What is a Story Query?


Story Query is the fundamental unit in MM&A and the starting point to conduct any PR job function including brand monitoring, PR insights generation & crisis monitoring. For any analysis it is critical  to have a relevant pool of data that you can use to monitor, analyze and report. Story Query helps you build such a database by registering relevant keywords. It is a combination of keywords and boolean operators, designed to power your dashboards with the data and accomplish your day to day job functions.

Story Queries can be leveraged to – 

  • Track PR focussed KPIs, such as Volume of Coverage, Quality of Coverage, Share of Voice, Virality & Reach.

  • Track conversations around the key executives of your organization.

  • Track customer perception across key reputation pillars, such as innovation, sustainability etc. 

  • Track conversations around key partners including industry experts, suppliers, trade partners, government personnel, etc.

  • Monitor Impact of PR campaigns & outreach activities of brand's and benchmark against that of competitors'

  • Monitor trending political, technological & regulatory shifts in the industry including Product Launches, New Technology, Lawsuits, Government reforms, National Economy, etc.

  • Stay ahead of crisis and reputation risk with proactive alerting.

  • Craft your communication strategy and drive thought leadership by discovering industry content that resonates with the audience.