Count, will given the count of agents who are currently logged in or logged out. 

Month Of Year

The name of the Calendar Month on which the activity occurred.

Status End Time

The timestamp at which the agent moved out of a particular status

Time Of Day

The hour of the day on which the activity occurred. This is generally displayed according to the 24 hour clock and displays 1 hour interval indicating the start of interval and displays based upon the timezone of the Sprinklr user. 

Time Of Day (15 Minute Interval)

The specific quarter-hour period within a day when an activity took place, represented in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm). The displayed value corresponds to the user's timezone.

Time of day (30 minutes interval)

The specific half-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone.


The name of Sprinklr user

User Current State

This dimension will indicate the current state of the user with respect to a particular status that agent is working in and has selected. This shows values like "on call", "on ringing", "on incoming call" etc providing a current view of the user activity

User Current Status

This dimension will indicate the current status of the user which the user can move and select (eg, available, break, training etc based on implementation)

User Id

The sprinklr unique ID of the user

User Manager

The name of the manager that is associated with a particular user. This always shows the current assigned manager of the user. For Eg: In case a manager A is assigned to User A on 1st April, and is changed to manager B on 1st May; all the historical data till 30th Apr will also show the manager B associated with user A

User Skill (Lookup)

This shows the list of skills that is assigned to a particular user. If the user has been assigned 4 different skills, this dimension when plotted in report will create 4 rows for each of the respective skill assigned.

User Skill and Proficiency(CSV)

Comma separated values of all skills and their respective proficiencies assigned to a particular user in the below mentioned format:

Skill1: Proficiency1, Skill2: Proficiency2 and so on

User Skills(CSV)

Comma separated values of all skills assigned to a particular user in the below mentioned format:

Skill1, Skill2, Skill 3 and so on

Week of Time Range

This dimension shows the respective week number in the selected time range. Depending on the time range selected the week number will change. Note that the starting week will be referred to as Week 1 and so on and a week is calculated or started from Monday to Sunday

Work Queue

The name of the queue against which the user has performed some activity but it will show the total time of activity against the queue name. For Eg: A user has 2hrs time in available status in Queue A and 1 hrs in Queue B, it will show total of 3 hrs available time and when plotted against work queue it will show Queue A | 3hrs, and Queue B | 3hrs



Field Description

Response count in status

Count of responses made by the agent in a particular status which is plotted or filtered basis availability status

Time Spent in Available Status with any case assigned

Time spent by user/agent in a "available" status with any case assigned

Time spent in status

Time spent by user/agent in a particular status when plotted against the availability status dimension

Time spent in status with any message assigned.

Time spent by user/agent in a particular status with any message assigned when plotted against the availability status dimension

Total logged-in time

Total time the user was logged in the system

Total logged-out time

Total time the user was logged out the system

Unique Days (Occupancy)

This metric provide Unique Days agent has been in particular Status (Availalbity Status/Login Status) in particular time range, we should use this User Dimension.

For eg. - We want to find Unique Days on which agent was Available in Last 30 days, i can use this metric, with filter for Availablity Status = Available and date range as last 30 days. "

User Count (Status)

This provides count of users based on the status they move to or count of status who changed their statuses to some other status (This counts user as 1 agent per status. For Eg:. An agent moves to available status 2 times - it will show count as 1)