Crisis Feed


Crisis Feed is the place where all the Crisis Cards are present. It is a scrollable feed which contains Crisis Cards from the projects that the user has access too. There are two types of Crisis Feed: 


Global Crisis Feed: This contains crisis cards across all the projects that the user has access to. 


Project-specific Crisis Feed: This contains crisis cards specific to the selected Crisis Project. 


Crisis Card 

A crisis card is generated when a crisis-relevant volume-fluctuation is encountered. It has the following components: 

Heading: Gives an overview of what the crisis is about 

Description: Describes the crisis in picture in greater detail 

Crisis Category: Mentions the category on which the card has been created 

Graph: This depicts the graph of volume vs time, depicting the time and magnitude of volume-fluctuation in picture. 

Tags: This shows the top entities being mentioned in the messages on which the card has been created. 


Card Actions 

Upvote/ Downvote: Users can upvote and downvote on crisis cards, and this action can serve as a marker for on-card engagement by the various users. 

Comment: This feature allows for cross-team collaboration, wherein users can tag each other and initiate a discourse over created crisis cards. 

Share Card: This feature shares a card to the user present on the Sprinklr platform. The user need not have access to the Project. 

Copy External Link: This feature creates an external link which can be used to share the crisis card externally to anyone. This link shall be accessible to all and not require any login/ SSO. 

Add to Board: Cards can be added to user-created Boards. 


Card Drilldown 

Clicking on a crisis card opens a third-pane view, which shows the messages over which the crisis card has been created.