LinkedIn Ad Specs & Publishing Error Messages


You may get some common error messages while publishing your Ad Campaigns from Sprinklr. This may be due to your assigned permissions in Sprinklr or on native and can vary between different types of issues. In this article, you will learn about the error messages you may get along with actions to resolve them.

LinkedIn Ad Specs

Ensure that any images or videos are within the specified parameters for the type of ad you wish to publish, and also that any text is within the character limits.

Error Code
Who Can Take Action

LinkedIn Error: Error occurred while publishing ad set - Fail to retrieve update. Could be a temporary failure. Reference, Fail to retrieve update. Could be a temporary failure.

This is a temporary channel issue. Republishing the ad will set it live.


Message: LinkedIn Error: Error occurred while publishing ad - /reference value urn:li:ugcPost:6529729987069702144 does not exist, /lifecycleState value PROCESSING is not active, /lifecycleState value PROCESSING is not active.

This is appearing from LinkedIn because the videos used in the Ads are not being processed before being used in the Ad.

The Ads will publish if you use existing video posts that are already published on the channel. You can use existing video posts that are already published to create LinkedIn Video Ads. The behavior is specific only when you're creating a new video creative for a LinkedIn Video.

To avoid these errors, the best method is to upload the video into DAM (Asset Management) and select the video while building the creative.


LinkedIn Error: Error occurred while creation of AdDirectSponsoredContent to link UGC Post to LinkedIn AdAccount - Field Value validation failed in REQUEST_BODY: Data Processing Exception while processing fields [/contentReference]

The error is thrown by channel when the ad format selected at the Ad Set level is different than the post type used at the Ad level.


LinkedIn Error: Error occurred while publishing creative - Internal Server Error

The Ad name is missing.


Error occurred while publishing post - Error occurred while publishing post - Authorization error: Invalid/Expired Token. Please re-add the account.

Error publishing post. The Page needs to be re-added to Sprinklr.


Message : 'Validation failed because {reason=MISSING_FIELD, field=billingReference, batchIndex=0, type=MISSING_FIELD, message=campaign billingReference is required but missing, parameters={field=campaign billingReference}}, {reason=CONDITIONAL_INVALID_VALUE, field=status, batchIndex=0, type=INVALID_VALUE, message=/status cannot be set to ACTIVE if account status is set to DRAFT, parameters={accountId=503106126, field1=/status, value2=DRAFT, value1=ACTIVE, field2=account status, key=}}', channelErrorCode : null, channelErrorType : null, errorCode : null

The error message appears at the Ad level because the Ad Account is in Draft state and hence cannot be used to create Ads.

Make the ad account Active on LinkedIn natively and then re-add the account into Sprinklr to be able to create Ads.


Message : 'Could not publish Post: UnExpected error while creating short url using, errorCode : UNKNOWN_ERROR

The Website URL in all the ads has an extra http:// causing the error and not allowing the creative to publish.

Check the ad variant creative and see what is incorrect in the content. Once you remove the extra http://, save the changes, and play the ad.


LinkedIn Error: CampaignGroup cannot be set to urn:li:sponsoredCampaignGroup:618491483

This is a permission error and occurs when the user has no access to the account through which the campaign group is published and access for this account has been revoked for the user whose access token is used to make API calls.

The user who has Account Manager access in Native and Direct Sponsored Content Poster to the Page needs to re-add the Account in Sprinklr.


Error occurred while publishing post - Error occurred while publishing post - Authorization error: Invalid/Expired Token. Please re-add the account.

Channel invalid access token error.

The user who has Account Manager access in Native and Direct Sponsored Content Poster to the Page needs to re-add the Account in Sprinklr.


Error occurred while publishing post - Error occurred while publishing post - com.linkedin.content.common.ResponseException: denied by [resource: organizationUgcAuthorizations => responseStatus: DENIED]

Channel invalid access token error.

The user who has Account Manager access in Native and Direct Sponsored Content Poster to the Page needs to re-add the Account in Sprinklr.


LinkedIn Error: Error occurred while publising ad set - /unitCost/amount value 0 cannot be lower than 21.0

Change the bidding amount. Make sure that the bidding amount is not greater than the budget that you have set.


message : 'Undefined status for Linked In Deleted

The LinkedIn channel does not have Delete status for Ads on the native and hence the error.


LinkedIn error. {/format, /type, /optimizationTargetType, /CostType, /offsiteDeliveryEnabled, /audienceExpansionEnabled} cannot be set to {STANDARD_UPDATE, SPONSORED_UPDATES, MAX_CONVERSION, CPM, false, false}

This error is coming from the channel stating the optimization details you have selected are not supported with each other.

For more information regarding this please visit this link for validations based on the objective type and format.


LinkedIn Error: Error occurred while creation of AdDirectSponsoredContent to link UGC Post to LinkedIn AdAccount - Field Value validation failed in REQUEST_BODY: Data Processing Exception while processing fields [/contentReference]

Ad format type that is set at Ad Set level for the ads is different than the post type used in the ads.

Edit the ad format type at the Ad Set to align with post type.


LinkedIn Error: Error occurred while publishing creative - Video must have aspect ratio value

This error occurs when the aspect ratio of the asset is not as per the channel's specifications.

Edit the asset to be in the correct aspect ratio.


LinkedIn Error: Error occurred while publishing creative - Internal Server Error

Ad name is missing.

Include and verify the ad name and re-publish the ad.


LinkedIn Error: Error occurred while publishing paid initiative - /CampaignGroup/account value urn:li:sponsoredAccount:id does not exist Viewer may not have permission UPDATE on entity Campaign Group

The user who added the ad account in Sprinklr only has Viewer permission.

The user who has Account Manager access in Native and Direct Sponsored Content Poster to the Page needs to add the account in Sprinklr.


LinkedIn Error: Error occurred while publishing ad - Direct Sponsored Content is not created by the account

The user who added the LinkedIn ad account in Sprinklr doesn't have Admin access to the company page natively or needs to have the Direct Sponsored Content Creation (DIRECT_SPONSORED_CONTENT_POSTER) permission on the LinkedIn channel to the Company page.

The user who has Account Manager access in Native and Direct Sponsored Content Poster to the Page needs to add the account in Sprinklr.


LinkedIn Error: Error occurred while publishing ad set - urn:li:adTargetingFacet:jobFunctions cannot be set in targeting as it is incompatible with other targeting facets urn:li:adTargetingFacet:titles cannot be set in targeting as it is incompatible with other targeting facets.

Job Functions can't be used in AND fashion with Job Titles. To avoid this we have now greyed out the option to select both together.

You will need to revise the targeting.


CampaignGroup cannot be set to urn:li:sponsoredCampaignGroup<campaign group id>

This error occurs if the user who has added the ad account does not have Admin access or Direct Sponsored Content Creation (DIRECT_SPONSORED_CONTENT_POSTER) permission to the company page. It can occur after publishing the ad if the access has been revoked natively.

The user who has Account Manager access in Native and Direct Sponsored Content Poster to the Page needs to add the account in Sprinklr.
