TikTok Reach and Frequency Campaigns


Control the audiences you reach and the number of times they are exposed to your ad messaging through transparent media planning and predictable delivery of branding campaigns.

Reach & Frequency (R&F) is a campaign buying type on TikTok that lets you control the audiences you reach and the number of times they are exposed to your ad messaging before delivery. Compared to Auction ads, where ad delivery is determined by factors such as bidding or bid strategy; with R&F, you will schedule campaigns with predictable reach and controlled frequency at a set cost.

Value Proposition




Ads Media Manager

  • Difficulty in creating campaigns for a large audience under a fixed budget.

  • Less control over the frequency and unpredictable reach of campaigns.

  • Difficulty in setting realistic targets for TikTok campaigns and less transparency throughout the process.

  • Drive branding and awareness and maximize your budget to engage more people with your content.

  • Create ​campaigns with storytelling narratives that require a more relevant, native format.

  • With Reach and Frequency, you can pre-book your campaign in advance and guarantee its results beforehand. This also provides you with the following:

    • ​More control: Transparent media planning and frequency control

    • Predictable Delivery: Guaranteed delivery as early as 255 days ahead

    • Direct users: Use R&F to drive traffic to the TikTok Profile page and TikTok Shop Product Detail Page

    • Build smarter campaigns: Generate audience group from R&F and apply to lower funnel campaign

To Set up a Reach and Frequency Campaign

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. On the Create an Ad Campaign window, select a TikTok ad account from the given list.

  3. On the Ads Composer window, select an objective supported for the Reach and Frequency buying. The supported objective is Reach.

  4. Enter your campaign details and check the box alongside Publish as Reach and Frequency Paid Initiative.

  5. Set the desired parameters of your campaign as explained in Ads Composer Overview.

    • R&F ads are available only in these countries and regions: Australia, Austria, Argentina, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan Province, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Vietnam.

    • Only one country or region of the same country can be selected in one Ad Set.

    • Budget will be blocked at the ad account level. Make sure there is sufficient budget before the start of R&F campaign, else it will be cancelled.

    • You cannot pause the campaign and ad set; you can only delete them. Ads can be paused but there needs to be at least one active ad before the start date.

  6. On the Add New Audience window, you can select the Feed Type within Conetextual Targeting for Reach and Frequency buying type. The two feed types available are:

    • Top Feed: Ads only appear in earlier ad slots during a user session.

    • Standard Feed: The video ads play during a session in any ad slot. This will be selected by default.

  7. On the Budget & Schedule section, select the Ad Set for each target audience from the left-hand panel.

  8. Click Set Reach and Frequency from the Set the Reach and Frequency Details section.

  9. Set the Date Range, Frequency Cap, and Scheduling and click Generate Graph to calculate the potential reach of your campaign. Ensure that you have adhered to the Prediction Limitations in order to view the reach and frequency predictions.


    The time interval between Start Date and End Date must not exceed 90 days.

    The value of start date must be at YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00 for the time zone where the ad will be delivered. The value of end date must be at YYYY-MM-DD HH:59:59 for the time zone where the ad will be delivered.

    For instance, if an advertiser in the UTC-5 time zone wants to create an R&F ad group that ends delivery on November 10th, 2023, this field must be set to "2023-11-10 04:59:59".

  10. On the Reach and Frequency Buying pop-up window, click Reserve in the bottom right corner to reserve that variation for the campaign.

  11. You will receive a confirmation window stating that your audience has been reserved and will be complete once you publish the Ad. Click Done in the bottom-right corner and click Next.

  12. In the Creatives section, select the ad creatives or build new creatives for your R&F campaign and proceed to the Review section.

  13. In the Review section within Campaign Creation, click Publish to activate your campaign with the applied Reach and Frequency.

  14. In Ads Manager, under adset section, the reach and frequency reservation details can be viewed or updated.


    • You can add Ad Set or Ad Variant to an existing campaign or to multiple campaigns at one go.

    • You can add an Ad Variant to an existing Ad Set or to multiple Ad Sets at one go.

To Set Delivery Mode in Reach & Frequency Campaigns

With Delivery Mode, you can tell your brand or product story by showing people a series of ads in the order that you define. This will allow you to build interest, reinforce a message, or create a unifying theme. For more information, refer to the TikTok help article.


You can arrange upto 20 ads in a certain order to be shown to an audience. People in your target audience will have the opportunity to see ads in the order you set. For example, ad 1 will be delivered to them before ad 2 is delivered.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. Navigate to the TikTok Reach and Frequency ad campaign and click View and Edit.

  3. In the Ads Manager third pane, navigate to the Ad Set level and scroll down to the Reach and Frequency details section.

  4. Under Delivery, select from the following delivery modes:

    • Standard delivery: Your ads will be distributed evenly and are expected to achieve a similar amount of traffic.

    • Optimized delivery: Your ads will be distributed for the desired action and are expected to achieve the highest performance.

    • Scheduled delivery: Set specific time periods to deliver each ad.

