Voice Report



Voice Report provides the entire information about the calls made (both inbound and outbound calls) from customer perspective. All the metrics provided in this glossary are at a “Call Level”. Each call is associated to a unique conversation Id corresponding to which all the details of that call is stored irrespective of if the call got completed in the IVR or connected to the agent. If there are mulitple agents on call it is going to aggergate the data at conversation ID level This report helps to identify the various call related parameters and trends. 

Data Aggregation and Filtering Options        

Users can aggregate and filter the report based on various criteria such as the date of call, first and last work queues, and case / call custom properties. This report shall not be aggregated at a user level, however all the participated agents of a call are recorded in a dimension and can be populated against the Conversation ID (call ID) 

Behavior of Case Custom Fields (CFs)      

The ‘Case’ custom field (Dimension with (Case) as a suffix), will consider only the latest value of the case. The ‘Old value’ custom field (Dimension with (Old Value) as a suffix), will only consider the values recorded while the call is ON. I.e. If the CF gets updated post the disconnection of the call, the value will not reflect in reporting. If the case maker logic is set to associate Multiple calls in one case, Old value Custom fields are to be used to provide data at a call level.  

Behavior of User Custom Fields (CFs)  

User custom fields cannot be used in this report. Any user level field such as ‘Agent / Agent ID / Agent group / Department, etc’ will not be relevant for this report. 

Supported Channels      

The metrics and dimensions in the report are relevant only for voice channel. 

Date filter:  

Date Filters are present at the widget level and help you sort the data according to the metric/dimension added in the date filter. It means that cases will populate according to that date filter. In Voice report, 'Call start time' works as the default date filter.

Group by & Filters:

The metrics in Voice report can be grouped / filtered / aggregated by the following standard dimensions.



Abandoned Reason (D)

Gives the reason of why the call had been abandoned in case of outbound flow

Account Group (D)

The name of the Sprinklr Account Group. An Account Group is a collection of Accounts within a Client that can contain multiple social networks

ACW Eligible Agents (D)

Boolean field telling if the agent is eligible for ACW form or not

Agent Accepted Call Offer Time Stamp (D)

The timestamp at which call offer was accepted by the agent (agent has the option to either accept or reject the call offer - also there can be a delay in call accepted and accepted call offer)

Agent Accepted Call Time Stamp (D)

The timestamp at which accepted the call/ connected on the call

Agent Ended Call Time Stamp (D)

The timestamp at which agent disconnected the call

Agent Idleness Start Time Stamp (D)

For predictive dialer - The timestamp when the agent's call is completed and the agent is in idle state

All Agent Phone Numbers (D)

Values of all the agents' phone number that were associated with the call

All Agents Phone Number Csv (D)

Comma separated values of all the agents' phone number that were associated with the call

All Participated Agents (D)

Name of all the participated agents in the call

All Participated Agents Csv (D)

Name of all the participated agents in the call, comma separated

All Participated Agents Federation Ids (D)

Federation ID of all the participated agents in the call

Assigned to User (D)

The name of the user who received the call assignment

Auto Answered (D)

Boolean dimension; tells if the call was auto-answered for the agent or not

Call Disconnect Time (D)

Time at which the call gets disconnected

Call Disconnect Time Interval (D)

Time interval when customer was disconnected from call

Call Disconnection Stage (D)

States the stage at which the call got disconnected. (If it has disconnected in the IVR/ Queue/ after agent connection)

Call Disposition (D)

Call disposition form/ ACW will come on the call disposition screen which is filled by the agent to note the intent of the customer

Call Disposition Plan (D)

Standard field in ACW showing product details for which the disposition plan was filled by the agent

Call Initiator (D)

States if the call is a segment call (dialed) or scheduled callback

Call Initiator Id (D)

ID associated with the call initiator

Call Offered to Agent Time Stamp (D)

The timestamp at which call was offered to the agent

Call Start Date (D)

Date when the call has been initiated/triggered time

Call Start Time (D)

Time at which the call starts (inbound - when call lands on IVR, outbound - as soon as the call is initiated)

Call Start Time Interval (D)

The time interval at which the call started

Call States (D)

Provides details of all the different states the call has been in (agent connected, customer connected, etc.). Can be used as a filter to find no. of calls in a specific state during the journey

