How to Configure Focus Areas & Agent Skills?


Agent Skills

In Conversational Analytics, the creation of specific skills is instrumental in delving into the nuances of agent-customer interactions. For instance, skills such as "Opening" focus on an agent's ability to initiate conversations effectively by incorporating greetings, self-introductions, and inquiring about the customer's well-being. Additionally, skills like "Closing" assess the agent's proficiency in wrapping up conversations with key summarizations, expressions of gratitude, and ensuring customer satisfaction. Another critical skill, "Problem Resolution," evaluates how adeptly agents address and resolve customer issues, emphasizing problem-solving approaches and clear communication.

Skills-based analytics provide a standardized benchmark for evaluating agent performance, aiding in the identification of both strengths and areas for improvement.

To Create Agent Skills

  1. Navigate to Skills under Governance within the Conversational Analytics Persona.

  2. On the Skills window, click Add Skill in the top right corner.

  3. On the Create Skill window, input the new Skill Name and provide a detailed Description for the skill. This information is crucial as it assists the model in generating insights effectively. A comprehensive and clear description ensures that the model understands the specific attributes and nuances associated with the skill.

  4. Once a skill is created, you can edit or delete it.

Focus Areas

Focus Areas are crucial for generating targeted insights within an Insight Group, specifically catering to the needs of teams, regions, or departments. For instance, imagine creating an insight group for a warranty team. In this setup, identified focus areas become key points for in-depth analysis. Examples of these focus areas could involve studying patterns in warranty claims, gauging the demand for various warranty coverage options, and addressing concerns related to warranty fraud. These focus areas are integral to the analytics process, enabling organizations to tailor investigations to the specific concerns of the designated team, leading to informed decision-making and improved operational efficiency.

To Create Focus Areas

  1. Navigate to Focus Areas under Governance within the Conversational Analytics Persona.

  2. On the Insights Focus Areas window, click Create in the top right corner.

  3. On the Focus Area window, input the Name and provide a detailed Description for the focus area. A comprehensive and clear description serves as valuable context, aiding the model in understanding the specific attributes and nuances associated with the focus area. This clarity enhances the model's ability to analyze data, identify patterns, and generate insights that are aligned with the precise criteria and expectations defined within the focus area.

  4. Once a focus area is created, you can edit or delete it.