    • Sequenced delivery: Set a specific sequence to deliver your ads.

  5. For Scheduled or Sequenced delivery, click Edit Ad Scheduling/Ad Sequence in order to define the ad sequence or delivery schedule.

  6. Once you have defined the delivery mode, click Review Changes in the bottom-right corner.

  7. Click Apply Changes.

Prediction Limitations

  • ​There is a minimum threshold of 100K Reach for each order. This is independent of the Reservation method. If the threshold is not met, you may need to adjust your budget and targeting settings at the ad group level until the Reach threshold is met.

  • For your Reach & Frequency campaign to be delivered, there must be at least one ad that has passed ad review, is approved, and is not paused within 5 minutes before scheduled delivery time. We recommend creating your ads 1 to 2 days before the start of the scheduled ads delivery.

  • You can edit the ad group at any point before it starts running, but its budget and available audience may change if you do so.

  • Your campaign will automatically close and fail to deliver 5 minutes before scheduled ad delivery if:

    • No creative has passed ad review.

    • Your account balance is insufficient.

    • All ads are paused.

How it works

Reach & Frequency supports the following Advertising objectives:

  • Reach

  • ​Video Views

  • Traffic

Read How to Choose the Right Objective to determine which best supports your needs.

When you create a Reach & Frequency campaign, it'll utilize three main components at the Ad Group level:

  • Targeting: The audience size that you may reach.

  • Schedule: When your ads will be delivered.

  • Reservation and purchase method: Unique to R&F. Controls your budget, impressions, reach, and percentage of audience reached.

Your chosen settings for each are then used to predict the outcome and total cost of your campaign.

With Reach & Frequency, you'll see how your choices impact the following in real time:

  • Reach

  • Impressions

  • Cost per Mille/Thousand Impressions (CPM)

  • Frequency

  • Budget

Best Practices


When to Use

Reserve using Fixed Budget

You have a specific amount of budget and want to spend it all on a R&F campaign

Reserve using Fixed Impressions

You use Impressions as your campaign KPI

Reserve using Fixed Reach or Reach Percentage

When you use Reach as your campaign KPI


  • Budget will be blocked at the ad account level. Make sure there is sufficient budget before the start of R&F, else it will be cancelled.

  • R&F ads are available only in these countries and regions: Australia, Austria, Argentina, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan Province, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Vietnam.

  • You cannot pause the Campaign or Ad Set; they can only be deleted. Ads can be paused but there needs to be at least one active Ad before the start date

  • Targeting Limitations on selecting a Special Ad Category:

    Targeting Limitation



    • Age: 18+ only

    • Gender: Not allowed

    • Location: Zip code targeting not allowed


    • Device Price: Not allowed


    • Lookalike audience: Not allowed

    • Hashtag based audience for exclusion: Not allowed

    • Premium audience for exclusion: Not allowed

    Interest and Behavior

    • Limited interest targeting

    • Interest keywords: Not allowed

    • Hashtag targeting: Not allowed

    Targeting Mode

    • Automatic Targeting: Not allowed

    Targeting Expansion

    • Targeting expansion: Not allowed

    Targeting Recommendation

    • ​Targeting recommendations will not appear


Reach & Frequency supports editing at the Ad Group and Ad levels. When editing a Reach & Frequency Ad Group, the available options will depend if the budget has been booked or not.

A budget is considered booked if it satisfies both the following criteria at least 5 minutes before delivery:

  • The account has a sufficient balance.

  • At least one creative has passed ad review and is not currently paused.



    Ad Group

    • ​If the budget has been booked, then only Ad Group name can be edited at Ad Group level. All other Ad Group elements such as Targeting, Schedule, Reservation, Bidding & Optimization cannot be edited.

    • ​If the budget has not been booked, then all settings can be edited at Ad Group level. Changes in Targeting, Budget, Schedule and Frequency may affect cost and prediction, and will require the re-submission of the order.

    • ​If the status of an Ad Group is Closed, Completed, or Deleted, then no parts can be edited at the Ad Group level.

    • ​Delivery of a R&F Ad Group can be terminated, and the unused portion of the allocated/frozen budget will be released within an hour after the termination.


    • ​If there's only one Ad delivering in an Ad Group, then the Ad cannot be edited. Otherwise, editing is available.

    • The edited Ad will be re-reviewed upon submission.

    • ​If you want to edit ads:

      • ​Create a duplicate and make your desired changes. Then submit for ad review.

      • ​If approved, pause the original ad, or the ad group will pause because no approved ads are detected for delivery.

Reach & Frequency supports deleting at the Campaign, Ad Group, and Ad levels.




  • ​Before delivery & after delivery: Delete is available.

  • In delivery: Delete is not available.

Ad Group

  • Before delivery & after delivery: Delete is available.

  • In delivery: Delete is not available.


  • Before budget is booked: All ads are deletable.

  • In Delivery: There must be one ad delivering at all times. If there is only one ad, it cannot be deleted, if there are multiple ads they can be deleted individually, but you will be unable to bulk delete all ads.