Call Sub-Disposition (D)

Standard field in ACW form where the reason/intent of the call is filled by the agent after the call

Caller (D)

Phone number from which the call was initiated

Caller Country (D)

The country from where the call was initiated

Caller State (D)

Name of the state (eg. delhi, punjab) of the caller (one who initiates the call)

Campaign (D)

Name of the campaign used to initiate outbound calls

Case Assigned to Agent Time Stamp (D)

Timestamp for which case is assigned to an agent

Case Id (D)

ID assigned to given case associated with the call

Case Number (D)

Unique ID associated with each case

Case Unassigned to Agent Time Stamp (D)

Timestamp for which case is unassigned to an agent

Conference Initiated (D)

Boolean field telling if the call had a conference call initiated or not

Contact Accepted Time Stamp (D)

The timestamp at which customer accepted the call/ got connected on the call

Contact Ended Time Stamp (D)

The timestamp at which customer disconnected the call

Conversation Completion Status (D)

This specify about the status of the call after it ends. For example - AGENT_NO_ANSWER, CUSTOMER_REJECTED, COMPLETED etc.

Conversation Id (D)

Unique identifier for the voice interactions

Conversation Participant (D)

Gives unique id of all the agents associated with the call and customer's phone number associated with the call, in different rows

Customer (D)

Name of the customer (will show number if the name is not present)

Customer Answered Time (D)

Time at which customer picks the call

Customer Connected At (D)

Timestamp at which the customer has connected to the call for both inbound/outbound

Customer Connected At The Interval (D)

Time interval when the customer was connected on the call

Customer Phone Number (D)

The phone number of the customer who initiated the call

Date (D)

The calendar date on which the activity occurred

Day Of Week (D)

The day of week when the activity occurred

Dialer Profile (D)

The profile of the dialer used for outbound calls - the name of dialer

Dialer Type (D)

States if the dialer type is Predictive/ preview/ progressive, etc.

Direction (D)

Provides segregation between inbound/outbound calls

Disconnection Type (D)

States the disconnection type of the call, if it was system disconnection / agent/ customer disconnection

Agent Disconnect - The interaction was disconnected by a user and is no longer active

System Disconnect - The interaction was disconnected due to system issues / IVR hangup and is no longer active

Remote Disconnect - The interaction was disconnected by someone outside the system (for example, a customer) and is no longer active

Final Work Queue (D)

The final/last work queue that the call lands on

First Agent Connected At (D)

Time at which the first agent connected on the call in case of both inbound and outbound (in case of multiple agents associated to the call)

First Agent Connected At The Interval (D)

The time interval at which the first agent that connected on the call

First agent rejected call time (D)

The timestamp for which first agent to whom the call was offered - rejected the call (can be due to multiple reasons)

First Participated Agent (D)

Name of the First Participated Agent at the call

First Participated Agent ACW Submit Time (D)

First agent that was connected on the call - the time at which this agent submitted ACW form after the call (whether alone in call or in conference)

Fresh Attempt (D)

Boolean dimension; tells whether the call was made for the first time for the particular campaign or segment

Initial Work Queue (D)

The first work queue that the call enters/hit

Is Abandoned On Hold (D)

Boolean field telling if the call was abandoned or not while the call was on hold

Is ACW Callback (D)

Boolean field telling if the call was a ACW callback or not

Is First Connected Agent (D)

Boolean field telling if the first assigned agent connected on the call or not

Is Rechurned Call (D)

Boolean field telling whether the call was churned again

Is Scheduled Call Back (D)

Boolean field telling if the call was a scheduled callback or not


Name of the IVR that the call traversed through

Language (Call) (D)

Language selected in the IVR

Last ACW Submitted Time (D)

A call can have multiple agents who submit ACW. (when the call was transferred) So, this will give the timestamp when the last ACW was submitted for this call

Last ACW Submitted Time Interval (D)

Time interval at which last ACW was submitted (in case of multiple agents on the call)

Lead Event Creation Time (D)

The timestamp when a new lead is created

Lead Events (D)

All the lead events - comma separated values Eg, if a customer registers for 3 service plans provided, 3 lead events are mapped against one lead)

