Introduction to Use case Hub


Simplifying Social Listening and use-case achievement with ease. 

In today's dynamic digital landscape, understanding consumer sentiment and market trends is paramount for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. However, navigating through vast amounts of data to extract meaningful insights can be daunting and time-consuming. That is where our new feature, the Use Case Hub, comes into play. 

With the Use Case Hub, we have revolutionized the process of generating actionable insights by streamlining it into just two simple steps. Say goodbye to the days of spending hours creating dashboards from scratch. With minimal input, users can now access tailored dashboards infused with innovative themes and powered by Gen AI, providing instant, value-driven insights. At its core, Use-Case Hub offers users a seamless experience, allowing them to create best-in-class dashboards tailored to your industry and sub-vertical needs.

How will Use-case Hub benefit Social Listening?  

  • Streamlined workflows:  The Use Case Hub redefines efficiency by condensing the dashboard creation process into two intuitive steps. You simply input your vertical, sub-vertical, and brand, and voilà! Within moments, a fully customized dashboard tailored to your specific needs is generated. This eliminates the need for manual configuration, saving your valuable time and resources. 

  • Tailored Insights with simplified dashboard creation:  One size does not fit all when it comes to data analytics. The Use Case Hub recognizes this and delivers insights that are tailored to the specific vertical, sub-vertical, and brand preferences of each you. Whether you are in the fashion industry tracking the latest trends or in the healthcare sector monitoring consumer sentiment, our tool ensures that the insights you receive are relevant, actionable, and aligned with your business objectives. 

  • Best-in-Class Themes: It offers a range of best-in-class themes meticulously curated by our team of experts & powered by Gen AI to categorize and organize your data effectively. Whether you are tracking brand sentiment, monitoring market trends, or analysing consumer behaviour, our themes categorize your data into meaningful segments, providing valuable insights instantly. 


This feature is currently only available for Retail Customers with 19.5 for Brand Monitoring & Customer Experience Monitoring. We will be further expanding it to other verticals & Use cases in subsequent releases. 

Note: To get this capability enabled in your environment, please reach out to your success manager.

Internal Note: This feature is controlled by “LST_USE_CASE_HUB_ENABLED” DP.

How does Use Case Hub work? 

You can enter the Use-Case Hub Persona App to start with a new project. You can select your industry and sub-vertical and use-case their-on. Based on the use-case selected, you will fill the input form with your Brand information, competitor information etc. Based on which a preview will be shown to you which can be saved as a project to leverage the full capability of the Use-case based dashboard. 


  1. From the Launchpad, under Sprinklr Insights you can select the Use Case Hub Persona App 

  2. You will be redirected to the Project Manager of the Persona App. You can create a new project by clicking on “+ Project.” 

  3. You will be prompted to select your brand’s Industry and sub-vertical. Upon selecting the industry and sub-vertical, set of use-cases available are displayed to you.  


  • The industry and sub-vertical selection prompt will only open for the first-time user. For a recurring user, the fields will be pre-filled with the initial selection.

  • Recurring user can change the industry/subvertical selection from the use-case selection screen.


  1. You can select any of the available use-cases for the selected industry by clicking on the use-case banner. On clicking, you can view a brief description of the use-case. Once the use-case is finalised, you shall click on Next.  

  2. Based on the selected use-case, you will be taken through a minimal two-step workflow to power your use case-based dashboard. Let us take an example of Brand Health, upon selection of Brand Health you can select the brand/topic to power your use case. You can do it in 2 ways: 

    1. Brand Database: Select Sprinklr AI’s Brand Database and start typing your brand name. Select your brand from the list below, if available. 

    2. Existing Topics: You can also select an existing brand topic from the environment or else create a new topic instead for advanced use cases. The topic can be easily created as per the existing workflow. 

  3. You are asked to either select a brand from Sprinklr AI’s database, select from an existing Brand topic or create a new Brand topic. 

  4. On clicking next, a preview dashboard customised for the selected industry and sub-vertical will be loaded. This dashboard will have out of the box themes which are use-case and industry specific. You can preview these entities (themes, brand/topic, filters etc.) from the configuration pane.  

    Note: Preview dashboard will be populated using 30 days data from global database data. On saving the dashboard, you might see a change in data as upon saving you will only see prefetched data in your environment. To leverage full capability of use case based dashboards you will have to trigger the backfill for Listening Data which will be counted under consumption. 


  • If you selected a Sprinklr AI’s Brand in step 7, a topic will be created and backfill estimation for last 30 days will be triggered automatically. 

  • You can request a custom backfill for the selected brand/topic. from the entities pane of the custom dashboard. 

  • Once the backfill is triggered, it cannot be interrupted and will be executed, even if the topic is removed from the dashboard. 

  • If you select an existing topic, a clone will be created and saved under the project. 

  • For all applied themes and theme categories on the dashboard, a clone will be created and saved under the project. 

  • If you make any changes to the topic or themes, it will be reflected everywhere where the entity is applied. 

1.After reviewing the preview dashboard, you can proceed to Save the dashboard by clicking on Save. 

2.You will be prompted to fill in project Details like Project Name, Project Description, Project Tags, Sharing details, etc. 

3.You will be redirected to a custom dashboard. You can edit the entities like themes, topics, filters from here. You can also trigger backfills for the applied topics in the dashboard. 


4.You can see your project and project entities in the project manager. 


Persona App Components 

  1. Project Manager:  Use-case Hub Project Manager allows you to view all your projects and the projects shared with you in a list / grid view. You can group, edit, delete and manage projects from here.  

    1. Edit Project Details: Allows you to change the project name, sharing permissions, etc. 

    2. Edit Project Configuration: Allows you to change the dashboard configuration and listening entities of the project. 

    3. Delete: Delete the project along with its entities.  

  2. Listening Entities:  For each project, the Persona app shows all the listening entities configured.  

    1. Dashboard: The dashboard for the selected project. 

    2. Topic: Topics applied in the selected project. 

    3. Themes: Themes and theme categories applied in the selected project. 

  3. Settings: Settings contain all Listening settings for you to manage hashtags, topic backfills, etc.