Insight Card


Insight Card Overview

Each insight card provides a concise overview:

Title: Describes an event or situation, providing a summary of "what is happening." It focuses on communicating the observed pattern and changes in a metric associated with specific dimensions and a timeline.

Insight Summary

Below the title, the insight card provides valuable information on the insight.

Pattern: The percentage increase/decrease in the metric and the total count of observed cases. It shows the observed pattern within the associated metadata, including metrics and dimensions. Metadata refers to the various fields and metrics are associated with each case, such as the channel, CSAT score, case duration, region, or the discussed product.

Case Count: Next, the case count indicates the total number of cases on which this insight is based.

Impact Score: The card also features the Impact Score, which is categorized as high, medium, or low. The Impact Score is derived by combining severity and case count. Severity assesses how severe the insight is based on the defined focus areas for the specific insight group. For example, legal issues might be highly severe for the legal and warranties team but not as much for the engineering team. The case count represents how many cases the insight is based on. The Impact Score ranges from 0 to 100, indicating low (0-40), medium (40-70), and high (70-100).

Insight Group: Furthermore, the card specifies the insight group for which this insight was generated.

Time: The time of insight generation is also provided, indicating when the insight was created.

Graph: The graph represents the observed pattern and changes in a metric associated with specific dimensions and a timeline.

Root Cause: Provides a detailed analysis of the root cause, accompanied by customized recommendations for each identified issue. It also displays the associated number of cases and suggestions. In the below image, 41 represents the associated case count, and 1 represents the number of suggestions.

The explanation of the root cause includes the duration of the issue and outlines the impact it has on the customer.

Clicking on a root cause allows you to access a more detailed analysis and view associated cases in the third pane. Additionally, you can click on the case number to navigate directly to the Case Analytics view for further insights.

Top Contributors: Identifies the primary contributors or areas "where it is happening." For example, in this particular insight, the channel type field is set as WhatsApp for 71 cases, representing 89% of the total volume. The top contributors are derived by performing statistical analysis on the observed pattern.

Click on it to naviagte to the third pane and view associated cases.

Card Actions


Enhance collaboration by tagging and engaging with other team members using the Comments feature. Share insights, gather feedback, and facilitate meaningful discussions within the platform.


You can bookmark specific insight cards for quick and convenient access within the Saved tab.

View Details

You can delve deeper into the insight's details and access root causes, top contributors, associated cases, and comments in the third pane. For more information, see Insights Third Pane.

Share Externally

Click the Options icon at the bottom right of the card, then choose Share Externally.

You can also set an expiry date and make it password protected for added security. After configuring the settings, click "Copy Link" to copy the link to your clipboard. Additionally, you can click on "Copy Access Details" to copy both the link and the password required for accessing the shared content.

Enablement note:

To learn more about getting this capability disabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

This link allows you to share insights with teams outside of Sprinklr. Please note that actual cases and customer messages will not be visible to external parties.


You can choose to archive an insight card when you no longer need it, removing it from the Home and Groups page.

​Link Task

When you identify an insight within an insight group that indicates an issue in your system, you have the option to link that generated insight to a Jira task. This allows you to track the issue to completion effectively. You can link the insight with an existing Jira task or create a new Jira task directly from Sprinklr.

For more information, see Link Insights to JIRA.