Search and filter in Engagement Columns


Search and Filter functionalities in Engagement Columns help you quickly search and analyze billions of conversations on social media. Additionally, you can accelerate your speed to insights by performing an advanced search within the Engagement Columns.

In this article, you will learn about how to perform column search in each column that you have added to the Engagement dashboard.

Steps to Perform Primary Search in a Column:

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Engagement Dashboards within Engage.

  2. From the Engagement Home window, access your desired Dashboard.

  3. Within the desired Dashboards, hover over the top of the desired column bar and click the Search iconSearch_Icon.png.

  4. In the Search bar, type what you’re looking for. Results will begin appearing as soon as you press the Enter key (or the Return key) on the keyboard.

Steps to Perform Advanced Search in a Column:

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Engagement Dashboards within Engage.

  2. From the Engagement Home window, access your desired Dashboard.

  3. Within the desired Dashboards, hover over the top of the desired column bar and click the Search iconSearch_Icon.png.

  4. In the Search bar, click the Search drop-down iconSearchDropDown_Icon.png in the extreme left corner to open the Advanced Search pop-up window.

  5. In the Advanced Search pop-up window, fill in the required details as per your requirements. For more information, see Advanced Search —Field Descriptions.

  6. Click Search in the bottom right corner of the Advanced Search pop-up window.

Advanced Search - Field Descriptions



Include Keywords

Type the keyword you want to search. You can also search keywords preceded by @ for mentions and # for hashtags in messages.

Exclude Keywords

Check the box if you wish to exclude certain keywords from the search result.


Select the tags from the drop-down list you want to search.


Type the sender's account name.

Case number (for case columns)

Enter the case number.

Date Range

Select a specific date range to filter the search results within a set time period.

Last Note Added Date Range (for case columns)

Filter the search results based on the last note added to the case within the set time period.

Steps to Use Custom Quick Filter in a Column:

With Customize Quick Filter, you can now create filters using various custom fields present during Column creation, and even mark them as favorites for future use. This not only provides a more personalized and efficient experience but also allows users to connect more easily with the posts that matter most. The feature empowers users with more control and flexibility, aligning with modern engagement needs.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Engagement Dashboards within Engage.

  2. From the Engagement Home window, access your desired Dashboard.

  3. Within the desired Dashboards, hover over the top of the desired column bar and click the Filter iconFilter_Icon.png.

  4. Click Add Filter.

  5. Under the Filters tab, you can view the standard filters. To view custom quick filters, go to the Custom Fields tab.

  6. Click the chosen filter and click Apply Filters in the bottom right corner.

  7. Hover over the preferred filter and click the Favorite icon. This filter will appear upfront in the list of the standard filters. You can simply click it to filter the comlumn based on that custom field.