Voice Agent Performance Report



Voice agent performance report gives detailed information about the performance of the agent and all the metrics/dimensions are based on agent level. It summarizes the actions, activities, time spent in various status (agent status) and interactions over the day. All the metrics and dimensions are based on unique and individual agent names. This report stores all the details post the call is assigned to an agent and supports a wide range of filters. 

This report provides a detailed breakdown of time spent on a call (which includes the time spent talking on phone, the time call was put on hold, the time call rang on the agent console, time spent to fill the after call wrap up form). 

The report tracks a wide range of metrics, broken down based on both the amount and percentage of active time spent in each state. 



Data Aggregation and Filtering Options        

Users can aggregate and filter the report based on various criteria such as the date of call, work queues, agent, case / call custom properties and user custom properties.  

Behavior of Case Custom Fields (CFs)      

The ‘Case’ custom field (Dimension with (Case) as a suffix), will consider only the latest value of the case. The ‘Old value’ custom field (Dimension with (Old Value) as a suffix), will only consider the values recorded while the call is ON. I.e. If the CF gets updated post the disconnection of the call, the value will not reflect in reporting. If the case maker logic is set to associate Multiple calls in one case, Old value Custom fields are to be used to provide data at a call level.  

Behavior of User Custom Fields (CFs)  

User custom fields in the report always display the latest value of the field. For instance, if a user was part of Team A at the time of macro application but currently belongs to Team B, the report will reflect the current association, showing that the user from Team B applied the macro.   

Supported Channels      

The metrics and dimensions in the report are relevant only for voice channel. 

Date filter:  

Date Filters are present at the widget level and help you sort the data according to the metric/dimension added in the date filter. It means that cases will populate according to that date filter. In Voice Agent Performance report, 'Call start time' works as the default date filter.

Group by:

The metrics in Voice Agent Performance report can be grouped / filtered / aggregated by the following standard dimensions.

Account (D)

Account name of the voice application through which the call is made


Name of the after call wrap up form that is filled by agent after the call

ACW Max Time (D)

Maximum time allotted within which ACW form is to be filled

ACW Skipped (D)

Boolean field telling if the ACW form that pops up after the call was skipped or not

ACW Submitted (D)

Boolean field telling if the ACW form was submitted after the call or not

ACW Timed-Out (D)

Boolean field telling if the ACW form was filled before the time out (closed due to time bound configuration of the form) or not

ACW Type (D)

Type of the ACW form that showed up (For eg, mandatory, mandatory time bound ACWs)

Agent Call Rejection Reason (D)

Gives the reason for why the call was rejected from the agent's end, to be plotted with call states containing agent reject offer filter to view the exact reasons

Agent Conference Start Timestamp (D)

The timestamp when the call was put to conference call

Agent Connected At Timestamp (D)

The timestamp at which the agent connected to the call

Agent Disconnected At Timestamp (D)

The time at which the agent got disconnected from the call

Agent Phone Number (D)

The phone number of the agent used to call the customer

Agent Transferred At Timestamp (D)

Time stamp at which the agent has transferred the call to another agent (Agent 1 controls are disconnected)

Assigned to User (D)

The name of the user who received the call assignment

Call Disconnect Time (D)

Time stamp at which the call has disconnected

Call Disposition (D)

Call disposition form/ ACW will come on the call disposition screen which is filled by the agent to note the intent of the customer

Call Disposition Plan (D)

The product for which the disposition plan is there

Call Initiator (D)

States if the call is a segment call (dialed) or scheduled callback

Call Offered At (D)

Timestamp at which call was assigned to agent

Call Offered At Interval (D)

Time interval at which call was assigned to agent (useful for aggregation)

Call Start Date (D)

Date when the call has been initiated/ triggered time

Call Start Time (D)

The time when the call was triggered/initiated

Call Start Time Interval (D)

Gives the interval of the call start time, can apply respective aggregation to check hourly, daily,etc intervals

Call States (D)

Provides details of all the different states the call has been in (agent connected, customer connected, etc.). Can be used as a filter to find no. of calls in a specific state during the journey

Call Sub-Disposition (D)

Standard field in ACW form where the reason/intent of the call is filled by the agent after the call

Caller (D)

The phone number of the customer

Caller Country (D)

The country from where the call was initiated

Caller Country Code (D)

The country code from where the call was initiated

Caller State (D)

Name of the state (e.g., Delhi, Punjab) of the caller (one who initiates the call)

Campaign (D)

Name of the campaign used for outbound calls by the agent

Campaign Call Attempt Number (D)

Campaign Level Attempt number of profile or Lead (Record)

Case Number (D)

Unique ID associated with each case

Conference Initiated (D)

Boolean field telling if the conference was initiated on the call or not

Conference Received (D)

Boolean field telling if the conference for the call was received or not

Conference With External Agent (D)

Boolean field telling if the a conference with the external agent (agent not present on sprinklr platform) was initiated or not

Conversation Completion Status (D)

This specify about the status of the call after it ends. For example - AGENT_NO_ANSWER, CUSTOMER_REJECTED, COMPLETED etc.

