Compare Influencer Strategy dashboard


To understand the influencer content that is well received and which influencers result in more engagement, it is important for brands to monitor the strategies used by influencers in their industry. This can be achieved by using the Compare Influencer Strategy standard dashboard.

To access the Compare Influencer Strategy dashboard

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Sprinklr Insights, click Benchmarking Dashboards within Learn.

  2. On the Benchmarking Dashboards homepage, click the dropdown icon and go to Standard Dashboards.

  3. Expand the Standard Dashboard options and select Industry Rank.

  4. Also, the standard dashboards can be accessed and filtered out in the Benchmarking Home using the Type filter. Select Dashboard to display only the standard dashboards.

Relevant filters to fetch data into the dashboard

Influencer accounts are also added as Brands in Benchmarking. The relevant Influencers or groups of Influencers can be selected using the Brand and Brand Group filters at the dashboard level.

Use cases of Compare Influencer Strategy dashboard

This standard dashboard helps you in identifying –

This section displays widgets that help you to monitor and compare the follower base and social media performance of influencers.

  • The Influencer Scorecard widget represents all the major engagement stats like Followers Count, Count of Published Posts, Fan Messages, Post Likes & Shares, etc. which are the best KPIs to understand the social base of the influencers.

  • The performance of the influencers can be determined by looking at the follower count change over time, the share of the activity among influencers, and the trend of posts over time. These metrics help you see the activity of the influencers and thus be the best indicators for the performance of the influencers.

  • AI-powered dimensions help you in identifying the themes and tones of the content published by the influencers and can understand the top themes which are gaining the highest engagement.

In order to filter out the influencer posts containing only mentions about your brand, add a list of keywords in the keyword lists filter and put it as a section-level filter.

  • This section helps you monitor how your influencers are mentioning your brand in their reviews and recommendations.

  • The share of the brand mentions among the influencers, the sentiment of the brand mentions, and the changes happening in the number of brand mentions by each influencer are represented in this which helps you in identifying the best influencers.

In order to filter out the influencer posts containing a Brand logo, add the logo as a filter using the ‘Photo Brand’ filter available at section-level.

Note: Visual Insights needs to be enabled with at least 1 logo trained before you can use this section.

  1. This section helps you to Monitor the visual presence of your brand logo/products in the influencer’s content.

  2. The brand mentions with the logo are more reachable to the audience, hence it is important to track influencers who are posting content along with brand images. The share of visual based mentions among the influencers, change in visual mentions, etc. widgets gives insights about the visual mentions and its trend among the influencers.