Self Monitoring- Voice


A Self-Monitoring Voice Report is typically used to track and assess the performance of voice interactions of the agents. It allows individuals or teams to monitor their own performance based on predefined metrics or KPIs. In contexts like contact centers, a self-monitoring voice report can help agents identify areas for improvement in their communication skills and address any challenges they may face in real-time.

Scenarios in which Self Monitoring-Voice Reports are used

  • Agents can use the self-monitoring voice report to assess their own performance, identify areas for improvement (e.g., call handling time, Calls offered, abandoned calls and pending ACW count , etc), and track progress over time.

  • Agents can use these reports to track daily targets, monitor login adherence, and review pending ACWs (After Call Work) and calls.

Dashboard Sections  

Let’s deep dive into the dashboard sections: 

  • Performance Overview: The Performance Overview tab provides a concise summary of key metrics, offering a quick snapshot of an agent's overall performance.

  • Inbound: The Inbound Call Summary is a report provides an overview of key metrics related to inbound calls handled by agents. This summary helps assess the efficiency and effectiveness of agents in handling inbound customer inquiries and can be used to identify trends and areas for improvement or to measure overall team performance.

  • Outbound: An Outbound Call Summary provides an overview of all outbound calls made by agents, including manual call summary, outbound call summary and dialler call summary.

  • Raw Data: The raw data report provides detailed insights into agent performance across all metrics of the Self-Monitoring Voice Report.

Let's have a look at the metrics:

The Performance Overview Report is divided into 2 different types of reports:

  • Performance Overview: The Performance Overview Report offers a comprehensive summary of key call metrics, including the total number of calls offered, calls connected, abandoned calls, and after-call work (ACW) count.

  • Call Time Summary: The Call Summary Report offers an in-depth analysis of key performance metrics, highlighting the average handling time, preview time, outbound and inbound ring times, talk time, ring time, and after-call work (ACW) time. This comprehensive overview allows for a clear understanding of call flow and agent efficiency.

Let’s look at various metrics of various reports:



Number of Calls Offered 

The total number of calls offered to the agent, including both inbound and outbound calls. 

Number of Connected Calls  

Number of calls where agent and customer both connected on the call including inbound and outbound calls dialed. 

Number of Abandoned Calls 

The total number of abandoned calls, where the customer did not connect in the case of outbound calls, and the agent did not connect in the case of inbound calls after the offer was made to the agent. 

Pending ACW Count 

Total pending ACW for Calls Eligible for ACW 



Average Handle Time 

Average of total handle time as per values selected in "service settings screen" over total number of connected calls. 

Average Preview Time 

It calculates the average Preview Time (Agent) based on the number of preview calls dialed out from the system, applicable only to outbound calls. 

Average Outbound Ring Time 

Average time call rang on agent console for outbound calls where customer first connected on the call. 

Average Inbound Ring Time 

Average Inbound Ring Time based on number of inbound calls which were offered to the agent. 

Average Talk Time  

Total time spent by agents talking on the call / Number of connected calls. 

Average Hold Time 

Total time spent by agents on hold / Number of Connected Calls. 

Average ACW Time 

Average time the agent took to fill the after call wrap up form on the interaction assigned to the agent. It is based on overall interactions handled. This is calculated for all voice cases/ calls only. 

The Inbound Call Summary is a report provides an overview of key metrics related to inbound calls handled by agents. This summary helps assess the efficiency and effectiveness of agents in handling inbound customer inquiries and can be used to identify trends, areas for improvement or to measure overall team performance.

Let’s have a look at the different metric’s :



Number of Calls Offered 

The total number of inbound calls offered to the agent. 

Number of Connected Calls 

The total number of inbound calls where the agent and customer successfully connected. 

Number of Abandoned Calls 

The total number of abandoned calls, where the agent did not connect in the case of inbound calls after the offer was made to the agent. 


% Connected Calls 

% Connected Calls is the percentage of inbound calls successfully connected to a recipient, calculated by dividing connected calls by total incoming calls and multiplying by 100. 

Ring Time (Agent) 

Ring Time (Agent) refers to the amount of time an agent’s phone rings before they answer or before the call is routed to another agent or system. It measures the time from when the call is offered to the agent until the agent picks up the call. 

Average Inbound Ring Time 

Average Inbound Ring Time is the average amount of time that elapses between an inbound call being offered to an agent and the moment the agent answers the call. It is calculated by dividing the total ring time by the number of inbound calls received. 

Talk Time (Agent) 

Talk Time (Agent) refers to the total amount of time an agent spends actively speaking with a customer during a call. It is measured from the moment the agent answers the call until the call is completed, excluding any hold or after-call work time. 