Conversation Id (D)

Unique ID associated to every call received in the system

Customer (D)

Name of the Customer (will show number if the name is not present)

Customer Phone Number (D)

The phone number of the customer who initiated the call

Date (D)

The calendar date on which the activity occurred

Day Of Week (D)

The day of week when the activity occurred

Dialer Profile (D)

The profile of the dialer used for outbound calls

Dialer Type (D)

States if the dialer type is predictive/ preview/ progressive, etc.

Direction (D)

Provides segregation between inbound/outbound calls

Disconnected By Agent (D)

Boolean field; if the call was disconnected by agent or not

Fresh Attempt (D)

Boolean dimension; tells whether the call was made for the first time for the particular campaign or segment

Global Call Attempt Number (D)

Global Call Attempt Number on Profile or Lead (Record)

Is Abandoned On Hold (D)

Boolean field telling if the call was abandoned when on hold or not

Is ACW Callback (D)

Boolean field telling if the call was a ACW callback or not

Is Scheduled Call Back (D)

Boolean field telling if the call was a scheduled callback or not

IVR Process (D)

First/Main IVR which was called for inbound call

Language (Call) (D)

Language selected in the IVR

Manual Call (D)

Boolean field telling if the call was manually dialed or not

Manual Call (D)

Boolean field telling if the call was manually dialed or not

Month Of Year (D)

The month in which activity occurred

Segment Id (D)

Name of the segment

Talk Time (D)

Total time spent by an agent in interaction with the customer

Task Priority (D)

Priority that is given to the tasks related to IVR. The tasks will be performed in the order of their priority marking

Time Of Day (D)

The time of the day when the activity occurred

Transferred To Agent(s) (D)

Boolean field telling if the call was transferred to other agents or not

Transferred To IVR(s) (D)

Name of the IVR to which the call was transferred from the initial IVR

Transferred To Queue(s) (D)

Name of the queue to which the call was transferred from 1 queue

User (D)

This dimension provides the name and email ID of the agent along the Agent group

User Email (D)

Agent's email ID

User Group (D)

Name of the group of agents

User Manager (D)

The manager of the agent that is entered in the agent profile on Sprinklr platform

User Skill and Proficiency(CSV) (D)

Comma separated values of user/agent skills and their proficiency score present on the platform

User Skills(CSV) (D)

Comma separated values of user/agent skills present on the platform

Voice Application (D)

The name of the voice application used to call

Voice Application Number (D)

The phone number of voice application used to call or connect on a call

Voice Case Number (D)

Unique number/id associated with a case

Was ACW Callback Requested (D)

Boolean field telling if the ACW callback was requested or not

Work Queue (D)

Name of all the work queues the call had been in

Call Warm Transferred Successfully (D)

It provides insights into whether warm transfers were successful or failed and the number of such transfers.

Required Skills at Assignment

Allows the identification of the unique skills associated to the call that are required for an agent to receive a call at the time of assignment.


ACW Max Time (M)

Maximum time allotted within which ACW form is to be filled

Agent Initiated Calls Picked Up (Agent) (M)

Number of manual agent calls picked up by the customer

Average Conference Time (M)

Avg. time for which agent was on a conference call

Average Consult Received Hold Time (M)

Average of Hold Time for agent of a conference/warm transfer call

Average Consult Received Time in Warm Transfer (M)

Average of time spent by Agent consulting with other agent during warm transfer

Average Consult Received Wrap Time (M)

Average of ACW Time for agent of a conference/warm transfer call

Average Handle Time (M)

Average time for which call was handled by the agent

Average Hold Time (M)

Overall hold time of agent / no. of cases handled by the agent

Average Mute Time (M)

Mute time of an agent / no of cases handled by that agent

Average Ring Time (M)

Average time for which the call rang on the agent console

Average Talk Time (M)

