Agent Assist Overview



Agent Assist encompasses a range of capabilities that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of customer service representatives in handling customer inquiries. These features contribute to real-time case resolution and also include AI-based functionalities for improved assistance.

For example, one such capability is Smart Response, which leverages AI to suggest relevant responses to agents. By learning from previous interactions between the brand's agents and customers, the AI system recommends suitable responses, enabling agents to provide timely and accurate answers. Another example of an AI-driven feature is Smart Compose, which predicts text and offers suggestions to agents, enabling them to respond more swiftly.

Agent Assist also harnesses the power of Sprinklr AI+ features integrated with OpenAI’s generative AI. For instance, agents can request an instant case summary of text-based conversations with customers, without the need to read the entire conversation. Additionally, the AI assists agents in configuring their responses by expanding text for more detailed responses, analyzing tonality to ensure appropriate language usage, translating messages to facilitate multilingual interactions, and paraphrasing or correcting grammar to enhance the overall communication quality.

Key Benefits of Agent Assist

Agent Assist offers several benefits to customer service representatives and the overall customer service experience. Here are some key benefits of Agent Assist features:

  • Improved Efficiency: Agent Assist streamlines the customer service process by providing agents with AI-powered tools and automated assistance. This enables agents to handle customer inquiries more efficiently, reducing response times and improving overall productivity.

  • Consistent and Accurate Responses: By using capabilities like smart responses, smart compose, and guided processes, Agent Assist ensures consistent and accurate replies across customer interactions. This helps maintain brand messaging and standards, minimizing the risk of miscommunication or inconsistent information being provided to customers.

  • Increased First Contact Resolution: Agent Assist empowers agents with the necessary tools and information to resolve customer issues in real-time. Additionally, by leveraging capabilities such as CSAT prediction, agent nudges, and response compliance, agents can proactively identify and address potential problems, resulting in higher first contact resolution rates and reducing the need for follow-up interactions.

  • Enhanced Compliance and Quality Assurance: Agent Assist helps ensure compliance with predefined rules, regulations, and brand guidelines. By offering response compliance checks and flagging potential violations, it minimizes the risk of errors and ensures consistent adherence to regulatory requirements.

  • Streamlined Processes and Workflows: Guided workflows and features like co-browsing and appointment booking streamline customer service processes, enabling agents to handle tasks more efficiently. These capabilities simplify complex workflows, reduce errors, and provide a smoother experience for both agents and customers.

  • Enhanced Training and Onboarding: Agent Assist can be valuable for training new agents and facilitating their onboarding process. By providing suggestions and recommendations, it helps new agents learn from existing best practices and quickly become proficient in handling customer inquiries.