Average Talk Time 

Average Talk Time is the average duration of time an agent spends speaking with a customer during a call. It is calculated by dividing the total talk time by the number of connected calls. 

Hold Time (Agent) 

Hold Time (Agent) refers to the amount of time an agent places a customer on hold during a call. This includes any pauses or waiting periods when the agent is not actively speaking with the customer, such as waiting for information or transferring the call to another department. 

ACW Time (Agent) 

ACW Time (Agent), or After-Call Work Time, refers to the amount of time an agent spends on tasks related to the call after the conversation has ended. This includes activities such as updating records, entering data, or completing necessary follow-up actions before the agent is ready to take the next call. 

Average ACW Time 

Average ACW Time is the average duration of time an agent spends on after-call work (ACW) tasks, such as updating records or completing follow-up actions, after a call has ended. It is calculated by dividing the total ACW time by the number of calls handled. 

Handle Time (Agent) 

Handle Time (Agent) refers to the total amount of time an agent spends on a call, including both talk time and hold time. It is the sum of the time the agent actively speaks with the customer and any time the customer is placed on hold during the call. 

IVR Transfer Initiated 

IVR Transfer Initiated refers to when a call is transferred to an IVR by the agent to assist the customer to IVR or maybe to provide more selection options to the caller on the inbound calls 


Transfer Initiated (Blind/ Warm) 

Transfer Initiated (Blind/Warm) measures count of blind and warm transfers that are initiated by the agents to another agent or department. 

Blind Transfer Initiated 

Blind Transfer Initiated refers to when a call is transferred to another agent or department without providing any information or context to the receiving party. The transfer happens immediately, and the receiving agent is unaware of the caller's details or issue. 

Warm Transfer Initiated 

Warm Transfer Initiated refers to when a call is transferred to another agent or department, and the current agent provides context or relevant information about the caller's issue before handing over the call. This ensures a smoother transition and better service for the customer. 

Transfers Received (Blind/Warm) 

Transfers Received (Blind/Warm) refers to the calls received by an agent or department after being transferred from another agent, with two types of transfers: 

  • Blind Transfer: The receiving agent is given no prior information about the call or the customer.  

  • Warm Transfer: The receiving agent is briefed or provided context about the call before receiving it. 


Blind Transfers Received 

Blind Transfers Received refers to calls transferred to an agent or department without any prior information or context provided by the transferring agent. 

Warm Transfers Received 

Warm Transfers Received refers to calls transferred with context or information provided by the previous agent to ensure a smoother transition. 

Ring Time (Agent) 

Ring Time (Agent) refers to the duration of time an agent's phone rings before the call is answered or routed to another agent or system. 

Pending ACW Count 

Pending ACW Count refers to the number of calls for which the agent has not yet finished the After-Call Work (ACW), including tasks like updating records or completing necessary follow-ups. 

This report provides comprehensive insights about outbound calls. This report is divided into 3 different types of reports:

  • Outbound Call Summary: An Outbound Call Summary is a report that provides key details of outbound calls made by agents, typically generated automatically by the system. It includes information such as the call outcome (e.g., connected, voicemail, no answer), call duration, customer response, and any actions taken during the call. This summary helps track the effectiveness of outbound campaigns and monitor agent performance.

  • Dialer Call Summary: A Dialer Call Summary is a report summarizing the details of each call made by the system with a respective dialer

  • Manual Call Summary: A Manual Call Summary report captures all details about manually dialled outbound calls.

Let's look at all the various metrics of Outbound Call Summary:



Number of Offered Calls 

Number of outbound calls which were offered to the agent.


Number of Connected Calls 

Number of calls where agent and customer both connected on the call for just outbound calls.

Number of Dialer Calls Connected (Agent) 

Number of outbound dialer attempted calls which were connected by customer i.e both agent and customer connected on the call.

Number of Manual Calls Connected (Agent) 

Number of outbound manual calls which were attempted by the agent and customer connected on the calls i.e agent and customer both connected on the call.

Number of Schedule Callbacks Connected (Agent) 

Number of outbound schedule callbacks attempted calls which were connected by customer i.e both agent and customer connected on the call.

Number of Abandoned Calls 

Number of abandoned calls where customer didn't connect in case of outbound calls and agent didn't connect in case of inbound calls post offer was made to the agent.

% Connected Calls 

% of calls connected over total number of offered calls with respect to the particular agent.


Preview Time (Agent) 

Indicates the preview time spent by the agent on call in cases of outbound call.

Average Preview Time 

Average of Preview Time (Agent) based on number of preview calls dialed out from the system (only for outbound calls).

