Dimensions in Media Monitoring & Analytics


Dimensions in Media Monitoring & Analytics (MM&A) help you to slice and dice the metrics depending on your use case. For example – Country and Sentiment are dimensions and you can use them to analyze Impact across countries or News mentions across sentiment.

Below are the dimensions Sprinklr offers, alongside a brief description of the same –



Conversation Stream

The actual message that matches the applied filters. It is applicable to all sources (News, Blogs, Print, TV, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Radio)

Word Cloud

The word clusters that show the most used words in messages.

Word Cloud - Overall

Terms weighted by the frequency of use within the title and body of a message.

Word Cloud - Title

Terms weighted by the frequency of use within the title of a message.

Word Cloud - Top Phrases

Terms weighted by the frequency of use within the top phrases of a message.

Top Advocates

Authors who have posted the maximum number of positive messages that match the applied filters. It is applicable for social sources.

Top Detractors

Authors who have posted the maximum number of negative messages that match the applied filters. It is applicable for social sources. 


The sentiment of the message as detected by Sprinklr AI.


The source of the message such as News, TV, Print, or social network such as Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Created Time

The time at which the message was created (as provided to Sprinklr via data providers).


News publication labels or the corresponding domains. The news publication labels are manually curated by Sprinklr. If curation is unavailable, the actual domain URL will be provided.


Author of a news message. Note that this is based on the automatic extraction of the journalist's name as available in the online news. If the author's name is not available in the byline of the article, the publication name is added as the Journalist's name.

TV Channel

TV channel labels as provided by the broadcaster.

Active Story

Title of the stories that are updated during the selected time. This dimension is useful to analyze data at a story level.


News category that a message belongs to, as categorized by Sprinklr AI.

Message Type

Classification of a message. Eg: Update, Reply, Mention, Retweet, etc.

Story Query

Boolean Queries that are used to filter the relevant data. This is the most important filter that needs to be applied to a dashboard to pull in the 

Please check out the tips to create a Story Query in this article. 

Story Query Tags

Tags that are used to group story queries.

Tip: This is very useful when you need to do comparisons between different story queries. For example, if you want to visualize Share of Voice, you could use a single story query tag on all the brand story queries and plot it within a Pie chart. 

Print Source Name

Name of the print publication as provided by the data vendor. It is applicable for Print as a source. 


The user-provided or Sprinklr-identified country of origin of the message. This is applicable to all sources.

For online news and blogs, the country is mapped at the parent domain level. For example, all articles from cnn.com will be mapped to the United States as cnn.com is the United States.

The following are the logics used in the country mapping (in priority order): 

  1. Countries are determined based on the ccTLDs (country code top-level domains). For eg: If the publication is the dailymail.co.uk → Country=United Kingdom

  2. Countries are determined based on the ccTLDs present in the URL (country code top-level domains). For eg: If the article URL is www.cnn.com/uk/this-is-the-article-name.html → Country=United Kingdom

  3. Country can also be tagged based on the publication’s headquarters available on the “About” page. This is performed by human taggers.

There could be certain domains that are hard to code, in spite of the above heuristics. In that case, the best human judgment is taken to codify the country. Hence, classification errors could be present. 

Also, it is important to know that ambiguous news sites are not assigned any country tag. This means filtering based on countries can result in lower mention counts. 


The user-provided or Sprinklr-identified city of origin of the message.


The user-provided or Sprinklr-identified state of origin of the message.


Sprinklr-identified language of the message.

Media Source Category

Describes the type of publication that an article is from. Following are the categories available in Sprinklr: 

  1. Academic: News items from educational institutions, e.g. schools and universities.

  2. Consumer: News items from consumer and magazine-type publications, e.g. Salon and GQ.

  3. Corporate: Corporate website press release pages, e.g. McDonald's and Shell.

  4. General: News items from sources that are yet to be assigned a source category.

  5. Government: News and information from governments and government departments.

  6. Journal: Periodical publications, typically focused on science, technology, or professions.

  7. Local: News from local and regional news sources, e.g. The Alaska Star and Bath Chronicle.

  8. Miscellaneous: News from sources that do not fit into any of the other source categories.

  9. National: News from national and international sources, e.g. BBC and The New York Times.

  10. Organization: News from organizations such as charities, political parties, and NGOs.

  11. Press Wire: Designated press release and press wire sources, e.g. Business Wire.

  12. Trade: News items from designated industry, profession, or technology-focused sources, e.g. Financial Review, McKinsey Quarterly, Oil, and Gas Journal.

It is applicable for News, Print, TV, and Radio as a source. Please note that this metadata is not enriched for 100% of the data and is enriched wherever available. 

Media Source Name

Name of the Media Source for News websites, Blog sites, Print publications, TV channels. This is simply a cumulation of individual source names, such as 

  • Publication Name

  • Print Source Name

  • TV Channel

Age category

The user-provided or Sprinklr-identified age category of the author. It is applicable for Twitter.


The user-provided or Sprinklr-identified gender of the author. It is applicable for Twitter.

Media Title

The headline of the article as available on the online website or the print publication. It is applicable for News and Print as sources. 

Editorial Rank

Source-level categorization indicates the editorial ranking of the source. It is applicable for News as a source. The five source ranks are

  1. Source Rank 1: Top international, national, and business news sources

  2. Source Rank 2: Top regional sources

  3. Source Rank 3: A broad range of news sources of good editorial quality. It includes the following types of news sources: industry-specific news sources
    Country specific news sources, Canadian Press Government department press releases, International organizations, dedicated sports news sources, etc.

  4. Source Rank 4: It covers a broad range of news sources, newswire sources, and sources with a local focus. It includes the following types of news sources: Regional US news sources, Regional UK news sources, Website press pages, News services, PR Newswire, Political party (affiliated) websites, Topic sites, etc.

  5. Source Rank 5: It covers non-news sources and data and includes the following types of material: Message boards

Story Tags

Tags that can be used to bookmark or group stories. The detailed article can be found in this link.

Tip: Story tags can be used when you would like to analyze specific AI-curated stories together within a custom dashboard.