Import and export Topics quickly in Excel file format


Learn how to import and export Topics in cross-platform compatible Excel files.

You can quickly import and export Topics in Sprinklr. The export and import format is supported in Excel file format. You can perform the following import/export actions with the Topic import and export functionality.

Import actions 

  • Import Topics: Helps users to bulk import Topics and queries at once

  • Download Sample Topic Import: Worried how to import topics? This sample Topic import will provide you with the format on how to bulk import Topics with ease.

  • Import Topic Threshold: Worried that the Topics can fetch a lot of mentions? With this import feature, you can set a threshold limit to the mentions that the Topics can fetch.

To import Topics in Sprinklr

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Sprinklr Insights, click Topics within Listen.

  2. On the Topics window, click the Import icon in the upper right corner, and click either Import Topics, Download Sample Topic Import, or Import Topic Threshold, as per your requirement.

  3. For the Import Topics and Import Topic Threshold options, click Choose file to upload on the Import Topic pop-up. Click Download Sample Topic Import to download a sample of an ideal Excel Topic import file.

  4. Select your file and click Import.

Export actions

  • Export Topic Threshold: Export the Topics along with Topic Ids to see the topic threshold already set.

  • Export Topics: Export the selected Topics along with Topic details. This feature will help you if you want to update already existing queries.

To export Topics in Excel file

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Sprinklr Insights, click Topics within Listen.

  2. On the Topics window, click the Export icon in the top right corner, and click the options Export Topic Threshold or Export Topics, as per your requirement.

  3. Click the Notifications icon on the top right corner of the platform window to navigate to the links of your requested exports. Click this link hyperlink to download your respective requested export excel file.

Let's examine the export file and identify the fields that are required to be completed –



Operation Type*

Choose between updating an existing topic or creating a new one:
UPDATE_TOPIC = Update already existing topic
CREATE_TOPIC = Create new topic 

Topic Id

Required only for updating an existing topic : UPDATE_TOPIC operation is applied (get topic id from Sprinklr platform)

Topic Name*

Unique name should be there that not already exists inside Sprinklr platform

Topic Display Name

Name that will displayed on dashboard

Topic Description

Helps you to describe purpose for the topic

Topic Type

  • Query Listening

  • Account Listening

  • Profile/Domain Listening

  • Account Listening

  • Profile/Domain Listening

Topic Group*

Helps you to group various topics at one place. It is a governance entity used to govern permissions  and topic volume threshold (before importing make sure that topic group already exists inside Sprinklr)

Topic Tag

Categorize Topics into specific categories, multiple tags can be applied to a topic.

Start Date

Define the start date for fetching mentions

End Date

Define the end date for fetching mentions

Topic Purpose

Custom field used for defining business purpose (by default value = None)


This is basic query Any section: Input words inside this section (format as in input sample file)


This is basic query Must section: Input words inside this section (format as in input sample file)


This is basic query None section: Input words inside this section (format as in input sample file)

Advanced Query

Click here to know more

Text Query

This is same as  advanced query you can input query here too

Social Channels

Select Social media channels to fetch mentions form : Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Quora, Youtube etc

Web Sources

Select web sources, for example, Forums, Reddit, Reviews, News, Blog, etc

Traditional Sources

Select traditions sources:  Print, TV, Radio

First Party Sources

Ingest your data: Data Ingestion

Specific Countries

Filter and fetch the mentions from particular locations

All Countries Except

Remove location which are not relevant

Specific Languages

Filter and fetch the mentions in particular languages

All Languages Except

Remove languages which are not relevant

Paid & Owned Accounts

Select owned accounts which are authenticated inside Sprinklr

Account Groups

Group of authenticated accounts

Included Domains

Include and fetch mentions form selected domains [comma separated input]

Included Domain Lists

Include and fetch mentions form selected domains lists [comma separated input]

Excluded Domains

Exclude domains which are not required (domains include news, websites, etc.) [comma separated input]

Excluded Domain Lists

Exclude group of domains from the list directly

Additionally, there are other fields available that can be utilized to narrow down the mentions retrieved within a topic or to provide customized properties for the Topic.

Note: Included Profile Handles, Excluded Profile Handles, Keywords in URL, Include review messages that have matched keywords in review title, Exclude possibly sensitive twitter content, Include messages from only Twitter, Profiles with min Follower's count, Image URL, Color Hex.