Total time spent by an agent in interaction with the customer/ no of calls taken by the agent

Average Wrap Time (M)

Average time taken by the agent for which the call rang on the agent console

Calls Abandoned On Hold (Agent) (M)

Number of calls abandoned by customers while on hold by agent

Calls Abandoned On Hold (Agent) (Unique) (M)

Unique number of Calls abandoned by customers while in hold by agent - wrt agent - Cardinal metric

Conference Initiated Count (Agent) (M)

Total count of calls for which a conference was initiated by the agent

For eg, for a call, 2 times conference was initiated, the count here will be 2 because the total conference initiated by the agent is 2

Conference Initiated Count (Agent) (Unique) (M)

Number/ count of unique conversation ids for which a conference was initiated on the call by the agent ( Cardinal metric)

For eg for a call - 2 times conference was initiated, the count here will be 1 because for 1 unique conversation id, conference was initiated

Conference Received Count (Agent) (M)

Total count of calls for which a conference was received by the agent

For eg for a call - 2 times conference was received, the count here will be 2 because total conference received is 2

Conference Received Count (Agent) (Unique) (M)

Number/ count of unique conversation ids for which a conference was received by the agent ( cardinal metric)

For eg for a call - 2 times conference was received, the count here will be 1 because for 1 unique conversation id, conference was received

Conference Time (Agent) (M)

Total time which the agent put the call on conference

Connected Conference Count (Agent) (Unique) (M)

Number/ count of unique conversation ids for which a conference was connected by the agent ( cardinal metric)

For eg, for a call - 2 times conference was received, the count here will be 1 if the agent connects on the call because for 1 unique conversation id, the conference was connected

Consult Received Accepted (M)

The total number of times that this agent received and accepted collaborations or simple consultations that were associated with customer interactions

Consult Received Accepted (Unique) (M)

The unique number of times that this agent received and accepted collaborations or simple consultations that were associated with customer interactions wrt to unique conversation id

Consult Received Hold (M)

The total number of times that this agent was on hold during simple consultations that the agent received where the consultations were associated with customer interactions

Consult Received Hold (Unique) (M)

The total number of times that a particular agent was on hold during simple consultations that the agent received where the consultations were associated with customer interactions

Consult Received Time (Agent) (M)

During warm transfer, time spent by agent consulting with other agent

Consult Received Wrap (M)

The total number of times that this agent was in ACW (Wrap) state after requests for simple consultation that the agent received where the consultations were associated with customer interactions

Consult Received Wrap (Unique) (M)

ACW time for agent in case of conference/transfer scenario

Consult Received Wrap Time (M)

ACW Time for agent of a conference/warm transfer call

Handle Time (Agent) (M)

total_talk_time + total_hold_time + total_wrap_time

Hold Count(Agent) (M)

Number of times the customer was put on hold for the call by an agent

Hold Time (Agent) (M)

Time for which the agent has put the call on hold

Mute Time (Agent) (M)

Time which the call was on mute by the agent

Number of Agents (M)

Number of users with login credentials in the Sprinklr Environment

Number of Calls Connected (M)

Total number of calls where agent and customer both connected

Number of Calls Connected (Unique) (M)

Unique number of calls where agent and customer both connected - cardinal metric

Number of Calls not Accepted (M)

The total number of customer interactions that were redirected to another resource upon no answer by the agent or were otherwise not accepted by the agent

Number of Calls not Accepted (Unique) (M)

The unique number of customer interactions that were redirected to another resource upon no answer by the agent or were otherwise not accepted by the agent - cardinal metric

Number of Calls Offered (M)

Unique number of calls that were offered to the agent - cardinal metric

Number of Calls Offered (Unique) (M)

Unique number of call that was offered to any agent (Cardinal metric)

Number of Calls Per Hour (Agent) (M)

Number of Calls Offered / Time Range Selected (in hours)

Number of Calls Rejected (M)

The unique number of customer interactions that alerted at the agent console and were not accepted - specific to agent

Number of Calls Rejected (Unique) (M)

The unique number of customer interactions (unique to conversation id) that alerted at the agent and were not accepted - cardinal metric

Number of Calls Taken (M)

Total number of customer interactions in which both the customer and agent were connected

Number of Calls Taken (Unique) (M)

Number of customer interactions that were accepted by the agent (Cardinal metric)

Number of Manual Calls Picked (Agent) (M)

Number of customer connected calls manually dialed by agent

Number of outbound calls (M)

Number of outbound calls made by agents

Number of outbound calls (Unique) (M)

Unique number of outbound calls - 1 unique customer phone number will refer to 1 outbound call count

Outbound Customer Ring Time (Agent) (M)

Time spent by agent when outbound call is ringing at customer end

Ring Time (Agent) (M)

Total time (in seconds) spent waiting for agent/customer

Talk Time (Agent) (M)

Total time spent by an agent in interaction with the customer

Blind Transfer Initiated (M)

The total number of blind transfers initiated by the agent during a call, including transfers directly to another agent or to a queue.

