Entities that you can track using a story query


Managing PR for any organization is multi-faceted and can involve monitoring brands, campaigns, executives, and/or products. Story queries allow the PR teams to track and report these entities effectively. Below are given some examples of how story queries can be leveraged for the same –

PR teams can use brand and associated keywords to set up a story query which can then be used to monitor brand-related media messages. Story queries can be set up for an organization’s own brand and sub-brands as well as for competitor brands. You can then utilize the different metrics and dimensions available in MM&A to report on these brands.

Tip: For each brand, a separate story query should be created. Multiple story queries can be created and tagged with a story query tag to create competitor benchmarking reports.

Sample brand query:

((“Sprinklr” OR #sprinklrcxm OR #unifiedcxmsprinklr) AND (“CXM” OR #cxm OR “Customer Experience Management” OR “Sprinklr Insights” OR “Media Monitoring” OR “Crisis Management” OR “Influencer discovery”)) NOT (#sprinklrishiring OR #hiringatsprinklr OR #marketreports)

Monitoring the reception and measuring the performance of a campaign needs to be performed for every PR campaign. It helps to formulate the campaign strategy - whether you would like to invest more into the campaign or pause the campaign due to any negative sentiment around the campaign.

Sample campaign query:

((“Great Indian Festival” OR “Amazon Great Indian Festival”) NEAR/10 (2022)) AND (“Amazon” OR “biggest sale” OR “Diwali sale” OR “#greatindianfestival” OR #amazongreatindianfestival OR #greatindianfestival2022 OR #biggestsaleofindia OR #diwalisale)

PR Teams need to track how publications are responding to new product releases, product feature changes or even product recalls. Setting up a story query consisting of keywords related to the product enables you to measure metrics such as sentiments and engagements related to the reception of product-related news.

Sample product query:

(“iPhone 14” OR “Iphone 14”) OR ((“iPhone” OR “i phone”) NEAR/5 (“14 pro” OR “14pro” OR “pro 14” OR “pro14”)) OR “appleiphone14pro”

Tracking the reputation and impact of your top-level executives, such as CEO, CTO, etc. in the media is another key job function of the PR teams. It also helps to monitor key announcements made by competitor executives and strategize industry thought leadership communications.

Sample executive query:

(“Elon Musk”) OR ((“Musk”) NEAR/10 (“Tesla” OR “CEO” OR “Boring Company” OR “Neuralink” OR “OpenAI”))

Public Relations and Corporate Communication teams can leverage Story Queries to uncover and monitor industry trends at large. Tracking such trends in brands' own and related industries enables them to identify the conversation themes that resonate the most with the audience and helps them to curate their communication strategy.

Tip: For each industry, a separate story query should be created. Multiple story queries can be created and tagged with a story query tag to create comparative reports.

Sample brand query:

(“CXM” OR #cxm OR “Customer Experience Management” OR “Media Monitoring” OR "Social Listening" OR “Influencer discovery” OR "Brand health monitoring") AND ("Crisis Management" OR "Brand reputation Management")

Public Relations and Corporate communication teams can track conversations around their business partners such as suppliers, retailers, tech partners etc., to identify any potential opportunities and threats enabling them to strategically manage their partnerships.

Tip: For each business partner, a separate story query should be created. Multiple story queries can be created and tagged with a story query tag to create comparative reports.

For example, a brand might want to keep a check on the media presence of its suppliers to avoid any negative PR due to the actions of their business partners.


A brand might want to know about any collaborations that their suppliers have with their competitors.

With the help of Story Queries in MM&A, organisations can identify which Journalists and Publications are writing about them. MM&A also enables them to understand the tonality of these conversations. PR teams can leverage this information to build a connection with those Journalists & Publications who are advocating their brand to further improve their media presence.