YouTube as a Listening source


YouTube is one of the highly sought-after channels when it comes to listening to the voice of netizens. Brands can monitor the sentiment of these mentions and achieve use cases around PR campaigns and marketing campaigns, among many others.

YouTube data listening in Sprinklr can happen via 2 routes earned or owned. Brands can leverage earned listening to perform competitor monitoring and related use cases, and they can use owned listening to analyze their brand health and general public sentiment to decide on future campaigns.

Sprinklr receives YouTube data via public YouTube APIs. YouTube data can be classified into –

  • Video Posts

  • Video Comments

  • Video Comments Reply

YouTube source capabilities

  • Source: YouTube

  • Source of data: Public YouTube APIs

  • Coverage: Publicly available data on native

  • Latency

    • Keyword authentication route: Within 2 hours

    • Source verified channels: 24 to 48 hours

  • Historical data

    • Keyword authentication route: Past 7 days

    • Source verified: Going forward data will be grabbed

  • Backfill support: Yes

  • Author/ Profile metadata details: Yes (Earned & Owned)

    • Screen Name, User Name, User ID, Profile Image URL, Subscriber count, Author URL, and Timestamp are available.

    • Author URL is available if Author of a message is a Channel else URL is not available, hence distinct users cannot be determined accurately.

    • Location metadata is not supported

  • AI-enriched data: Language, Sentiment, Emotions, Emotion Categories, and Gender

  • Message type: YouTube Post, YouTube Comment, YouTube Comment Replies

YouTube data entities in Social Listening

Data Entitiy



Earned Engagement


Earned Engagement = View count + Comment count + Likes count

View count


Total views on a post

Likes Count


Total likes on a post

Distinct Users


Not accurate

Comments Count


The total count of comments on a post.

To fetch data from YouTube

At Sprinklr, you can listen from YouTube via two different routes:

Case #1 – Source verified Channels

Monitor YouTube channels & videos on specific influencers and competitor channels

Steps to fetch the data

  • A source verification request containing the links off all such channels or videos needs to be raised.

  • Once added and communicated by the source verification team, the client can create domain-based topics to perform targeted listening on specific URLs.

Scope & limitations

This data is pulled into Sprinklr via third-party vendors and is subjected to multiple coverage limitations to ensure all the client requests receive most of the content without hitting the API limits

Case #2 – Keyword Authentication Route

Monitor the share of voice on competitors and general sentiment of people talking about a set of Keywords across YouTube

Steps to fetch the data

  • A set of keywords should be shared in a support ticket to register for listening

  • The Product team will register these keywords within 24 hours and communicate once live

  • Clients should create a topic containing all the registered Youtube keywords and enable fetching

Scope & limitations

  • There should be active YouTube accounts in the client workspace for this route to work

  • The maximum number of keywords that can be registered are 15 per active Youtube account in client's workspace, i.e. if there are 80 authenticated active YouTube accounts in a workspace we can register 80*15 = 1200 keywords

  • Proximity operators cannot be used in the keywords

  • The video posts containing registered keywords in the title or first ~150 characters of the video description will be fetched. The comments and replies will be fetched regardless of whether they contain the registered keywords or not.

  • Once these keywords are added, all live mentions on a going forward-basis + mentions from the last 7 days will be fetched

  • This approach does not guarantee that 100% of YouTube mentions will be fetched but from POCs done in different client environments we have observed upto 90% coverage

  • For the Keyword authentication route, we receive likes, views and comments count. This data is synced to listening every 2 hours.

To create a Topic for YouTube listening

At Sprinklr, you can listen from Youtube public pages in two different routes –

Query-based topic

  • In order to fetch data from Youtube, you need to create a Query based topic with YouTube as its source. To learn in detail about how to create a topic, refer to Create a Topic in Topic Creation UI.

  • While creating or editing your topic, click the Apply Filters tab, and select YouTube as one of the Social Channels.

  • You can also select Source: YouTube from the dashboard/widget filter.

Domain-based topic

  • In order to fetch data from Youtube, you need to create a Domain-based topic with YouTube as its source.

  • You can add the domains/domain list in the Setup Profile section of Topic builder.

  • While creating or editing your topic, click the Apply Filters tab and select YouTube as one of the Social Channels.

  • You can also select Source: YouTube from the dashboard/widget filter.

To backfill data from YouTube

  • For the Keyword authentication route, data of the past seven days (from the date of addition) will be available to capture via topic backfill.

  • To know more about how to backfill data, refer to Listening Backfill for Topics.

Frequently asked questions

  • Keyword Authentication Route: Past 7 days

  • Source verified: Going forward data will be grabbed

  • Keyword Authentication Route: You can now monitor engagement stats around Likes, Views & Comments count on YouTube videos. Refreshed every 1 hour for 7 days.

  • Source verified: These are updated once and only at the time of ingestion.

It is recommended to go by the keyword verification route. This will ensure that all matching Videos and corresponding comments are fetched with higher coverage guarantee and low latencies.

There is no commitment on 100% data grabbing from YouTube source. The YouTube native API imposes certain limitations which could result in misses. These are native API limitations and are common for all projects that utilize the API.

It stays in the database as long as no intimation is provided.

Unlike firehose sources (Twitter, Quora, or Reddit), YouTube allows restricted listening on Video posts & comments. YouTube Public API has a daily quota that restricts the number of messages we can fetch. YouTube Listening is hence representative only - meaning that messages are bound to be missed. Click here to read more about YouTube’s Quota Limitations.

Owing to quota limitations, Source Verification is required for targeted listening to YouTube Videos/Channels of interest.

Once source-verified, Sprinklr will start pulling in messages via YouTube API on a going-forward basis.

Domain-based topic and query based Topic will start matching messages from the verified YouTube Videos/Channels.