Blind Transfer Received (M)

The total number of blind transfers received by the agent during a call that were accepted and connected.

Total Call Duration (M)

Total Call Duration provides the cumulative time spent on the call by an agent.

  • Total Call Duration for inbound calls includes the IVR Time, Queue Wait Time, Ring Time, Hold Time, Talk Time, and ACW Time.

  • Total Call Duration for outbound calls includes the Outbound IVR Time, Total Preview Time, Outbound Customer Ring Time, Queue Time, Ring Time, Talk Time, Hold Time, and ACW Time.

  • Total Call Duration for imported calls is equal to the total duration of call recording.

Total Call Invite Time (M)

The total amount of time that customer interactions alerted at this agent console (time the call rang on agent console in predictive dialers where customer connects first), plus the total duration of the dialing that the particular agent performed

Total Calls Offered (M)

Total number of customer interactions that were offered to agents (takes in multiple interactions as well)

Total Calls Rejected (M)

The total number of customer interactions that alerted at the agent console and were not accepted - overall count of all the rejected calls

Total Conference Time (M)

Total time taken the agent put the call on conference with other agents

Total Handle Time (M)

Overall handle time for agents which includes talk time + hold time + ACW wrap time

Total Hold Time (M)

Overall call hold time of the agent

Total Mute Time (M)

Total time taken the agent put the call on mute

Total Offer Missed Calls (M)

The total number of times when agent does not accept/reject call pop-up at the agent console

Total Preview Time for Agent (M)

This time is just calculated for Preview Dialers in outbound call - time to preview the call in the console

Total Profiles (Agent) (M)

Total number of profiles (customer data/profiles) that is assigned to an agent.

Total Queue Time (Agent) (M)

Time for which call was waiting in work queue for assignment before it got assigned to some agent

Total Ring Time (M)

Total time for which the call rang on the agent console

Total Talk Time (M)

Total time spent by an agent in interaction with the customer

Total Transfers Initiated (Blind/Warm)

The total number of warm and blind transfers initiated by the agent during a call, either to a queue or directly to another agent.

Total Transfers Received (M)

The total number of warm and blind transfers received by the agent during a call. For warm transfers, this includes instances where the call rang on the agent's console, regardless of whether the agent later accepted the call. For blind transfers, it includes calls that were accepted and connected after ringing on the agent's console.

Warm Transfer Initiated (M)

The total number of warm transfers initiated by the agent during a call, including transfers directly to another agent (regardless of whether the call was answered) or to a queue.

Warm Transfer Received (M)

The total number of warm transfers received by the agent during a call, counted either when the call rings on the agent's console, the agent connects on the call (consult call), or the full control of the call is successfully transferred to the agent (successful transfer call).

Total WrapUp Time (M)

Total time spent by the agent in the ACW (Wrap) state

Unique Leads (Agent) (M)

No. of unique leads based on profile (a customer can have multiple leads like add to cart, add to wishlist, order return but profile is 1 only therefore the unique leads will be 1 (cardinal metric))

Unique Profiles (Agent) (M)

Number of Unique Agents in the call

Incomplete Warm Transfers (M)

Warm transfers initiated by the agent where the transferred agent may or may not have connected to the call. If connected, it is considered a consult call without full control being transferred to the receiving agent.

Unsucessful Warm Transfers Received (M)

Warm transfers received by the agent where the agent connected to the call, but it remained only a consult call without full control being transferred.

Successful Warm Transfers (M)

Warm transfers initiated where the final or complete control of the call was successfully transferred to another agent.

Sucessful Warm Transfers Received (M)

Warm transfers received where the final or complete control of the call was successfully transferred to the agent.

Total External Transfer Initiated (Agent) (M)

The total number of external transfers initiated by the agent, regardless of whether the external party connected to the call.

Total IVR Transfer Initiated (Agent) (M)

The total number of IVR transfers initiated by the agent.