Metrics in Media Monitoring & Analytics


Metrics in Media Monitoring & Analytics (MM&A) are the measurements or KPIs that will measure and track PR performance.

Below are the metrics and the explained purposes and methods used to calculate them, provided by Sprinklr.




Domain Authority

Domain Authority is a search engine ranking score that gives a measure of how successful a site is when it comes to search engine results. It is an industry-standard metric and we partner directly with MOZ to enrich this metric. It is scored on a scale of 0-100, with 100 being a successful site. More information can be found here.

Applicable for Source = News

Tip: Use this metric when you want to identify popular online publications that have mentioned your brand or your competitor.

Web Impact

Web Impact of a news article is calculated based on two factors –

  • Moz Rank

  • Web shares overall 

The Impact Score is scored on a scale of 0-100, with 100 being a highly impactful article. The impact of an article is proportional to the two factors, i.e. an article published by a site with a high Moz Rank generates a high impact, and an article that is getting a high number of shares generates a high impact. 

Applicable for source = News

Tip: This metric can be plotted as a cumulative sum to see how you rank with respect to your competitors when it comes to creating impactful news articles.

Total News Media Potential Reach

We partner with Similarweb, a leading website-performance measurement partner for this metric. It is calculated as the Monthly Unique visitors (UVPM) i.e. the average number of individuals visiting the online domain for a month. A user who arrived at a site once or a number of times is a single unique visitor to that domain. Unique Visitors via both desktop and mobile apps are considered. The detailed methodology can be found in this link. It is applicable only to News domains.

This metric is also provided for Mobile and Desktop separately –

  1. News Media Potential Reach (Mobile): The potential number of audience who viewed the article using the website’s Monthly Unique Visitors (UVPM) on mobile.

  2. News Media Potential Reach (Desktop): The potential number of audience who viewed the article using the website’s Monthly Unique Visitors (UVPM) on desktop.

Applicable for source = News

Tip: When you are measuring the potential reach at a cumulative level, the best practice is to use the "Average" of "Total News Media Potential Reach"

Media Reach

The methodology of its calculation varies depending on the Source –

  • Print: Circulation numbers of the newspaper or magazine, wherever available as a public figure or estimate. Circulation is the average number of copies of a publication over the publication period. The publication period can vary such as daily, weekly, or monthly.

  • Broadcast: Viewership of the particular TV channel. It measures the number of people who would have watched the program. This data is from Nielsen.

  • Online: Approximate value of Unique Monthly visitors to the online domain calculated via estimates, market data, and other approximations. For web sources, we still recommend using the earlier mentioned "Total News Media Potential Reach".

Applicable for source = News, Blogs, Print, & TV

Note: Use this metric when you want to measure the Reach for Print and Broadcast sources.

Earned Media Value (EMV)

The Earned Media Value or Ad Equivalency value of PR content measures the dollar value that the PR content could generate when it gets featured by a publisher or outlet. It gives a measure of the monetary worth of the exposure/promotion received by the brand. There are two ways to measure this –

  1. Using the standard EMV provided by Sprinklr: The formula for EMV is proprietary and is dependent on four factors listed below. Please note if we don’t compute EMV for a particular article due to a lack of any one of the four factors, the value is shown as zero.

    • Media Reach: Explained in Media reach metric.

    • Word Count: The number of words, or the length of the article

    • Ad Rate: Cost to place an ad in a certain publication based on the amount of space the ad will take up. This is provided by our data partner who maintains a database of this information (average ad rate based on the position of ad in website/print). Sometimes it is based on estimates. The value is updated quarterly.

    • Source Rank: Editorial ranks that are applied to news sources. It is a source-level categorization with 5 levels.

  2. Using a Custom Metric: Typically PR teams have the formula to calculate EMV (typically based on Reach numbers) and we could replicate that in the platform using our existing custom metrics feature.

Applicable for source = News, Blogs, Print, TV, & Twitter

Tip: One of the popular custom metrics suggested by Sprinklr for Online News is

EMV = News Potential Reach * 2.5% * $0.37, where

  • News Potential Reach is the total number of unique visitors visiting a particular online domain (from Similarweb)

  • 2.5% is the factor to estimate the number of visitors who actually viewed the particular article in the domain

  • $0.37 is the dollar value that the brand places for every reader who is reading that article.


The relevance score is computed based on whether the keywords in the query are available in the title or summary or in the description of the mentions that match the applied filters. The higher the relevance score, the higher the probability that it matches the query. The value is not indexed (as of now) and the numbers can range from 0 to thousands. It is generally used for sorting and filtering highly relevant news articles or looking at cumulative numbers over time.

