Unified Agent Desktop in CTI


Inbound Flow

Incoming Calls

  • When an inbound call is assigned, a call popup appears with relevant customer information, including their avatar, phone number, and name.

  • The call popup can be minimized by clicking the minimize icon at the top right.

Answering a Call

  • To answer a call, click the Accept button.

Declining a Call

  • To decline a call, click the Decline button.

  • The decline button may be disabled if you don't have permission to decline calls.

  • If you are the only available agent, you may receive the call popup again even after declining the call.

Status Reminder

  • Ensure your status is set to "Available" to receive calls.

For more information, see Handle Inbound Calls.


After Call Work (also known as post-call processing) is the work a call center agent puts in after they complete a customer conversation. This work may include communicating a summary of the call and scheduling callbacks, among other things. For more information, see What is ACW and its benefits? Why Sprinklr ACW?

Smart Assist

Agents can benefit from a range of advanced features designed to enhance their performance and customer interactions. These include Smart Responses, which suggest optimal replies; Smart Compose, for generating responses quickly; CSAT Prediction, to foresee customer satisfaction levels; and Agent Nudges, which provide real-time guidance. Additionally, Response Compliance ensures adherence to company policies, Smart Comprehend suggests relevant knowledge base articles, and Smart Paraphraser aids in rephrasing responses for clarity. For a detailed overview of these and other features, refer to Agent Assist.

Call Controls

Call Control offers real time call functionalities to agents which helps in seamless interaction with the customer. An agent can perform various actions like mute, hold, add other agents to call, transfer the call to another queue, etc. After an agent accepts a call from the call popup or a customer accepts an outbound call done by the brand, the case overview screen is opened with the live call control widget.

Call Control Widget




Talk Timer

Talk timer shows the ongoing call duration. It will also act as an indicator if the current call breaches the SLA time.

Call Directory

On clicking the profile icon, a dialogue box appears which shows all the participated agents in the call. 

Open Case

On clicking this, the associated/congifured entity opens in background within the CRM application.

Transfer Call

This option helps agents to transfer the call to any other suitable agent, work queue or IVR. An agent can leave or remain in the call after the transfer.

Add Agent

This helps to add any other agent to the call for support.


Agents have the ability to record calls for quality assurance and training purposes. They can seamlessly pause and resume recordings as required, and also have the option to delete the recorded calls.

Agents also possess the ability to delete recordings which are generated after the conclusion of a call.

Snippet Recording: Agents can start and stop snippet recordings while engaged in a live call. This enables them to capture specific segments of the conversation, such as customer consent for marketing or sales confirmations. Agents can categorize these recordings by selecting a snippet type from predefined values.

The snippet types can be defined through a picklist-type message level custom field.

Schedule Callback

This option helps to schedule a call in future in case the customer is busy or unavailable.

After Call Work

This is used to fill After Call Work during the call. After Call Work is a widget in which a call disposition is filled by an agent.


To mute yourself, press Mute button. Other participants won’t be able to hear you. To mute other participants, mute from the call directory  

To unmute, click Mute again.


To put the caller on hold, press the Hold button. Now, you will not be able to hear each other. In the case of multiple participants and you are the primary agent, this will hold all.

To unhold, click Hold again.


To end your interaction with the caller, press the End button. The After Call Work window will open on the right side (if enabled).


This button will be enabled when you’ve accepted either a Transferred or a Conference call. Pressing this button will end your interaction with the other participants. The call may still continue.  

Click to Dial

Click-to-dial is a web-based communication feature that allows a person to request an immediate phone connection by clicking on an object such as a button, image, or text. Sprinklr CTI integration enables agents to trigger outbound calls from within an existing CRM entity by simply clicking on the phone number. This feature benefits agents in several ways:

Reduces Time and Effort: Eliminates the need to manually select a dialer and type a number.

Reduces Errors: Minimizes the chance of typing errors.

Reduces Navigation: Agents can make calls without navigating between screens, allowing them to respond more effectively with the relevant entity already open in the background.

Recording and Transcript Object

Call transcripts generated during calls are transferred to the CRM for logging and future reference. These transcripts, along with call recordings, can be accessed to assist customers in the future and to support quality management and training purposes.