Standard Voice Extracts - Outbound


Section 1: Call Detailed Report

This is an agent level report and thus the Call Activity values recorded are based on/ derived from the Agents’ console or the workspace. This section gives insights on every case with respect to each agent involved in the case, provides the time split/ time taken during the call processing and the After call Work/ Disposition details of the call.

Values Plotted:
This report provides the Call level activity of the agent for every call offered.

  • Conversation ID is an unique ID created for every call made against a case.

  • User: Name of the agent.

  • User Email: Email ID of the agent.

  • Calls Offered : Total number of customer interactions that were offered to an agent. Every offered call would fall under any one of these mentioned buckets.

  • Calls Connected: Calls in which both the customer and agent connected.

  • Customer connected & agent not connected: Calls which were offered but not accepted by the agent.(Customers may remain connected incase of Outbound IVR, Preview, Predictive and Progressive dialers). 

  • Agent Connected & Customer not connected: Calls in which agent connected, but customer did not connect. (Agent by default remains connected in case of Manual & Scheduled callbacks). 

  • Neither Agent nor Customer Connected Calls - Calls offered to agents on which neither customer nor agent were connected. (In case if customers declined the Outbound IVR, Preview, Predictive and Progressive dialers triggered.

This segment provides the segregation of the call time handled by the agent in every stage of the call from the Agent call connection to the Agent call disconnection.

  • Talk Time (Agent): Total time spent by an agent in interaction with the customer.

  • After Call Wrap-up Time (Agent): Total time spent by the an agent in the ACW (Wrap) state.

  • Hold Time (Agent): Overall call hold time.

  • Handle Time (Agent): Overall call handling time (Talk time + Hold time+ Wrap Time).

  • Agent Connected At Timestamp: Time at which the call was connected with the agent.

  • Agent Disconnected At Timestamp: Time at which the agent disconnects the call.

  • Call Disposition Plan Id: The product for which the disposition plan is there.

  • Call Disposition: This will come from the call disposition screen (Intent of the customer).

  • Call Sub-Disposition: Reason of the intent (why).

  • ACW Submitted: Boolean field telling if ACW is submitted or not.

Section 2: Agent Summary

This section provides the overall work summary and the occupancy of every  agent for the selected time frame. Segregation of all the cases offered to an agent is available thus the Abandoned Rate & Pickup Rate maintained by an agent is calculated. This also reports the overall time spent by every agent logged in to the console and time split into various user statuses.
Values Plotted:
This segment provides the segregation of all the calls offered to an agent based on the dialer type, on the specified day and the total calls where the agent & customer has connected out of the offered calls.

  • Offered : Total number of customer interactions offered to the agent, excluding the scheduled callback and manual calls.

  • Taken: Total number of customer interactions in which both customer and agent connected, excluding the scheduled callback, preview and manual calls.

  • Not Taken : Total number of customer interactions in which both customer connected but agent not connected, excluding the scheduled callback, preview and manual calls.

  • Calls Manually Dialed : Total number of manual calls dialed by the agen. 

  • Calls Manually Connected : Total number of manual calls in which both customer and agent connected.

  • Schedule Callback Dialed : Total number of scheduled callbacks dialed by the agent.

  • Scheduled Callback connected : Total number of callbacks in which both customer and agent connected. 

  • Preview Calls Offered: Total number of calls offered through Preview Dialer Type.

  • Preview Calls Connected: Total number of Preview dialer calls in which both customer and agent connected.

  • Total Connected Calls : Taken + Manual Calls Connected + Scheduled Callback connected + Preview Calls Connected.

This segment provides the segregation of the overall call time handled by the agent & Average time in each stage for all the cases handled.

  • Unique Profiles per Agent : Total number of unique profiles handled by the agent in which both customer and agent connected.

  • Total logged-in time: Total hours agent logged-in on the agent console.

  • User Logins Count: The number of times a Sprinklr user has logged in.

  • Time Spent in Status: Time spent in marked status (calculated hourly) - with multiple status filters: Ready, Available, Manual, Lunch Break, Tea Break, Electricity Issue, etc.

Section 3: Campaign Summary

This segment validates the number of profiles mapped under each segment of a campaign.
Values Plotted:

  • Campaign: Name of the campaign.

  • Segment Id: Name of the segment.

  • Dialer Type: States if the dialer type is Predictive/ preview/ progressive, etc.

