EU Member Targeting Restrictions for LinkedIn


As of December 15, 2021, LinkedIn has restricted European Union (EU) member targeting for new Sponsored Messaging campaigns. This is due to the ruling released by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on November 25, 2021, determining that native inbox advertising requires direct marketing consent under the ePrivacy Directive.


This only affects targeting members based in the EU. Targeting members outside the EU are not impacted.

Impact of the Change

Targeting in EU countries/ regions is no longer supported for Message Ads and Conversation Ads in Sprinklr. In order to reach audiences in the EU, you will need to use alternative ad formats while composing your LinkedIn campaign in Sprinklr.

Timeline for Change:

  • December 15, 2021: EU-Member targeting is restricted for all new Sponsored Messaging campaigns.

  • January 10, 2022: Existing campaigns will stop delivering to members based in the EU.

Actions to Take

Remove all EU locations, if any, from all active Messages and Conversation ads formats. If no action is taken, campaigns targeting EU members will automatically suspend on January 10, 2022.