Log Responses to Location Insights Messages


Review sources for Location Insights, like Trip Advisor and Travelocity, do not currently offer API support for responding through a third party. Responses that you make natively can be logged in Sprinklr for Reporting and for insight into which messages your team has responded to. When you make a native response to a review on a channel, you can enter that response in Sprinklr where your team is able to see that the message has received a reply from a member of your company and you are able to gather and analyze data on how many messages have been responded to.

Note: In order to use this feature, Location Insights should be enabled in your environment. To learn more about Location Insights, please contact your success manager.

To log responses in Sprinklr

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Sprinklr Social, click Engagement Dashboards within Engage.

  2. Use any existing location insights column or create a new Location Insights Engagement column. Follow the below steps for creating a new column –

    • Add Column

    • Search listening column

    • Select Location Insights

    • Add necessary filters for creating a new column Add Location form

  3. Hover over the desired message and then click the Log Reply icon.

  4. Enter a response to log onto the platform, apply any desired custom properties for Reporting as needed, and click Send.

  5. Messages for which you log a response to will display an icon indicator that a reply has been posted.

Note: Logging a response will not publish your reply on the review's native source. This feature allows you to log responses in Sprinklr for channels that do not offer the capability of publishing replies through a third party.

Location Insights sources supported for this feature include TripAdvisor, Booking, Expedia, Ctrip, Agoda, Open Table, and Travelocity.