Manual Call (D)

Boolean field telling if the call was manually dialed or not

Month Of Year (D)

The name of the month when the activity occurred

Participant Call Status (D)

Provide the participants' status on the outbound calls (whether the customer answered or not answered the call)

Participant Sip Response Code (D)

Sip Response code of Participant

Primary Agent (D)

Primary agent of the call

Receiver (D)

Number to which the call has landed

Segment Id (D)

Name of the segment

Task Created Time (D)

Time stamp at which a call is scheduled for callback under the agent's profile

Task Created Time Interval (D)

Time interval when scheduled callback task was created

Time Of Day (D)

The time of the day when the activity occurred

Voice Application (D)

Name of the Voice application through which the call is made

Voice Application Number (D)

The phone number of voice application used to call or connect on a call

Voice Case Id (D)

Unique number/id associated with a case

Voice Case Number (D)

Gives the case number of the call

Was ACW Callback Requested (D)

Boolean field telling if the ACW callback was requested or not

Work Queue(s) (D)

Name of all the work queues the call had been in




% Calls Abandoned While Waiting (Agent Requested) (M)

% of calls abandoned after requesting for an agent (calls entered the queue) to total calls requested for an agent

% Calls Abandoned While Waiting (M)

% of calls abandoned where an agent was requested but was not connected

calls requested for an agent - call connected/total calls requested for an agent

% Pickup Rate (M)

% [ calls where both agent and customer are connected / total outbound call count ]

After Call Wrap-up Time (M)

Time spent in after call work/wrap up filled by the agent

Call Count (M)

Total number of calls (inbound + outbound calls)

Calls Abandoned On Hold (Call) (M)

Number of calls abandoned when on hold

Conference Initiated Count (M)

Number of times conference triggers have been initiated by an agent for that call

Conference Time (Call) (M)

Time the call was on conference with multiple agents

Consult Received Hold Time (Call) (M)

If the call is in conference call and call is put on hold, then that time is included in consult received hold time (call)

Consult Received in Warm Transfer (Call) (M)

In cases of warm transfer, time taken by 2 agents to talk/consult or time taken till the transfer is completed is measured. Will come for target agent

Customer Invalid Number (M)

Count of cases where number of customer is invalid

Customer Wait Time (Outbound) (M)

Time for which customer has to wait before the call gets connected to the agent (predictive/customer first progressive dialers)

Dial Time (M)

Time spent by the call in IVR + Work Queue + Ringing on Agent Console + Hold + Talk time with agent

First Participated Agent Hold Time (M)

Time for which the first agent has put the call on hold (in case of multiple agents associated with the same call)

First Participated Agent Ring Time (M)

Time for which the call was ringing in the agent console for the first agent (in case of multiple agents associated with the same call)

First Participated Agent Talk Time (M)

Time for which the first agent connected on the call interacts with the customer (in case of multiple agents associated with the same call)

First Participated Agent Wrap Time (M)

The wrap up time for the agent first connected on the call with customer (in case of multiple agents associated with the same call)

Fresh Attempts Count (M)

Number of new customers called in a campaign

Hold Count (M)

Number of times the customer was put on hold for the call

Hold Time (M)

Time for which the call was put on hold

IVR Time (M)

Total time call spent in the IVR

Mute Time (M)

Time for which the call was kept on mute

Number of Abandoned Calls (M)

Calls abandoned after requesting for an agent

Number of Abandoned Calls including IVR (M)

Total calls abandoned including IVR dropouts and calls abandoned after requesting for an agent

Number of Abandoned Calls while Waiting (M)

Total number of calls abandoned where agent was requested but was not connected

Calls requested for an agent - call connected

Number of Calls Abandoned (Outbound) (M)

Number of calls that are abandoned by the agent or agent not connected on the call

Number of Calls Manually Dialed (M)

Number of calls manually dialed by the agent

Number of Calls Per Hour (Call) (M)

Total Call Count/ Time Range (in hours)

Number of Calls Picked Up (M)

Number of outbound calls which were picked up by the customer

Number of Calls Requested For Agent (M)

Number of calls requested for an agent by the customer (the calls that entered the work queue)

Number of calls Requested For an Agent (M)