  • Unique Profiles: Total number of unique profiles/ customers in a given timeframe, to be used against a segment, custom field.

  • Call Count: Total number of Calls.

  • Unique Profiles Attempted: Total number of unique profiles attempted within a segment.

  • Unique Profiles Contacted [Both connected]: Total number of unique profiles contacted within a segment.

  • Unique Profiles [Customer Connected]: Total number of unique profiles where the customer connected.

  • Unique profiles Abandoned: Total number of unique profiles attempted through dialer, where customer connected but agent not connected.

  • Pickup Rate% : Calls where both agent and customer are connected / Total outbound call count

Section 4: Campaign Live Monitoring

This is a live monitoring report drafted for the Campaign Manager persona. While the campaign is marked Active, this report provides the count of Agents in each state.
Values Plotted:

  • Campaign Talking : Number of agents currently in the talking state for the Campaign marked.

  • Campaign Idle: Number of agents currently in the Idle state for the Campaign marked.

  • Campaign ACW: Number of agents currently in the ACW state for the Campaign marked. 

  • Campaign Available: Number of agents currently in the Available state for the Campaign marked.

  • Campaign Occupancy %: Percentage of agents in the current state out of all the agents occupied (or assigned for the campaign). 

  • Campaign Talking %:  Percentage of agents is the talking state out of all the agents in the current state.

  • Campaign Idle %: Percentage of agents is the Idle state out of all the agents in the current state.

Section 7: Call Report on Ingested Data

This section is a Lead level report that maps the Lead Events against each lead based on the severity of the event. Every customer record is counted as a separate lead and every customer interest(eg: registration of a customer on a product’s enquiry) is considered as a Lead Event.
Values Plotted:

  • Lead Event Creation Time : Timestamp of the Lead Creation.

  • Receiver : Customer’s contact number or in which number they would wish to receive on the enquiry. 

  • Segment Id : Seperate ID is created for all the service options available for a customer. 

  • Campaign: Name of the campaign.

  • Call Count: Number of calls attempted for that Lead on that Lead Event.

Section 5: Scheduled Callbacks Report

When any Inbound Calls are missed/ left unattended or the customer wants a callback during the first connection, those calls are Scheduled for a 2nd Callback. This section reports on all the scheduled calls.
Values Plotted:

This segment provides a case level entry for all the Scheduled calls.

  • Call Back Case: Details of the case which is scheduled for a callback.

  • Created Time: Timestamp when the case is scheduled for a callback.

  • Call Back Triggered By: Record of the user who has scheduled the callback.

  • Assignee Type: States user type of the person who has assigned the task. (If it is a user/ manager).

  • First Conversation Time: Timestamp when the first conversation is made. 

  • Call Back Number: Customer number to which the callback is to be made.

  • Called At: Timestamp when the task is executed. 

  • Call Back SLA: Time difference between the 1st conversation & the scheduled call.

  • Assigned To: Agent to whom the task is assigned to. 

  • Work Queue: States the work queue of the case. 

  • Voice Status: Refers to the status of the task (If the task is scheduled / completed / missed).

  • Task Count: Number of tasks assigned for a particular case.

Section 6: Attempt Wise Campaign Summary

In the Outbound system, multiple calls might be attempted for the same customer as a part of Campaign conversions. Attempt Wise Campaign Summary report details on these repeat call attempts, its dispositions and the time stats.

Values Plotted:

  • Conversation Id is an unique ID created for every call made against a case.

  • Conversation Completion Status: States the completion status of the call, if it was connected/ line was busy/ etc.

  • Manual Call: Boolean field telling if the call was manual or not.

  • Campaign Call attempt number: Call count for the number of attempted calls for that particular campaign (Nth call). If its the 3rd call for a customer number, then Campaign Call Attempt Number = 3.

  • Call Disposition Plan Id: The product for which the disposition plan is there.

  • Call Disposition: This will come from the call disposition screen (Intent of the customer).

  • Call Sub-Disposition: Reason of the intent (why).

  • Call Start Time: Time when the Call has been initiated/ triggered time.

  • All Participated Agents Csv mentions the name of all the agents who were part of the call through transfers.

  • Is Rechurned Call: Boolean field stating if the call is rechurned or not.

  • Call Count: Number of calls.

  • Talk Time: Total time spent by an agent in interaction with the customer.