Sprinklr Live Chat Deflection to SMS/WhatsApp Business


Sprinklr allows brands to send and receive text messages on a Twilio or WhatsApp Buinsess account while interacting with their customers on Sprinklr Live Chat.

While interacting with your customers on Sprinklr Live Chat, you can share important information with them via SMS or WhatsApp in real-time. The customer can choose to continue the conversation on their preferred channel.

You can send a post/text template created in Digital Asset Manager on SMS (Twilio) or an HSM template on WhatsApp Business.

All the messages will get associated with the same case in Sprinklr providing agents with a full view of customer engagement and conversation history.

Live Chat Deflection to SMS/WhatsApp Business

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have

  • Their valid phone number captured via the Contact Details Form.

  • Active Twilio SMS account or WhatsApp Business account added in Sprinklr.

  • A post/text template for SMS (Twilio) or an HSM template for WhatsApp Business created in Digital Asset Manager.

To Deflect Conversation from Sprinklr Live Chat to Twilio/WhatsApp Business

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Governance Console, click Rule Engine within Collaborate.

  2. In the top right corner of the Rule Engine window, click Create New Rule

  3. On the New Rule window, fill in the required details. Select Customer under the Rule Scope and Case Update under the Context dropdown. Click Next. For more information, see Create a Rule.

  4. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition icon to Add Condition. Enter a Name for the condition in the Edit Condition pane on the right and select the desired conditions.

  5. Next, click the Addition icon on the Yes branch of the condition and select Add Action. On the Edit Action pane in the right, enter a Name for the action.

  6. Under Actions To "Auto respond to a message", select Send SMS to from the Action dropdown and Twilio or WhatsApp Business from the corresponding dropdown.

    Live Chat to SMS DeflectionLive Chat to WhatsApp Deflection

  7. Next, from the dropdown corresponding to Choose Account To Reply From, select the desired account you want to send the message from.

  8. From the dropdown corresponding to Choose Reply Template, select the template that you want to send. You can select a post/text template for SMS (Twilio) or an HSM template for WhatsApp Business that you have created in the Digital Asset Manager.

  9. Click Save in the bottom right corner to finalize the rule.