Create and Use TikTok Lead Forms


TikTok Lead ads allow you to find people who may be interested in your products or services and get them to share their information with you directly on TikTok. You can create TikTok Lead Forms in Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) to cultivate prospects and engage leads on TikTok and improvise your business accordingly. You will also be able to send fully customizable messages, making the process quicker and the context relevant to the audience. Once people fill out your form, you can redirect users to your website or app download page.

To Create TikTok Lead Forms via

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Tools and Settings within Plan.

  2. Select Lead Forms within Channel Specific Settings.

  3. Click Create Lead Form in the top-right corner of the Lead Forms window and select Create TikTok Lead Form.

  4. Choose a TikTok ad account to create the lead form and click Submit. This will redirect you to the TikTok Lead Ads Form Builder window.

  5. On the TikTok Instant Page window, choose from Advanced or Classic form. You can also see the mobile view on the right hand side of the window.

  6. On the TikTok Instant Page window, fill in the details. For more information, see Create Lead Form — Field Descriptions.

  7. After you have completed, click Complete in the bottom-right corner.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. Select your TikTok ad account.

  3. Within the Campaign Details section, select Lead Generation as your Campaign Objective.

  4. Enter the other details for your Lead Generation campaign and proceed to the Creatives section. For more information, see Compose TikTok Ads.

  5. Within the Creatives section, click Create new creative and build your creative.

  6. In the right-hand corner of the Lead Form field, click Add New Lead Form. This will redirect you to the TikTok Lead Ads Form Builder window.

  7. On the TikTok Instant Page window, choose from Advanced or Classic form. You can also see the mobile view on the right hand side of the window.

  8. On the TikTok Instant Page window, fill in the details. For more information, see Create Lead Form — Field Descriptions.

  9. After you have completed, click Complete in the bottom-right corner.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. On the Ads Manager window, click the View and Edit icon alongside the desired TikTok Lead Generation campaign.

  3. In the Edit window to the right, navigate to the Ad Variant level from the leftmost pane.

  4. In the middle pane, scroll down to the Creatives section. In the right-hand corner of the Lead Form field, click Add New Lead Form. This will redirect you to the TikTok Lead Ads Form Builder window.

  5. On the TikTok Instant Page window, choose from Advanced or Classic form. You can also see the mobile view on the right hand side of the window.

  6. On the TikTok Instant Page window, fill in the details. For more information, see Create Lead Form — Field Descriptions.

  7. After you have completed, click Complete in the bottom-right corner.

To Manage TikTok Lead Forms

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Tools and Settings within Plan.

  2. Select Lead Forms within Channel Specific Settings.

  3. In the Lead Forms window, hover over the Options icon corresponding to the desired TikTok Lead Form and select from the given options:

    • Edit - Click to edit the details of the lead form.

    • Clone - Click to clone the existing lead form.

  4. After you have completed, click Complete in the bottom-right corner.

You can download leads generated from your TikTok Lead Generation campaigns directly within Sprinklr.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Tools and Settings within Plan.

  2. Select Lead Forms within Channel Specific Settings.

  3. Choose among the forms that you want to download and click Download Leads within the Download Leads column.

  4. On the Download Leads pop-up window, select the desired date range from the Download your leads for drop-down menu.

  5. Click Download to download the leads. A notification will populate once the leads are ready to be download in a spreadsheet.

Create Lead Form — Field Descriptions




Form Language

Select the language in which you want to create the form.

Form Type

Select a suitable form category according to your needs. you can choose from the following two options:

  1. More Volume: This helps you prioritize volume of leads with a form that's quick to fill out.

  2. Higher Intent: This helps you focus on leads with higher intent by adding a review step for users to confirm their information.

Color Scheme

Choose a color scheme for your form. you can choose from the following three options:

  1. Light Color Scheme

  2. Dark Color Scheme

  3. Custom Color Scheme



Choose what you want on your form banner. You can choose between and image and carousel.

Recommended Image size is 1080 Pixels.


Note: You can enable or disable the introduction section as per your requirements.


Add a Logo Image. Recommended image size is 1080 pixels.

Display Name

Enter a display name for the form.


Briefly explain the subject of the form.

Promotional Slogan

Enter a one-sentence slogan for the promotion of your form.


Purpose Statement

Indicate the purpose of the form and why you're collecting the user's information.

Custom Questions

Ask questions related to your business. You can choose from four types of questions:

  1. Short Answer: Users can respond in one or two sentences.

  2. Multiple Choice: Users can choose one option from the given options.

  3. Appointment Scheduling: Users can respond with their availability.

  4. Conditional Answer: Set up your conditional answers in a CSV file.

After you add two or more questions you can turn on the Logic Setting toggle to fix the order of your questions in the form.

Personal Information

Ask the user to enter their personal information such as email, name, phone number, etc. Click on the Add Personal Information button to add more information generation questions.


As user information is being collected, you need to include a link to your company's privacy policy. This link will appear with TikTok's Privacy Policy if you choose lead geberation on TikTok.

Company Name

Enter the name of your company

Link to Privacy Policy

Enter the link to your company's privacy policy page.

Customer Disclaimer

By enabling this toggle you can add additional statements, such as markting opt-ins and legal disclaimers.


If you want to ad something more to your form that you do not find in the above fields, you can choose to customize your form and add an image, text block or carousel.


Click to add an image to the form.

Text Block

Click to add a text block to the form.


Click to add a carousel to the form.

Thank You Screen


Add a headline thanking the user for filling the form.


Add a small description such as Learn more to redirect the user to your website.

Call to Action Button

Add a call to action button in your instant form. Add the button text and the the URL to which it will redirect the user upon clicking.