Compare Care Strategy dashboard


How quickly marketers respond to consumer feedback significantly impacts customer perception and loyalty to the brand.

90% of brand marketers surveyed said responsiveness and the ability to respond to needs and feedback are critical to a good customer experience. Good customer responsiveness can help Brands retain customers. The Compare Care Strategy dashboard in Benchmarking allows you to identify your care performance across key social channels in order to spot opportunities to improve and optimize your strategy. It helps you measure SLA and response rates on public messages.

To access the Compare Care Strategy dashboard

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Sprinklr Insights, click Benchmarking Dashboards within Learn.

  2. On the Benchmarking Dashboards homepage, click the dropdown icon and go to Standard Dashboards.

  3. Expand the Standard Dashboard options and select Compare Care Strategy.

  4. This will open the Compare Care Strategy standard dashboard.

Use cases of Compare Care Strategy dashboard

This dashboard is divided into the following sections –

This section of the dashboard talks about how effectively brands are responding to customer queries across social channels and comparing that with their competitors.

  • The response rate of your and competitor brands across various channels is compared. This helps in understanding how well your brand's responsiveness is.

  • By analyzing various aspects both on time and quality of response, this section helps you understand the focus areas where your brand is lagging behind and helps you come up with informed decisions you can make to outperform the competitors.

This section helps you understand the top call drivers for digital care which uncover aspects of the brand’s products and services customers are unhappy with –

  • Learn the sentiment of the voice of your customers and drill down the messages with positive and negative sentiments to understand the perception of customers.

  • Filter out the messages which need the support team’s visibility and response and the messages which are worth engaging for community engagement teams.