Stack Exchange as a Listening source


Learn how to use Stack Exchange as a Listening source in order to keep yourself updated with the most popular discussion about the latest technology.

Sprinklr supports Stack Exchange as one of its review sources in Social Listening. Stack Exchange is the largest and most trusted online community consisting of 170+ Q&A websites on topics in diverse fields. Each site covers a specific topic, where questions, answers, and users are subject to a reputation award process. The reputation system allows the sites to be self-moderating. By adding Stack Exchange as a source of Social Listening, you will get more publicly available data, giving you an edge over competitors and also enhancing your user and product-specific discussions.

Note: Stack Exchange will be available as a separate Listening source.

Stack Exchange source capabilities

  • Source: Stack Exchange

  • Source of data: Stack Exchange Official API

  • Coverage: All Public Data from site: Stack overflow and

  • Latency: 5-15 minutes

  • Historical data: No, only going forward data is available

  • Backfill support: No

  • Engagement Stats Refresh Rate: Engagement Stats are updated only for the first 24 hours:

    • Every 15 minutes for the last 2 hours mention

    • Every 6 hours for the last 24 hours mention

  • Author/Profile metadata details: Yes – Author Name

    Note: Author URL is not consumed for web sources, hence distinct users cannot be determined accurately).

  • AI-enriched fields: Sentiment, Emotions, Language, Word Cloud, Topic Cluster, Gender (profile), Smart Themes Clustering, and Smart Insights

  • Message type: Stack Exchange Question, Stack Exchange Answer, Stack Exchange Question Comment, and Stack Exchange Answer Comment

  • Media type: Questions, Answers, and Comments

Stack Exchange data entities in Social Listening

Stack Exchange specific data entities

Data Entities



Stack Exchange Upvote Count


Stack Exchange Favorites Count

Stack Exchange Downvote Count


Stack Exchange Retweets Count

Stack Exchange supported Engagement stats

Data Entities



Earned Engagement


Stack Exchange: Views + comments

View Count


Total views on a post

Likes Count


The total count of likes on a Stack Exchange question, answer, comment.

Comments Count


The total count of comments on a mention.

Net Vote


The sum of total upvotes minus total downvotes on a post

Net Vote = Total Upvotes – Total Downvotes

Distinct Users


Distinct users count from which mentions are coming in.

Note: It is required to have an Author URL in the message metadata for it to be considered as a distinct user



The top level domain name of a message's website of origin.

To fetch data from Stack Exchange

Query-based Topic

  • In order to fetch data from Stack Exchange, you need to create a Topic with Stack Exchange as its source.

  • While creating or editing your topic, click the Apply Filters tab, and select Stack Exchange as one of the Social Channels.

  • You can also select Source > Stack Exchange from the dashboard/ widget filter.

Domain-based Topic

  • In order to fetch data from Stack Exchange, you need to create a Domain-based Topic with Stack Exchange as its source.

  • You can add the domains/domain list in the Setup Profile tab of Topic builder.

  • While creating or editing your topic, click the Apply Filters tab, and select Stack Exchange as one of the Social Channels.

  • You can also select Source > Stack Exchange from the dashboard/ widget filter.

Stack Exchange operator


  • Example – stackExchangeTags: ("google" OR "sheet")

  • Result – This will fetch all questions, answers and comments in which the question has tags google or sheets.

Use cases

By adding Stack Exchange as a source in Social Listening, you can listen to issues faced by your or any community, monitoring their needs and getting an improved user experience by resolving them beforehand, improving your Application/ product, letting you to be up to date with new trends and changing needs in the market. It helps you by providing sentiment and emotion AI enrichment around your discussions related to your communities and tags.

The Stack Exchange network has grown into a top-50 online destination, with Stack Overflow alone serving more than 26 million professional and novice programmers every month. Stack exchange operator stackExchangeTags: (), will help you find the professional opinion around your own and competitor tags.

With Stack Exchange as your Listening source, learn from the direct questioning, answers and comments of users and find out the most voted and verified answer to a particular question. This will help the brand to figure out genuine answers and more than one approach with ease.