Custom fields


While working with any entity like a message, customer profile, or case, there is always a need to store metadata or some properties for that entity. That’s where Sprinklr Custom Fields come into play.

What are custom fields?

Custom fields are key-value pairs that are stored for each entity like a message, profile, or case. These are used to define specific properties for each such entity.

For example, you might want to store several metadata or property for a customer profile like Customer tier, Customer lifetime value, products owned, birth date, etc. Each such property can be saved as profile custom fields. Similarly, for a case, you might want to store – priority, line of business, etc.

Types of custom fields

Each entity in Sprinklr can have custom fields defined for them but the most commonly used in Care use cases are

  • Profile Custom field - to store properties of a profile

  • Case Custom field - to store properties of a case

  • Message Custom field - to store properties of a message

  • There are other assets on which you can define custom fields like - Ads, Tasks, Rule, Audience etc.

  • Allowed data types in custom fields

There are multiple data types allowed in custom fields as shown below –

  1. Single Select List: Single select list are used to provide option of a drop down in a custom field from which one value can be selected. The source of dropdown can be –

    • Manual list - Manually entered list of values

    • System generated list - like list of users in platform etc.

    • External - List fetched from external systems

  2. Text: This allows to enter a string without new line characters. There's no practical limit on number of characters. The value can be validated using Regex.

  3. Multiple Select List: The source of dropdown is same as Single Select List but in this scenario, multiple values can be selected.

  4. Number: You can store different number format in this field.

  5. Date: You can store date values in this field.

  6. Text Multi: These allows you to store multiple string values in a field.

  7. Textarea: This allow you to add a multi paragraph text in a field.