Understanding the Trends: Voice of Fan/ Brand-Audience Relationship Strategy


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Voice of Fan / Brand-Audience Relationship  


⬇ Volume of Published Messages Trend, ⬇ Post Average Engagement Trend -> Possibility of Audience Disengagement Alarm  

  • If you notice a continuous decline in the volume of published messages coupled with a decrease in post average engagement for your brand compared to competitors, it might signal audience disengagement. 

  • You might want to investigate the sentiment distribution of fan messages for your brand versus other brands to understand if dissatisfaction or disinterest is driving the decline. 

  • Analysing the breakdown of fan messages into "engageable or non-engageable" could help identify areas where audience interaction is lacking and prioritize efforts to re-engage the audience. 


Fan Messages Trend, Negative Comments Trend -> Possibility of Negative Feedback Surge  

  • Observing a sudden increase in fan messages and negative comments for your brand compared to competitors might indicate a surge in negative feedback from the audience. 

  • You might want to delve into the sentiment distribution of fan messages to determine the root cause of dissatisfaction and take proactive steps to address concerns. 

  • Analysing top fan keywords about your brand versus competitor brands could provide insights into specific issues driving negative sentiment and guide your response strategy. 


⬇ Volume of Published Messages Trend, ⬇ Follower Count -> Possibility of Follower Loss Crisis  

  • If there's a significant decrease in the volume of published messages coupled with a decline in follower count for your brand compared to competitors, it could lead to a follower loss crisis. 

  • You might want to explore the channel-wise breakdown of follower count to identify which platforms are experiencing the most significant losses and prioritize efforts to retain followers. 

  • Analysing the share of follower count for your brand versus competitor brands across different channels could help pinpoint areas where your brand is losing ground and take corrective actions. 


Post Average Engagement Trend, Fan Messages Trend -> Possibility of Engagement Inconsistency Concern  

  • Noticing fluctuations in post average engagement trend alongside inconsistent trends in fan messages for your brand compared to competitors might raise concerns about engagement inconsistency. 

  • You might want to delve into the sentiment distribution of fan messages to understand if varying audience sentiments are contributing to the inconsistency. 

  • Analysing the breakdown of fan messages into "engageable or non-engageable" could help identify patterns and prioritize engagement strategies to maintain consistency and strengthen the brand-audience relationship. 


Sentiment Distribution of Fan Messages, Negative Comments Trend -> Possibility of Audience Sentiment Shift  

  • If there's a noticeable shift in sentiment distribution of fan messages towards negativity for your brand compared to competitors, it could indicate a significant audience sentiment shift. 

  • You might want to closely monitor the correlation between sentiment distribution and the trend of negative comments to understand the impact on brand perception. 

  • Analysing top fan keywords about your brand versus competitor brands could provide insights into the underlying reasons for the sentiment shift and guide targeted efforts to address concerns and rebuild trust with the audience.