UTM Manager


What is UTM? 

UTM refers to "Urchin Tracking Module" parameters. UTM parameters are tags added to URLs in order to track the source, medium, campaign, and other relevant information about a link's origin and the context in which it's being clicked. 


UTM parameters are used in digital marketing and analytics to understand the effectiveness of different marketing efforts and campaigns, both on social media platforms and other non-social channels. They allow marketers and analysts to attribute website traffic, conversions, and other user interactions back to specific sources, campaigns, and mediums.

How to use it? 

This is a Dynamic Property (DP) enabled feature which means that the DP will have to be enabled by the Product Support team for the user to be able to see this in their environment; which can be done on the basis of user’s requirements. 

Configure UTM 

To configure the UTM Form, the user will have to follow the given steps: 

  1. Select the UTM Medium (Email, SMS etc.) 

  2. Add required parameters using the + icon besides the parameter box. 

  3. Re-order parameters using the 6 dots if required

  4. The parameters can be enabled/disabled using the toggle besides them. 

Create UTM

To create a new UTM, the user will have to follow the below steps: 

  1. Click on 'Add UTM' icon from your UTM Manger

  2. Add UTM Name

  3. Add page URL

  4. Add standard and custom parameter details

  5. Add additional properties to your UTM if required

  6. Click Save.

A preview of the URL will be generated as the parameters are filled. This can be easily copied and shared. 

User Functionalities 

Users can perform following actions on the existing UTMs:  

  1. Edit: Users will be able to update UTM name, url and other parameter values  

  2. Clone: User will be able to create an exact copy of an existing UTM

  3. Delete: User will be able to delete a UTM 

You can also apply filters in your UTM manager to fetch relevant UTM


Users will need ‘Configure UTM Entity’ permission to be able to add/remove and update parameters in the UTM Form.