Changes in LinkedIn Campaign Hierarchy


Currently, in Sprinklr, you can view all LinkedIn ad entities based on a three-tier campaign structure, i.e. Paid Initiatives (dummy campaigns), LinkedIn Campaigns, and Creatives. This is done to maintain consistency within Sprinklr.

Historically, the LinkedIn Campaign Manager supported a two-tier campaign structure, i.e. Campaigns and Ads. However, with the introduction of Campaign Groups to its hierarchy, LinkedIn has migrated from its two-tier campaign structure to a three-tier campaign structure.

We will be updating our platform to include LinkedIn Campaign Groups (tentatively scheduled for early November) to align with the native platform. You will be able to create and report on LinkedIn Campaign Groups in Sprinklr. This will ensure a more seamless experience by removing friction due to LinkedIn and Sprinklr differences. 


  • This change will only impact LinkedIn Business type Ad Accounts.

  • Any LinkedIn Campaign in Business Accounts that are part of Campaign Groups other than Default Campaign Group will be impacted.

  • Campaigns in Enterprise Ad accounts will not be impacted and we will continue to have dummy campaigns at the Paid Initiative level. Do not read further if your campaigns belong to the Enterprise Ad Account type.

In this article, you will find more details about the changes and recommended next steps. Click to navigate to each of the below sections:

Background Information

Campaign Groups in Business vs. Enterprise Ad Accounts

LinkedIn only supports Campaign Group creation using Business Ad Accounts. Thus, this change is only impacting LinkedIn Ad Accounts which are BUSINESS accounts. It will not impact ENTERPRISE LinkedIn Ad Accounts.

How to identify Business Accounts from Enterprise Accounts?

From 2nd October, you will be able to see Account Type as a column in the Ad Account selection window of Ads Composer.

How does this impact me?

  • Campaigns in Enterprise Ad Accounts will not be impacted.

  • Any Linkedin Campaigns in Business Accounts that are a part of the Default Campaign Group will not be impacted.

  • Any Linkedin Campaigns (Shown as Ad Set in Sprinklr) in Business Accounts that are created using Sprinklr will not be impacted as LinkedIn Campaigns created using Sprinklr automatically becomes a part of the Default Campaign Groups.

  • Any LinkedIn Campaigns in Business Accounts that are part of Campaign Groups other than the Default Campaign Group will be impacted.

Steps to Identify Campaigns to be Impacted

Step 1: Identifying and Filtering Ad Accounts

Identify Ad Accounts which are Business Accounts and filter on those Ad Accounts. If your LinkedIn ad accounts are currently deactivated and you cannot identify if they are Business or Enterprise accounts:

  • We recommend you to reactivate those ad accounts.

  • If the ad accounts are still disabled at the time of migration, we will trigger migration once the ad accounts are reactivated.

Identify LinkedIn Ad Account Type in Ads Composer

Step 2: Filtering Campaigns in Ads Manager

In Ads Manager, use the LinkedIn Campaign Group dimension within advanced filtering to filter based on Campaign Groups that are not in the Default Campaign Group, i.e. "LinkedIn Campaign Group" is not "Default Campaign Group". All the Campaigns that you get after applying these filters will be the ones that are getting impacted.

Ads Manager filter to identify LinkedIn campaigns being impacted by the three-tier migration

Step 3: Identifying Account Types Using Ads Manager and Reporting

You can also use the LinkedIn Ad Account Type dimension in an Ads Manager column configuration or in Ads Reporting to identify the account type used for publishing a particular LinkedIn Campaign.

    Using the LinkedIn Ad Account Type dimension to identify LinkedIn Accounts

    Default Campaign Groups

    Any LinkedIn Campaign that has been published using Sprinklr is currently associated with a Default Campaign Group on LinkedIn. Also, all LinkedIn Campaigns created before LinkedIn introduced Campaign Groups in 2019 (the exact date is dependent on when your ad account was migrated) were automatically made part of the Default Campaign Group.

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    Upcoming Changes in Sprinklr

    • Ability to create LinkedIn Campaign Groups in Sprinklr.

