Highlight attribute categorization in insights phrase


In the Stream (aka Conversation Stream) widget, phrases related to a particular attribute category will be highlighted. To serve this purpose, we support two functionalities –

Display the relevant phrases in bold formatting

The insight phrases pertaining to a particular attribute category (L1, L2 & L3) will be displayed in bold in the Conversation Stream along with the red/green text formatting (that we already have). This will be subject to the applied attribute-level filters and/or the attribute name being drilled-down upon. This will ensure that the relevant phrases are viewed at one glance inside a message block.

For example, in the message in the below screenshot, only "it puts pressure on me to know that" related to "workload" and the remaining phrases are not.

But now, this phrase is being highlighted in bold so that it is visibly understood.

Display the attribute hierarchy of phrase

The attribute taxonomy will be visible upon hovering over the insight phrase in the Conversation Stream.

Note: The above two functionalities (bold formatting and hovering) will be available only if you open the Conversation Stream by drilling down on a particular attribute (L1/L2/L3).