Number of calls where customer requested for an agent after traversing through the IVR

Number of calls with No Answer (M)

The total number of times attributed to the interval that the call result of contact attempts from this campaign was No Answer

Number of Manual Calls Picked (M)

Number of manual calls dialed by agent which were connected to customer

Outbound Call Count (M)

Total number of outbound calls (manual and automatic dialers)

Outbound Customer Ring Time (M)

Time difference when agent is connected on the call and waiting for customer to connect / disconnect

Queue Time (Call) (M)

Time the call spends in the first queue

Ring Time (Call) (M)

Time for which the call was ringing in the agent console

Speed of Answer (M)

Time calculated from when the customer requests for an agent till the time agent picks the call

Talk Time (M)

Total time spent by the agent in conversation with the customer

Time spent dialing (M)

Time difference between Customer connect time and agent connect time (if customer connects) or Customer reject time and agent connect time (if customer rejects)

Time taken since last call (M)

Time difference between the 2 calls from the same number of customer

Total Call Duration (M)

Total Call Duration (IVR Time + Queue Wait time + Ring Time + hold time + talk time + ACW time)

Total Calls in Queue (M)

Total number of calls waiting / live in the specified queue

Total Profiles (M)

Gives the number of profiles uploaded in any specific segment in case of outbound calls

Total Queue Time (Call) (M)

Time the call spends in the all the work queues

True Abandon Rate (M)

Dialer calls which were picked by customers but abandoned by customer before agent connects

Unique Leads Attempted (M)

Unique Audience Lead Attempted Count

Unique Profiles (M)

Total number of unique profiles/ customers in a gives timeframe, to be used against a segment, custom field

Unique Profiles Attempted (M)

Total number of unique profiles attempted within a segment

Unique Profiles Contacted (M)

Total number of unique profiles contacted within a segment

Wait Time (M)

Time for which the customer waited in queue after requesting for the agent

Total Queue Count (Call)

Counts the total number of times an interaction/conversation waited in or was routed through any ACD queue. For instance, if a call went into Queue A twice and Queue B once, the count will be 3.

No. of Different IVRs

Indicates the number of different IVRs the interaction/conversation entered. This counts each distinct IVR entry.

No. of Connected Agents

Reflects the total number of times the interaction/conversation was actively connected to any agent. If a call was connected with Agent A twice and Agent B once, the count will be 3.

Talk Time (External)

Measures the total time the interaction was connected after being transferred to an external number.

Ring Time (External)

Total time the call rang when an external transfer was initiated.

Total External Transfer Initiated

The number of times the interaction/conversation was transferred externally or to an external number.

Total Transfer Initiated (Warm/ Blind) (Call)

Counts the total number of times the interaction/conversation was transferred or a transfer was initiated during the call.

Total Transfers (Call)

Counts the total number of times warm or blind or IVR transfers were initiated on an interaction/conversation.

Total Invite Initiated (Excluding IVR Conference)

Counts the total number of times add to call invites were initiated excluding the IVR conferences on an interaction/conversation.

Total Invites

Counts the total number of times add to call invites were initiated including the IVR conferences on an interaction/conversation.

Total Transfers/ Invite Initiated

Counts the total number of times warm or blind transfers or add to call invites were initiated on an interaction/conversation. This do no include any IVR transfers or IVR conferences count.

Total Transfers Connected (Call)

Counts the number of blind and warm transfers which were finally connected by the agent on a call after a transfer was initiated. It specifically tracks instances where the agent successfully connected with the transferred call (based on the agent connected node).

Total Transfers Received (Call)

Counts the number of blind and warm transfers which were received by the agent on a call after a transfer was initiated. It specifically tracks instances where the call was assigned to the agent (in case of warm transfers) and call connected to the agent (in case of blind transfers).

Total Blind Transfers Connected (Call)

Counts the number of blind transfers which were finally connected by the agent on a call after a transfer was initiated. It specifically tracks instances where the agent successfully connected with the transferred call (based on the agent connected node).

Total Warm Transfers Connected (Call)

Counts the number of warm transfers which were finally connected by the agent on a call after a transfer was initiated. It specifically tracks instances where the agent successfully connected with the transferred call (based on the agent connected node).