    • Ability to report on LinkedIn Campaign Groups in Sprinklr.

    How will this change be implemented?
    • All LinkedIn Campaigns (Ad Set) that are part of any Campaign Group other than the Default Campaign Group will be migrated to the three-tier campaign structure consisting of

      • LinkedIn Campaign Groups

      • Ad Sets (LinkedIn Campaigns)

      • Ads

    • Migration is tentatively scheduled for October 31st - November 7th, 2020.

    • There will be no impact on the delivery of the Campaigns / Ads due to this migration. They will continue to deliver as earlier.

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    LinkedIn Ad Hierarchy in Native vs. Sprinklr (Present Day)


    This structure will still be relevant for Campaigns belonging to the LinkedIn Enterprise Ad Accounts.

    LinkedIn Structure

    Sprinklr Structure (Present Day)

    Campaign Groups

    Not Supported

    Not Supported

    Not Supported


    This entity is only available within Sprinklr and not reflected in LinkedIn Native Ads Manager.


    Ad Sets

    All the Ad Sets created in Sprinklr are reflected as Campaigns on LinkedIn.

    The Ad Sets created via Sprinklr are automatically assigned Default Campaign Group as their parent Campaign Group.



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    LinkedIn Ad Hierarchy in Native vs. Sprinklr (After Migration)

    LinkedIn Structure

    Sprinklr Structure (After Migration)
    Business Accounts

    Campaign Groups


    When Campaign Group is Default Campaign Groups


    In this scenario, a dummy Campaign is shown in Sprinklr. It will get reflected under the Default Campaign Group on LinkedIn.


    Ad Sets

    • All the Ad Sets created in Sprinklr are reflected as Campaigns on LinkedIn.

      • The Ad Sets created via Sprinklr will show up in the Campaign Group selected during Ad Set creation. (not as part of Default Campaign Group)

    • The Objective for LinkedIn Business ad accounts will be available at the Ad Set level in Sprinklr Ads Manager and you will find LinkedIn Mixed show up at the Campaign level due to the possibility of having multiple objectives within the Campaign.

      (This is a placeholder objective and will show up for Campaign Groups associated with a single objective as well)

    LinkedIn Mixed Objective at Campaign Level



    Enterprise Accounts

    Campaign Groups


    A dummy Campaign is shown in Sprinklr.


    Ad Sets

    At the Ad Set level, you can select the Campaign Group for which you are creating your Ad Sets. All the Ad Sets created in Sprinklr will be reflected as Campaigns on LinkedIn and belong to the selected Campaign Group.

    Selecting LinkedIn Campaign Group at the Ad Set level for Enterprise Accounts



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    Impact Areas

    As a result of the change, the following fields and capabilities applied on the Campaign level will be removed. The outlined impact is only restricted to Business Accounts.


    As explained above, if the LinkedIn Campaigns (Ad Sets) belong to Default Campaign Group, then their parent “Campaign” (Sprinklr only) will continue to remain as is and none of the below mentioned changes will impact them.

    Area Impacted
    Remedial Actions if any
    Campaign Fields

    Campaign's Name

    This is the name of the Campaign in Sprinklr currently. It will be replaced by the Campaign Group’s name.

    Spend Cap

    Spend Cap information will be removed as the old Campaign will be replaced with Campaign Groups.

    After the migration, the Spend Cap can be applied to the new Campaigns.

    Campaign Custom Fields

    All the custom field values will be removed as the old Campaign will be replaced with new Campaigns representing Campaign Groups.

    Build a Paid Rule to copy the Campaign name and Campaign level custom fields to Ad Set.

    You can leverage the following rule actions for your LinkedIn campaigns to copy Campaign level custom fields to the Ad Set level or Ad Set level custom fields to the Ad level:

    • Control Properties of Ad Set

      • Custom Properties (Ad Set) set Paid Initiative

    • Control Properties of Ad Variants

      • Custom Properties (Ad Variant) set Ad Set

    Sprinklr Campaigns

    Information will be removed as the old Campaign will be replaced with new Campaigns representing Campaign Groups.


