TikTok Brand Safety and Suitability


Brand Safety solutions aim to safeguard a brand's reputation during online advertising endeavors. This is accomplished by employing both first-party and third-party tools, which assist brands in steering clear of inappropriate content adjacency. TikTok, in collaboration with third-party partners, follows the risk categories and levels specified in the Brand Safety Floor and Suitability Framework set by the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM).

Types of Brand Safety on TikTok

Brand safety controls for TikTok ads comprise of the following:

  • Pre-bid Brand Safety - Measures taken before an ad impression is purchased in an ad exchange or auction.

    • First-party Inventory Filters

    • Third-party Brand Safety Partners

  • Post-bid Brand Safety - Measures taken after an ad impression has been purchased and displayed.

    • Third-party Brand Safety Measurement

    • Third-party Viewability Measurement

  • Pangle Block List - To ensure brand safety, undesired media placements on Pangle can be added to the block list to help prevent your ads from appearing. However, this will decrease the reach of your ads.

  • Category Exclusion - Category Exclusion is a brand suitability solution that allows you to prevent your ads from appearing next to specific content categories, ensuring your brand doesn't get associated with that content. When combined with Inventory Filters, Category Exclusion offers you with more control over your media spending.

  • Vertical Sensitivity - Vertical Sensitivity is a brand safety solution that allows you to exclude specific vertical-related content that may not align with your brand's positioning, offering an additional layer of protection. When combined with Inventory Filter, this solution gives you even greater control over your media spending.

To Set Pre-bid Brand Safety

  1. Follow the steps outlined in Compose TikTok Ads and navigate to the Budget and Schedule section.

  2. Select TikTok as the only placement in Manual Placements when entering the placement details for all Ad Sets.

  3. Under Select an Inventory Filter, select inventory filters from the following options:

    • Full Inventory​​ (default) - Your ads may appear next to some content featuring mature themes.​

    • Standard Inventory ​​- Your ads will appear next to appropriate content for most brands and may contain some mature themes.​

    • Limited Inventory​​ - Your ads will appear next to content that doesn't contain mature themes.​

    • Expanded Inventory - Your ads will not appear next to inappropriate content or content with mature themes.

Note: Standard and Limited Inventory solutions for App Promotion, Website Conversions, Traffic, and Lead Generation objectives are currently an allowlist-only feature. If you would like to access it, please contact your TikTok representative.

  1. Follow the steps outlined in Compose TikTok Ads and navigate to the Budget and Schedule section.

  2. Under Enter the Ad Details details for all Ad Sets, enable Filter with 3rd-Party and select from the below partners.

    • DoubleVerify (previously OpenSlate)

    • IAS

This will allow you to only show ads alongside content that has been verified by the selected partner. Selecting this option will limit the reach of your ad, and you'll also be charged an additional premium on top of your regular ad spend.


  • This is only supported for Reach and Video Views objectives.

  • You can either use Inventory Filters or 3rd Party Brand Safety filter but not both.​

  • Pre-bid third-party Brand Safety solutions are not supported for TikTok Pulse campaigns.

To Set Post-bid Brand Safety

  1. Follow the steps outlined in Compose TikTok Ads and navigate to the Advanced Configuration section.

  2. Go to the Ad Variant level, and choose a third-party brand safety solution under Measure Brand Safety with 3rd Party Partner to monitor invalid traffic on your advertisements.

    You can select from the following partners:​

    • ​IAS​

    • DoubleVerify​

    • Zefr​​

  3. If you choose IAS as your partner, you will be required to input the IAS wrapped tag that is created in your IAS account into the Measurability IAS Tag field.

    What an IAS Tag looks like​​ - ​

    https://unified.adsafeprotected.com/v2/447960/58112812?mon=662 11817&omidPartner=[OMIDPARTNER]&apiframeworks=[APIFRAMEW ORKS]&bundleId=[BUNDLEID]&campId=__CAMPAIGN_ID__&placementId=__AID__&ias_xappb=[ctv_appid]&ias_advId=__ADV_ID__&ias_ chanId=__CID__&ias_pubId=RIT__CSITE__&ias_dealId=__OBJECTIV E_TYPE__&originalVast=https://lf16-adcdn-sg.ibytedtos.com/obj/app- market-data/temp/source.xml​


  • This feature is available only for the following objectives: Reach, Video Views, App Promotion, Website Conversions, Traffic, Community Interactions, Product Sales, and Lead Generation.

  • ZEFR is not supported for Product Sales objective.​

  • At the Ad Set level, you need to choose either a Pre-bid 3rd Party Brand Safety Partner or a TikTok Inventory Filter (Standard/Limited) in order to activate Third-party Brand Safety Measurement.

  1. Follow the steps outlined in Compose TikTok Ads and navigate to the Advanced Configuration section.

  2. Go to the Ad Variant level, and choose a third-party brand safety solution under Track viewability with 3rd Party Partner to get highly viewable, fraud-free, safe and suitable impressions on your ads across screens.

    ​You can select from the following partners:​

    • ​IAS​

    • DoubleVerify​

    • MOAT​

  3. If you choose IAS as your partner, you must input the IAS wrapped tag created from your IAS account into the Viewability IAS Tag field. This tag is necessary to enable IAS viewability measurement.

    Use the same tag to avoid double-counting if you have selected IAS for viewability and measurement.​

    What an IAS Tag looks like​​ - ​

    https://unified.adsafeprotected.com/v2/447960/58112812?mon=662 11817&omidPartner=[OMIDPARTNER]&apiframeworks=[APIFRAMEW ORKS]&bundleId=[BUNDLEID]&campId=__CAMPAIGN_ID__&placementId=__AID__&ias_xappb=[ctv_appid]&ias_advId=__ADV_ID__&ias_ chanId=__CID__&ias_pubId=RIT__CSITE__&ias_dealId=__OBJECTIV E_TYPE__&originalVast=https://lf16-adcdn-sg.ibytedtos.com/obj/app- market-data/temp/source.xml​

Note: This is only supported for objectives - Reach, Video Views, App Promotion, Website Conversions, Traffic, Community Interactions, Product Sales.

To Set Pangle Block List

  1. Follow the steps outlined in Compose TikTok Ads and navigate to the Budget and Schedule section.

  2. Under Enter the Placements details for all Ad Sets, Pangle should be selected as a placement.

  3. Under Enter the Ad Details details for all Ad Sets, enable Pangle Block List.

    You can setup a Block List on TikTok Ads Manger. For more information, refer to TikTok Business Help Center.

To Set Category Exclusions

  1. Follow the steps outlined in Compose TikTok Ads and navigate to the Budget and Schedule section.

  2. Under Select an Inventory Filter, select Standard or Limited Inventory as the filter preference.

  3. Under Category Exclusions, you can select all available categories or only the categories that fit your needs.


    • This is supported for all objectives excluding Product Sales.

    • This is an allowlisted feature. Please reach out to your TikTok representative to get this enabled for your ad account.

To Set Vertical Sensitivity

  1. Follow the steps outlined in Compose TikTok Ads and navigate to the Budget and Schedule section.

  2. Under Select an Inventory Filter, select Standard or Limited Inventory as the filter preference.

  3. Under Vertical Exclusions, you can select a maximum of one vertical at a time.


    • This is only supported for all Reach, Video Views, and Community Interaction objectives.

    • This is an allowlisted feature. Please reach out to your TikTok representative to get this enabled for your ad account.