Getting Started with Insights Hub


Insights Hub features four tabs for efficient navigation. The tab structure offers a seamless and organized way for users to navigate and interact with insights, promoting efficiency and user-friendly access to valuable information.

Navigate to Insights Hub

From Conversational Analytics, select the Insights Hub tab from the left pane.

Insights Hub

Insights Hub Tabs

Home Tab

  • The Home tab serves as the central hub where all insights across various insight groups are displayed.

  • You can explore and analyze insights related to your assigned insight groups, gaining a comprehensive overview of relevant data.

    Insights Hub

Saved Tab

  • You can bookmark specific insight cards for quick and convenient access.

  • Your personalized collection of insights you find particularly valuable or wish to revisit frequently can be accessed within the Saved tab.

Insight Groups Tab

  • The Insight Groups tab facilitates organized filtering of insights based on predefined groups, such as geographical regions or specific teams.

  • Access to insights can be tailored for different teams based on their designated groups, ensuring relevant information is easily available to the right individuals.

  • You can set up alerts to receive notifications within the platform, via email, or through SMS for any changes in case count or impact score. To establish groups and configure alerts, please contact the support team at

Archived Tab

  • You can choose to archive an insight card when you no longer need it, removing it from the Home and Groups page.

  • The Archived tab provides a designated space for cards that have been archived. You can conveniently review and also unarchive insights if needed, restoring them to the Home and Group tabs for further analysis.

Dashboard Actions

Sort By

Arrange the insights based on the following sorting options:

No. of Cases: Insights will be sorted based on the number of cases associated with them, with the ones having the most cases appearing first.

Date Created: Insights will be arranged based on their creation date, showing the most recent ones first.

Impact Score: Insights will be ordered according to their impact score, with the highest impact ones displayed at the top.

Apply Filters

Refine and tailor your view by utilizing the following filters. These filters serve as a means to narrow down insights based on specific criteria, allowing you to focus on the most relevant information.

Additionally, you can get the custom filters added based on your brand's unique requirements.

Sentiment: Filter by Positive or Negative.

Insight Type: Choose from Anomaly, Trend, and Story.

Metric: Select the main metric for which the insight was generated, such as case count, handling time, etc.

Insight Group: Filter insights based on defined groups such as regions or teams.

Dimension: Specify the dimension on which the main insight was generated.

Contact Driver: Specify the contact driver associated with the insight.

Date Range Filter

The date range filter in the Insights Hub allows you to narrow down the insights displayed based on a specific timeframe. You can set a start and end date to filter the insights to a particular period of interest.