    Information will be removed as the old Campaign will be replaced with new Campaigns representing Campaign Groups.

    Ads Reporting

    Dashboards that leverage filters related to Campaign level fields (like Campaign custom fields, Campaign Name, etc.).

    • Make sure to update the filters to use Ad Set level fields. This will allow you to see the reporting data by using these Ad Set custom fields as filters.

    • Build a Rule to copy the Campaign name and Campaign level custom fields to Ad Set.

    • Ensure all Campaign level custom fields that you want to carry over to the Ad Set level are shared between Campaign and Ad Set.

    Sprinklr Value Add Features

    These capability configurations will be present but the Campaigns will no longer be associated with those configurations.

    The existing capability configurations can be used and reapplied.

    The capability configurations will be removed as the old Campaign will be replaced with new Campaigns representing Campaign Groups.

    The capability configurations will need to be reapplied.

    The capability configurations will be removed as the old Campaign will be replaced with new Campaigns representing Campaign Groups.

    The capability configurations will need to be reapplied.

    Rules that are using existing campaign-related details in their Conditions may not work as expected as the campaign name, custom fields, etc. will go away.

    Review the Paid Rules after migration.

    The Auto Boost Rules setup using the below two actions may not work:

    • Create Ad with New Paid Initiative

    • Create Ad with Existing Paid Initiative and New Ad Set

    Review Auto Boost Rules immediately after migration.

    • Rules having action Create Ad with New Paid Initiative will need to be updated.

    • Rules having action Create Ad with Existing Paid Initiative and New Ad Set will need to be updated if the Existing Paid Initiative was removed as part of the migration.

    For a new Campaign, the Objective field will not be available at the Campaign level. If the field is a part of your naming convention then it will need to be updated.

    Review your naming convention after migration.

    Bulk Import

    Bulk Import Templates

    (Business Accounts)

    If you are using bulk import, then the templates would need to be updated after the change is deployed.

    The following column in your Bulk Import templates will change and need to be updated after the 3-tier hierarchy is deployed:

    • Campaign Id - You will need to use the Campaign Id column to provide the Channel Id of the Campaign, instead of the Paid Initiative Id column that you currently use to provide the Sprinklr Id of the Campaign. Ensure that you have both these columns in your template.

    Additionally, the ad accounts that are of the Enterprise account type will maintain the current 2-tier structure after the migration. For them, the current bulk import template will continue to work successfully.

    Bulk Import Templates

    (Enterprise Accounts)

    If you are using bulk import, then the templates would need to be updated after the change is deployed.

    You will need to use/provide values for the LinkedIn Campaign Group ID column exposed in the Bulk Import template for you to specify the campaign group to which your Ad Sets will belong to.

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    Will this migration impact the LinkedIn Campaigns created on Native as well as Sprinklr?

    No, this migration will only impact the LinkedIn campaigns created on the native platform.

    After the migration, will my Campaigns (Sprinklr only) belonging to LinkedIn Business Accounts disappear?

    Yes, your LinkedIn Campaigns will disappear and roll into their respective Campaign Groups.

    Can I add new LinkedIn Campaigns (Ad Sets in Sprinklr) into my old Default Campaign Group or will I need to create a new Campaign Group (Campaign in Sprinklr)?

    You can add new LinkedIn Campaigns (Ad Sets in Sprinklr) into your old Default Campaign Group for Business Ad Accounts by creating a new Ad Set in one of the existing dummy Campaigns in Sprinklr.

    After the migration, how can I set up Campaign Groups with multiple Ad Objectives and Ad Formats in Ads Composer/Ads Manager?

    You can set up Campaign Groups with multiple objectives and ad format combinations using your Business Ad Accounts by clicking on Add New Campaign Objective in the Campaign Details window of the Ads Composer flow. The same will also be available when you Add to an Existing Campaign in Ads Composer to add new Ad Sets or Ads. For more information, see Compose LinkedIn Ads.

    In Ads Manager, you can view these campaigns with different objectives and ad formats at the Ad Set level.

    Add multiple ad objective and ad format combinations to set up your LinkedIn Campaign Group