Configuration Steps for Setting Up Auto Provisioning


Save time and effort by creating new users and auto populating required fields on the go with auto provisioning. This article gives you a detailed process for setting up user auto provisioning for your environment.


  1. The prerequisite for this feature is to have Single Sign-on enabled and configured in the Sprinklr platform. For more details refer to this SSO Handbook.

  2. To proceed with setup for your client, create a copy of this Mapping Sheet. This mapping sheet needs to be completely filled by the client’s IT team. Once the mapping sheet is completed, raise a support ticket. Automatic Provisioning of New Users via SSO. In the mapping sheet

    • The user properties would source respective values from SSO attributes sent via IDP through SAML assertion when users are logging in via SSO once the mapping configuration is implemented.

    • The ‘key fields’ in which the user related data is stored and sent as response should be filled in the column A of the mapping sheet.

    • Corresponding to Column A, the SM should fill the data in Column C as per the fields present in Sprinklr while user creation. Column B can be an example of a test user from the client’s side to initially check the working of Auto provision.

    • All the fields present in the User Primary Details are known as Standard Fields, but all other fields corresponding to the attributes that user wants are known as Custom Fields which should be created by the Sprinklr Team at backend if they don't exist.

    • Default values can be defined for the fields that do not have a relevant value flowing through the SSO response. This category would include properties that would remain common across users and might not be sourced from SSO, such as language, user type.

    • Set of properties that are neither mapped against attributes, nor set to default values, but need to be derived from the SSO attributes can be set using rule(s).

      For instance, if SSO attributes Country = “Spain”, then Group = “EMEA”.

      Demo Video for Auto Provisioning Mapping Sheet: Mapping Sheet Demo

    • Note: While raising a support ticket, the SM should raise a support ticket and mention to first enable auto provisioning for testing in prod0 environment. This means SSO should also be enabled in the testing environment beforehand for that client.

  3. The client will need at least one user added in this partner to validate SSO login/logout flow after the SSO configuration is done. Next, you can test with a second user who is not present in Sprinklr who on further attempting login will be created as a new user via auto provisioning

  4. Once the configuration is done by the support team, new users can log in to Sprinklr via company credentials. Their Sprinklr user profile would be created automatically with the respective permissions without any admin intervention.