Ring Time (Agent) 

Time spent by agent to connect on the call post the offer was made to the agent in case of both outbound and inbound calls.

Average Outbound Ring Time 

Average time call rang on agent console for outbound calls where customer first connected on the call.

Talk Time (Agent) 

Total time spent by agents talking on the call / Number of connected calls.

Average Talk Time 

Total time spent by agents talking on the call / Number of connected calls.

Hold Time (Agent) 

Total time for which customer was put on hold.

Average Hold Time 

Total time spent by agents on hold / Number of Connected Calls.

ACW Time (Agent) 

Time spent filling the ACW by the agent based on values selected in "service settings screen".

Average ACW Time 

Average time the agent took to fill the after call wrap up form on the interaction assigned to the agent. It is based on overall interactions handled. This is calculated for all voice cases/ calls only.

Customer Dial Time (Agent) 

Time spent by the agent on the outbound call when its ringing to the customer i.e agent is connected and waiting for customer to join the calls (in case of manual, preview calls).

Handle Time (Agent) 

Depicts the total handle time of the conversation including the talk time, hold time, preview time, wrap time etc based on metrics selected in the "service settings screen".

Average Handle Time 

Average of total handle time as per values selected in "service settings screen" over total number of connected calls.

IVR Transfer Initiated 

Total IVR transfers which an agent initiated.

Transfers Initiated (Blind/Warm) 

Total number of warm and blind transfers initiated by the agent on the call to queue or directly to the agent.

Blind Transfers Initiated 

Total number of blind transfers iniatied by the agent on the call inc both the transfer directly to agent or to the queue.

Warm Transfers Initiated 

Total number of warm transfers iniatied by the agent on the call inc both the transfer directly to agent (irrespective of if the call was answered by agent or not) or to the queue.

Transfers Received (Blind/Warm) 

The total number of warm and blind transfers received by the agent on a call. For warm transfers, the call rings on the agent's console, regardless of whether the agent accepts the call later. For blind transfers, the call is accepted and connected after ringing on the agent's console.

Blind Transfers Received 

Total number of blind transfers received by the agent on the call and also accepted by the agent (will be counted only if the agent is connected).

Warm Transfers Received 

Total number of warm transfers received by the agent on the call i.e it gets counted if either the call rings on agent console or agent connects on the call (consult call) or agent is successfully transferred the full control of the call (successful transfer call). 

Pending ACW Count 

Pending ACW for Calls Eligible for ACW.

The outbound call summary is divided into dialer call summary and manual call summary.

Dialer call Summary will provide insights about all the dialer calls and have a predefined filter. The various metrics will be same as outbound call summary.

Manual call Summary will provide insights about all the manually dialed calls and have a predefined filter for all manual calls. The various metrics will be same as outbound call summary.

The raw data report provides detailed insights into agent performance across all metrics of the Self-Monitoring Voice Report. The raw data will have information pertaining to each call and deep dives and provides granular call level details. In this dashboard all the metrics enlisted in the above reports would remain same. Lets have a look at the different dimensions:




Calendar date on which the activity occured.

Call Start Time

Exact time when the call started(both inbound and outbound).

Case Detail

Associated to the event which includes Case ID, Case Subject and Description.


Indicates the direction of the call with respect to the customer. If the call is dialed in by customer it will be termed as inbound and if the call is dialed out by the sprinklr agent it will be termed as outbound.

Contact Center Phone Number

This will indicate the contact centre phone number from where the call is initiated (outbound - manual/ preview) or where the call is received (inbound and outbound predictive)

Call Disposition

Depicts the disposition field that is filled by the agent while filling the ACW or Disposition Form.

Call Sub-Disposition

Depicts the sub-disposition that is filled by the agent while filling the ACW or Disposition Form.

Work Queue

The name of the Work Queue of which the particular call assigned to the agent was a part of or assigned from. In case the call transfers and multiple agents connected on the call, this will create multiple rows corresponding to each queue and agent combination.

Conversation Completition Status

This specify about the status of the call after it ends. For example - AGENT_NO_ANSWER, CUSTOMER_REJECTED, COMPLETED etc.

Voice Application

Name of the voice application configured in the system to receive or dial out the calls of the centre.

Customer Disconnect Time

Indicates the timestamp when the customer disconnected the call post joining the call. If the customer didn't join the call, this field will show blank.

Call End Time

This will indicate the call end or disconnect time irrespective of if agent and customer connected on call.

Is Manual Call?

Boolean field indicating True if the particular call is a manual call or not.

Is Scheduled Call Back?

Boolean field indicating if the call was a scheduled callback or not.