Applicable for source = All

Story Impact

This metric is similar to the Web impact. A score out of 100 is based on the maximum web impact score of messages in a story. The only difference is that all the messages within the story that match the filtering criteria are aggregated and the impact score for all such messages is calculated.

Web Influence

The “Influence” metric provides a measure of the importance of the publisher’s domain. Currently, it is computed using the MOZ Score. MOZ Score is a search engine ranking score that predicts how a data source like a news website will rank on SERP and also includes other metrics. The higher the domain’s MOZ score, the higher the influence score. The score is out of 100.

Applicable for source = News, Blogs


A mention corresponds to a message that matches the selected filters.

Please note that a mention in Sprinklr refers to an article or a tweet or post or any complete message. Even if the keyword is mentioned multiple times in a message, the mentions count will be only counted once.

Earned Engagements

The total of number replies, retweets, and favorites of a message.

Tip: Use this metric when you want to analyze the engagement of the message on social channels.

Reply Count

Count of replies to a message.

Applicable for source = Twitter, Reddit

Retweet Count

Count of retweets for a message.

Applicable for source = Twitter

Favorite Count

Count of favorites (likes) of a message.

Applicable for source = Twitter, Facebook


A measure of the size of the potential audience of a message.

Applicable for source = Twitter, Facebook

Publications Count

The number of news (online) publications

Applicable for source = News, Blogs

Tip: This metric in conjunction with news mentions can be used to understand how varied the coverage is i.e. are multiple publications covering about my brand or is the coverage volume due to multiple articles from the same set of publications.

Negative Mentions

The number of messages with negative sentiment.

Applicable for source = All

Neutral Mentions

The number of messages with a neutral sentiment.

Applicable for source = All

Positive Mentions

The number of messages with positive sentiment.

Applicable for source = All

News Mentions

The number of messages with News (Online) as a source.

Applicable for source = News

Social Mentions

The number of messages with Social as a source

Applicable for source = Twitter, Facebook, Reddit

TV Mentions

The number of messages with TV as a source.

Applicable for source = TV

Print Mentions

The number of messages with Print as a source.

Applicable for source = Print

Web shares overall

Total number of shares of a news article on social channels

Applicable for source = News, Blogs

Quoted Status Count

Count of favorites (likes) of a message.

Applicable for source = Twitter

Social Impact

A score out of 100 based on the earned engagement corresponding to a social message.

Applicable for source = Social

Story Active Count

The number of stories that are updated during the selected time.

Applicable for source = All

Note: This metric is generally not recommended for reporting. Instead mentions or news mentions can be used to track coverage volume.

MOZ Rank

MOZ rank of the domain of the message source. (Range 0 to 10).

Applicable for source = News, Blogs

Alexa Rank

Alexa rank of the domain of the message source.

Applicable for source = News, Blogs

Share count of Facebook

Count of shares of Facebook messages that match the selected filters.

Overall Reach

Total of both Reach and Media Reach of messages that match the selected filters.

Applicable for source = News, Blogs, Print, TV, Social

Note: Media Reach is used here, and instead if “Total News Media Potential Reach” is required, we suggest creating a custom metric.

Web Unique Reach

This equals Media Reach but deduped to every domain when aggregated.

For example, while cumulating metrics, there are 2 mentions from, and assume the Media Reach of is 2M. Then the Sum of Web Unique Reach for these 2 mentions will show 2M only whereas the sum of Media Reach will show 4M.  

Applicable for source = News, Blogs

Web shares on Twitter

Total number of shares of a news article on Twitter. If the news URL is available in the tweet, it is counted as a share. The URL tracking is done on the Twitter firehose. 

Web shares on Facebook

Total number of shares of a news article on Facebook. If the news URL is available in the Facebook message, it is counted as a share along with shares of that Facebook message. The URL tracking is done on Facebook public pages.

Applicable for source = News, Blogs

Comments on Web shares on Facebook

It reflects the comments on Web shares on Facebook. If the Facebook post received 5 comments, this metric is counted as 5.

Enablement note: To get this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Reactions on web shares on Facebook

It reflects the reaction (Likes + Wow Reactions + Haha Reactions + Love Reactions) on Web shares on Facebook. If a Facebook post received 5 reactions, this metric is counted as 5.

Enablement note: To get this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Web shares on Reddit

Total number of shares of a news article on Reddit. If the news URL is available in the message, it is counted as a share. The URL tracking is done on all available Reddit mentions.