LinkedIn Ads Channel Nuances in Sprinklr


Historically, the LinkedIn Campaign Manager supported a two-tier campaign structure, i.e. Campaigns and Ads. However, with the introduction of Campaign Groups to its hierarchy, LinkedIn has migrated from its two-tier campaign structure to a three-tier campaign structure. We have updated our platform to include LinkedIn Campaign Groups to align with the native platform. You will be able to create and report on LinkedIn Campaign Groups in Sprinklr. This will ensure a more seamless experience by removing friction due to LinkedIn and Sprinklr differences.

In this article, we will guide you through the LinkedIn structure nuances in Sprinklr as a result of the migration.

LinkedIn vs. Sprinklr Terminology

Enterprise Ad Accounts

Campaign Groups

Campaigns (dummy)


Ad Sets



Business Ad Accounts

Campaign Groups


When Campaign Group is Default Campaign Groups

Campaigns (dummy)


Ad Sets



Behavior of LinkedIn Ad Account Types in Sprinklr

LinkedIn only supports Campaign Group creation using Business Ad Accounts. Thus, the major behavior change due to the migration can be found under LinkedIn Business Ad Accounts.


All LinkedIn Campaigns created and published via Sprinklr will have the following structure in Sprinklr:

  • Campaigns (dummy)

  • Ad Sets

  • Ads

  • All LinkedIn Campaigns created and published via Sprinklr will have the following structure in Sprinklr:

    • Campaigns

    • Ad Sets

    • Ads

Each Paid Initiative you create in Sprinklr will create a Campaign Group on LinkedIn.

  • If you publish new Ad Sets in the  Default Campaign Group

    , then the following structure will apply in Sprinklr:

    • Campaigns (dummy)

    • Ad Sets

    • Ads

You can select your Objective followed by the Ad Format (type of content) at the Campaign level in Sprinklr.

You can select your Objective followed by the Ad Format (type of content) you would like for your Ad Set(s) at the Campaign level in Sprinklr.

Note that the selected Objective is for the Ad Set level in Sprinklr.

To add multiple objective and ad format combinations, you can click Add New Ad Set Objective.

Create a LinkedIn Campaign using Enterprise Ad Account

Add multiple Objectives for your Ad Sets in the LinkedIn Campaign Group

  • At the Ad Set level, you must select the Campaign Group for which you are creating your Ad Sets.

  • All the Ad Sets created in Sprinklr will be reflected as Campaigns on LinkedIn and belong to the selected Campaign Group.

Select a LinkedIn Campaign Group for your Ad Sets

  • The Campaign that you are creating in Sprinklr is the LinkedIn Campaign Group itself that will house all your Ad Sets.

  • All the Ad Sets created in Sprinklr will be reflected as Campaigns on LinkedIn within the Campaign Group created (not as part of Default Campaign Group).

The Objective will be available at the Campaign level in Sprinklr Ads Manager.

The Objective will be available at the Ad Set level in Sprinklr Ads Manager and you will find LinkedIn Mixed show up at the Campaign level due to the possibility of having multiple objectives within the Campaign.

This is a placeholder objective and will show up for Campaign Groups associated with a single objective as well.

LinkedIn Mixed Objective at Campaign Level

You will find the LinkedIn Campaign Group ID column exposed in the Bulk Import template for you to specify the campaign group to which your Ad Sets will belong to. Note that this is a mandatory field in the import file while creating new Ad Sets.

The Campaign that you are creating using Bulk Import in Sprinklr is the LinkedIn Campaign Group itself that will house all your Ad Sets. So no change in the import flow is required.


What will be shown in Sprinklr if my Ad Sets belong to the Default Campaign Group?

In this scenario, a dummy Campaign is shown in Sprinklr. It will get reflected under the Default Campaign Group on LinkedIn.

Will LinkedIn Mixed show up as the Objective at the Campaign level even if my Campaign is associated with a single Objective Ad Set for my Business Account?

Yes. LinkedIn Mixed will show up all the time for your Business Ad Accounts Objective at the Campaign level. This is a placeholder objective. Down the line, LinkedIn is going to introduce Campaign Group level objectives, and so once those are supported, it will replace these placeholders.

Can I add new LinkedIn Campaigns (Ad Sets in Sprinklr) into my old Default Campaign Group or will I need to create a new Campaign Group (Campaign in Sprinklr)?

You can add new LinkedIn Campaigns (Ad Sets in Sprinklr) into your old Default Campaign Group for Business Ad Accounts by creating a new Ad Set in one of the existing dummy Campaigns in Sprinklr.

How can I set up Campaign Groups with multiple Ad Objectives and Ad Formats in Ads Composer/Ads Manager?

You can set up Campaign Groups with multiple objectives and ad format combinations using your Business Ad Accounts by clicking on Add New Ad Set Objective in the Campaign Details window of the Ads Composer flow. The same will also be available when you Add to an Existing Campaign in Ads Composer to add new Ad Sets or Ads.

In Ads Manager, you can view these campaigns with different objectives and ad formats at the Ad Set level.